• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Am i going downhill?


New Member
Alright i have a pretty big question. Im 17, currently a junior in high school. I've smoked weed for around 3 months now, also have used aderol, taking 2 50mg pills to stay up and party. This weekend i have the chance to try X, and am contemplating weather or not to do it. Am i on a slipperly slope? Do yall this could be leading up to possible addiction to harmful substances down the road? i know this may be near impossible to tell, and am just asking for a best guess.

Thanks to all who answer :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you think it might happen then don't do it........;) Just don't over do it, its when it becomes habit, or you just want to get high that you should really start considering a divergence of paths. But experimenting is a natural part of the human experience, it allows us to see the world through different eyes. I would suggest trying some tryptamines, I know that phenethylamines are very popular these days but some good old blotter, or some fresh mushies are alright. Don't ever try something you arn't comfortable with, in my experience if you are smart enough to ask a question then you are smart enough to answer it, take it at your gut feeling and surely don't take people for their word, if you feel uneasy but tempted, go home, do some research, ask a question, then follow your instincts. Take it easy.



Active Member
yea man I mean if you like getting high it probably isn't going to stop becoming something you enjoy (in whatever form you do enjoy) until something traumatic happens. Now there is such a thing as responsible drug use and many people can do it, but many more can't and they screw their life up. I try to be responsible in my actions even if the actions are considered irresponsible by others. If your scared of it becoming a problem and you feel like this will prevent you from doing what you need to do in life than stop now before you really enjoy something and wanna keep doing it. There's alot of things that feel good but I try to prevent these things from messing up my life but if your concerned it will mess up yours jump ship for your own sake.


Well-Known Member
Dude your 17 and have done 2 substances, probably (guessing here) in social situations, there is nothing wrong with that. Though your parents may disagree with me. These are the kind of things I expect high school kids to do. Hardly a slippery slope in my opinion, when your grades start slipping, you are getting high alone everyday and feel you HAVE to, it may be time to ask yourself some for these questions. But until then have fun and dont stress.

The next drug you should try is pussy, man talk about addictive.


Active Member
my grades didnt slip when I started getting high every day they actually went up a little...but in all reality everyone is different and only the OP knows if he's got an addictive personality...If you stay away from physically addicting substances you should have a better chance of not having a problem


Well-Known Member
what are your feelings on the matter? I've said(and have stuck with) that i'll never do needle drugs or snorting meth/heroin. what do you think of mdma? i dont think you'll get addicted, i smoke pot and occasionally mdma or shrooms and whatever(no meth or heroin or pcp, those are too *hardcore* in my mind) if its around and i dont think im heading downhill, if you find yourself doing the same one all the time i'd be a bit worried and would back off. i guess what i'm sayng is that figure out what you think is ok and not and stick with it. like limit yourself kinda
for example
I'll never try meth heroin or pcp and decided that a long time ago.
I have used coke like 4-5 times and im fine with that but i wont let myself get addicted so ive always considered coke ok to occasionally try/do. same with acid and x.shrooms are fun and i dont even consider em a *drug* really so i'll do em if i have the chance and do not worry at all......follow your heart and how you feel inside my friend, best of luck-:peace:


Well-Known Member
Alright i have a pretty big question. Im 17, currently a junior in high school. I've smoked weed for around 3 months now, also have used aderol, taking 2 50mg pills to stay up and party. This weekend i have the chance to try X, and am contemplating weather or not to do it. Am i on a slipperly slope? Do yall this could be leading up to possible addiction to harmful substances down the road? i know this may be near impossible to tell, and am just asking for a best guess.

Thanks to all who answer :peace:
Gotta be 18 to be a part of this forum
Stop doing hard drugs and get your diploma
Come back once you graduate :peace:


Active Member
He's probably not here anymore... but has anyone heard of the slippery slope fallacy? I think that applies to his thoughts on the matter...


Whatever man, it's all about your attitude.

If you're some kind of high chaser, then you need to sit back and get your priorities straight.

Don't get high to escape your problems. Get high to solve them.


New Member
I think a lot of ppl who are interested in doing drugs and having these experiences have gone through what youre going through.

I dont think youre going downhill. What you gotta do is just keep everything in moderation and stay in control. Realize that the most important thing at this point in your life is to concentrate on high school and graduating. Try to stay away from anything that could keep you from achieving that. You can do drugs and things as long as they dont keep you from graduating.

