Well-Known Member
I liked Canberra actually,i was there bout a month ago,noticed alot of just random art and statues etc on the street i thought it was pretty good.
Haha, i used 2 get hell paranoid aswell, but i just looked @ it rationally.. I use a 1000W light, and my grow room temp averages 24-27 degrees. So the infrared camera sure as shit cant c that as it cant c me n my body temp is 38 (normal personn is 36.5, but i like to think im just that little bit hotter, lol).shit really? i always thought they just did it lol i always hear the police chopper flying overhead, well not always but usually once or twice a week and that's as long as i can remember, like pre growing etc. if that's true ninj i'm gonna sleep a lot easier man lol can ya just see me in my lil bed freakin out every time they go over, PARANOID
Haha, i used 2 get hell paranoid aswell, but i just looked @ it rationally.. I use a 1000W light, and my grow room temp averages 24-27 degrees. So the infrared camera sure as shit cant c that as it cant c me n my body temp is 38 (normal personn is 36.5, but i like to think im just that little bit hotter, lol).
I dont vent my exhaust straight outside anyway, it goes in2 my roof where the heat has a chance to dissipate. If anything i think it may raise the temp of my overall roof by 1-2 degrees (which is not going to show up on a summer day anyway). Even in winter if it raised my roof temp by 1-2 degrees it wouldnt b enough to red-flag me. I have looked through thermal gear, and it does not show ur heat as glowing red.. It comes up as 'White Heat' on a black background.
In the case of you and I, the equipment we use wud only take us to a slightly lighter shade of black. It takes alot of grow lights and ballasts running constantly to change the temperature enough to be noticed.
Cud u imagine if our grow lights where enough for them to notice? It wud mean that hair dryers, clothes dryers, heaters, and the oven would all be enough to set them off, and if they investigated every time they got that sort of heat reading off a house then they wud be kicking doors in only to find some1 standing there in thier birthday suit, waiting for their clothes to dry, or give poor old Nan a heart-attack whilst she cooked her Sunday Roast..
So what happened to ur buddy?Yeah ive
As for the plant numbers and weight.. Im not sure about other states, but iv had a mate done in nsw with 6 plants and to determine the 'Street Value' of his Heinous Crime they actually weighed the plants and put a value of $25 per gram.. Who the F*ck pays $25 a gram, not to mention that this was the wight of the entire plant WET, nobody buys stem or leaf, but they weighed it.. As it's illegal to cultivate 'Marijuana' - not just grow Buds..
Haha, do tell..i'm a dick head sometimes, something happened today, i feel like a bit of a dickhead lol ugh, now i gotta go out for dinner for my goddaughter, she's 13 today, 13!!!
i'm a dickhead lol
Hi to all Aussies here, and yes Im also curious as to how much trouble you can get into for having numerous plants.... Also does anybody know how to get seeds into oz? Im sure you guys have already been over this... Im from the North East part of oz.![]()