Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth


Active Member
Sweet did i hop in the middle of this spam/bitch fest?.... Originalstrain why doy ou have to fuckign argue?... Just everyone calm down pull out your pipes and chill :joint:


Well-Known Member
whose arguing im laughing but im also upset to see 2 more ppl throw there lives away and not do ne thing to help those in need and just live day to day paycheck to paycheck just helping themselves goodnight boys ill tell my wife and my view you said hi
Sure let her know I said hello. and I hope your move to Canada goes well.

originalstrain said:
i am moving to Vancouver Canada in Dec. can some ppl tell me how it is prices of things, rent, laws on weed, prices on weed, price of food n shit, and how vancouver is, attitude of ppl, and any thing you think i should know before i come?
Why are you checking on rent?


Well-Known Member
whose arguing im laughing but im also upset to see 2 more ppl throw there lives away and not do ne thing to help those in need and just live day to day paycheck to paycheck just helping themselves goodnight boys ill tell my wife and my view you said hi
wow you really are a loser. ill tell my wife and this and that you probably are some little pussy whipped whino bitch who cant stand up to his wife so he argues with kids on the internet.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
whose arguing im laughing but im also upset to see 2 more ppl throw there lives away and not do ne thing to help those in need and just live day to day paycheck to paycheck just helping themselves goodnight boys ill tell my wife and my view you said hi

now your just embarrassing yourself. i said i was unemployed. oh, i have money, thanks. i do whatever i want. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
plus he talked shite on fdd so i think he will have the whole site to answer to lol:blsmoke:

and i didn't even give him an infraction. he straight up called me a loser.:blsmoke:

looks like the wife put the whip on. "turn that shit off and get in here and rub my feet". hahahhahahah:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
i think its funny how these newbies with like 35 posts come in here and start talking shit over the internet like they are some big tuff mofo who is gonna change the world by telling us off about taxes.:blsmoke: