Mixed Bag

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
OK I am starting a new journal mostly for my own purpose to keep a track on my grow.
This may be temporary, we shall see.
I have a few plants growing and will add some detail as I can. I'm vegging about 20 females, mostly clones, I have 4 White Widow. 5 G13 x Abyss, also 4 G13s that are seriously stretched and prob a waste of space in my room.
I think thats it.
My camera is broken so current photos are difficult but not impossible.
I will get a couple on shortly.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Here is an Armageddon, its a lovely plant with massive leaves

The same plant again. Alas its a male. I had to cut it down and incinerate it.

This is my vegging area, it is still a work in progress. I am going to paint it all white instead of using mylar.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I have had disasters of varying kinds that would take a while to go into.
I vegged a few outside this year. A couple got mown down but I salvaged one of them. They are all flowering now but dont look the healthiest Ive grown.

I also have some that were sprayed and then put under lights too soon so the leaves are all scorched some of them badly, the others, not so much.

I just bought some white paint today to do my vegging area with lets see how long it takes to get off my arse to do it! :-?

Put another Armageddon into flower a couple days ago.

The Cinderellas have been in flower since the 10th Oct and could be cropped any time, Very quick.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I am about to put some more plants into flower in the next few days.
I have some seedlings that have stretched really badly (they look like beanstalks:-?) I will hopefully get a good main cola from them but thats probably all. I already put one of the stretched G13s in the flower room a couple of weeks ago so it will be ready for christmas.bongsmilie I am putting a widow in too, she should be ready about the same time.

Im here and ready for the rest lol
Welcome as always Mr West.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Waaaa BUD ROT!!
I just discovered it in one of my cinderellas.
I have no idea what causes it but the guy I got the clones from said he got it quite a bit with cinderellas.
The plants are really sticky where they have so many trichs, I dont know if that is a factor.
This is my second crop and I had no problems the first time round.
Initially I just cut the affected part from the plant but have decided to harvest it now before it has a chance to come back.
I have been feeding with just water for the last week (not long enough) so will flush her through tonight and harvest in the next few days.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I will take a pic before I chop anything down.
my camera is not working properly, I dropped it and the screen broke doh! :wall:.
It means I cant take any decent close ups and have to just aim and guess it is right. 10 shots and I might just get 1 picture lol. I dont know what I have until I upload them to my pc. :-?


Active Member
just decovered some bud rot myself 2day:cry:

looked like just one bud started to rot around the stem

you couldnt see it from the outside

iv only a week r 2 left aswell ffs

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
just decovered some bud rot myself 2day:cry:

looked like just one bud started to rot around the stem

you couldnt see it from the outside

iv only a week r 2 left aswell ffs
what strain was the plant? I have cropped mine tonight, just to be on the safe side.
I have 3 more in flower Im watching closely.
like you said, its hard to spot from the outside but I must have noticed something to pull the bud open because I dont like to handle them unless I have to.
I check them daily now.
Good luck with yours.
I am going to upload some pics of the one I cropped tonight. ...watch this space...:eyesmoke:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Looks yummy and a bit hairy lol. Have u got extracion in ur grow space?? I got my fans running 24/7 and havent had a prob with bud rot since i put em on. Sorry to hear u had to chop some off. I had to do that with one of my diesel ryders, such a waste of bud :(

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Looks yummy and a bit hairy lol. Have u got extracion in ur grow space?? I got my fans running 24/7 and havent had a prob with bud rot since i put em on. Sorry to hear u had to chop some off. I had to do that with one of my diesel ryders, such a waste of bud :(
Its quite strong, which I expected because of the amount of trics, but I thought because it's been cropped 2 weeks early. the buzz might not last as long. I was wrong.

The buzz is light headed initially but it keeps on coming.
Its taken me about 40 minutes just to write this! :roll:

I have a nice tingling sensation, too.
All I have had is 2 spliffs. No pipes, bongs or anything of that nature.

This is the second crop of clones from the same mother plant, and it seems better than the 1st. I must be imagining it.

Verdict: Nice taste, not harsh but not noticeably smooth either, it not very sweet. Almost a dry taste, reminds me a bit of hay.
7 out of ten is maybe generous.

I have to shut up before I read this tomorrow and wonder what the fark I was talking about!

I cant wait to see how the others turn out if they survive the full term.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
My camera is now officially fucked. Excuse my french but, hey fuck it, its my journal lol.
I shouldnt be laughing right now, my camera does not work at all now. pfff more expense.
Thats gonna be hard to do in the next couple of weeks at least.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
found more bud rot on another cinderella.
I think the cause was a lack of air flow, My fan packed up so I only had a 6" desk fan to move the air in a 4 x 6 x 8 ft flower room.
I have got a new 12" 3 speed fan now and hope that will be the last of see of it. i think the strain is more susceptible to bud rot than most.
The widows and armageddon have not had the same trouble (touch wood)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Thats jus bad luck ya fan breaking at the wrong time for ya buds, how much u think u lost in total?

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Not too much, prob just 2 or 3 grams when dry. Its not going to waste, Im gonna put it in with my leaves, (already have) for making hash. The last lot I gave to a friend and he pruduced some lovely bubble hash so I am going to do that again. It wasnt much but I didnt have many leaves, this time I will wait till I have more.
Maybe by feb or march.
I have a dozen plants in my flower room now. it full up pretty much.
Hoping to get some images soon. another day or so touch wood.

I have a couple of new fans now by the way. I could still do with a bigger more powerful one but I hope I have stopped the rot! so to speak lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
good good glad u got some air movment at last lol. Cant wait to see the damage and wots left

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member

The bud shots are all from the ame cinderella, Its the one thats been trimmed in the front of the flower room.

There are a dozen plants flowering in here at the moment. On the right you can see a G13 cross who's cola is about 2ft long. to the left of it is a widow.

Below The 2 at the front in full bud are a cinderella, right, and armageddon left.