I went through a period where I did anything I could get my hands on. I started with alcohol then tobacco and did those whenever I got some, started doing everything else my freshman year of high school, I starting smoking weed regularly, did some random pills a few times, cough syrup a few times, inhalants a few times, smoked crack around 10 times, nutmeg twice, PCP once on accident, a few more things I cant remember. This all happened within 4 months in my freshman year. I was going downhill for a while but I got my shit together and limited myself to weed and ocassionaly tobacco or alcohol. I graduated and Im completely fine, the drugs didnt do anything negative to me.


it's a touchy subject i think. I don't think anyone dabbles in drugs plans on getting addicted when they start.

A roommate of mine in college smoked pot and drank when he was 18 and i first met him. Along the way he tried whatever pills he could get, coke, meth, you name it. He did them all in the name of "trying it to see what its about" Then he got hooked on Percocets at 21, then heroin. This happened over about a four year period. He failed out of college lied always and stole money from all his friends and family before eveyone hated him- he overdosed and that's that.
I only do things tht occur in nature-weed and shrooms. They seem to be not very addictive physically and that is what you have to watch for when trying differnet drugs- Knowing when it is a slippery slope for YOU is what is important.

Drugs are fun and they can be stress relieving. Just make sure you take care of buisness.


Active Member
all you got to do is have a good head on your shoulder and if you have the sort of addictive personality then dont do it. you sound allot like me you think allot about your future and on life just keep it controllable and you should be fine


Active Member
hella ppl have prob told you but your fine bro don't worry your young your gonna try shit. I'm only twenty but I was on the same shit a few years ago I felt weird cuz I was just trying just about everything that came around. Weed, coke, shrooms, acid, xanax, percs, x, prob some other stuff but my stoned self cant think. You just gotta sit down n think about what you want out of your life n stay on track experimenting is perfectly normal n drugs make you think different see other perspectives have good times n memories well if you remember. So don't worry just stay safe n remember the one rule MODERATION.


Well-Known Member
i smoke weed daily for stress and take hallucinogens when im feeling down so i can solve my problems. i think addies are the stupidest thing you could do, stick to the sticky!


Of course take the X!!!!! Never turn down a hallucinogen when offered. What are you gay? Are you a gay FAG!?!? haha just jokin but seriously do all the drugs you want you will thank me in the long run


Well-Known Member
Smoke weed everyday, i did from 16 to 19 or so...Just remember when you go university or whatever, do your work before the drugs...Thats all i say...Work before the drugs, apart from a zooty here n there. But yeah just be safe, and if anything adds any negativity you dont like, then know when to stop! IMO i like to keep it natural now but ye do whatever you wanna do, you know yourself the best and will probs have a brilliant time hehe.


Well-Known Member
p.s. this is an adult site, i'm sure you meant to say you're 18, and currently a SENIOR in high school... right?? cooool... anyways..

i split a 20 or 30 mg aderall just to study, to party i've snorted it, but it's not a cool drug to party on... makes you too concentrated.... jeje....

lay off the aderall a bit, it's extremely addictive. if you want to stay up to party do some coke (seems like horrible advice, but aderall is more addictive, more pure, and more readily available than cocaine, making it a bigger threat to a young person, in my view at least)....

i started smoking when I was in eighth grade, did rolls and cid for the first time in 9th... snorted coke for the first time when I was a senior (i'd laid a line down a blunts before)...

i wouldn't say you're on a slippery slope, it all depends on you. addiction is a very subjective issue (it is a very personal thing) so I can't tell you whether you are or not...

all the signs pointed to me being on a slippery slope and I turned out alright... only drug of choice right now is weed. i roll once every couple of months, haven't snorted coke in more than 1 year, and havent done cid or shrooms in a loooong time (i did salvia 2 nights ago though, for the first time too), and drink on a weekly basis.....

rolling is kinda like being on a shitload of aderall.... hehe....

its all depending on how you feel...

the fact that you started a thread on the subject tells me that you do feel like you're pushing your luck... dont push it too far cuz addiction comes on and you never realize it till its too late...



Well-Known Member
kinda crazy though, as soon as i saw the thread title in my new subscription area i instantly remembered which thread it was. yeah, this thread died over a month ago when the original poster got banned, its a interesting topic(the so called slippery slope of *drug* addiction) but the original poster is no longer around to benefit from it.