making plywood waterproof?


Active Member
ive seen this a while back and seems to be a great idea to me

just cant find the thread
so if anyone knows anything about epoxies and fiberglass or just know a better way id appreciate the help
im sure theres also a paint or something which will make it waterproof.. you could line it with black garbage bags as well
liquid rubber. you can get it in the tile section of home depot. Its actually called 'Red Seal'. roll it on like paint and when it drys its rubberized.
Depends on what you mean by waterproof. Marine grade plywood is far more waterproof than anything you can do to regular plywood.
ok i guess i should have stated what i wanted to do with the waterproofed plywood

make boxes to hold water.... not like just for water to run down
i thought about pond liner or garbage bags but that would be a pain if it leaked
rubber stuff sounds good

stuff like water seal and paint i dont think will work because its water in a box
prolly wouldnt leak at first but soon or later i think my grow box would become a huge mess

plastic totes defeat the purpose, i want/need them specific dimensions

thanks for all your input guys
ok i guess i should have stated what i wanted to do with the waterproofed plywood

make boxes to hold water.... not like just for water to run down
i thought about pond liner or garbage bags but that would be a pain if it leaked
rubber stuff sounds good

stuff like water seal and paint i dont think will work because its water in a box
prolly wouldnt leak at first but soon or later i think my grow box would become a huge mess

plastic totes defeat the purpose, i want/need them specific dimensions

thanks for all your input guys

It's a bad idea; here's why.

You'd have to use marine grade plywood, and the shit is hellaexpensive

I'd either use containers in your boxes, or use exterior grade lumber and cover it with a liner material, like they use for pools or water beds.

Better yet keep looking for a platic box that suits your dimensions.

What size do you need?
Pond liners are as little as $20 at your home improvement store,
and the thicker, the better. Avoid any sharp edges when constructing your box,
and spend a few extra dollars to get the underlayment they sell
with the pond liners.
well im looking for one that is 15in wide 24 in deep and i was thinking at least 12 in tall but im not really even sure how tall it needs to be for a bubbleponic sysem. I was gonna do aero but this just seems better for lack of space. I dont want to be to cramped

the best plastic i could find was 15w 20d and 10t
but i really wanna get 12 plants in the one thats why i wanted to build my own
I just got back from lowes and i ran across the acrylic Plexiglas isle. thought it might work to get some thin stuff and line the box with that. I also looked at the liquid rubber, 15 bucks for a can. thought that might work but im still not to sure. then it brings me to just lining it with pond stuff. for some reason im paranoid that it will leak with the drain in there and all. I wish i could see some photos of someone who already did that. kinda dumb but im really wanting to be minimal repairs after its all said and done. im deff gonna use exterior wood for this just in case. ive now realized how much money using a plastic tote can save you.
hmm. I have made many flood tables for friends that all I used was plywood and frame it up a little, go to home depot and buy some 6 mil plastic and double it up.. it will hold fine for man y years as long as nothing shape gets on it..
what about the drain? really dont want to pail water out

rubber ring things? sorry cant think of what they're called right now

i think if yall say it one more time thats what im gonna do and move on
you can get a complete drain assembly at any hardware store that will come with a gasket to prevent leaks

any construction grade material that you buy from home depot etc. that you want to waterproof with, is gonna have some sort of chemical in it that i don't recommend using. even the red pan that the guy was talking about before has chemicals that are used for fireproofing as well in it. any 2 part waterproofing is not recommended becuase of the chemical and catalytic reactions that happen.

what i can think of that is safe, is aquarium silicone. home depot sells plexi-glass in squares which you can cut and you can put those together and use aqaurium silicone and you will be fine as far as contaminents go. and the silicone will hold the plexiglass together no problem. no leaks.

primeing and painting will do nothing but cause a mess, eventually grow mold inside of the plywood once its soaked, and infect your water. marine board is super expensive and it is water RESISTENT not WATERPROOF.

I have used 8 mil plastic in a cardboard box that worked perfect to hold water.