Coco grow - Super Silver Haze, Blue Cheese and Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
what's going on snow. man those pics are very impressive. and you have 42 of 'em, wow! they look like they are going to be super easy to trim and the calyxes aren't even really swollen yet. i bet you can't hardly wait for that to done, because i would be so ready for it to be done. excellent.



Well-Known Member
what's going on snow. man those pics are very impressive. and you have 42 of 'em, wow! they look like they are going to be super easy to trim and the calyxes aren't even really swollen yet. i bet you can't hardly wait for that to done, because i would be so ready for it to be done. excellent.

hey zen.....thanks buddy. yep, around 42 (or so) just counting what is sticking up through my canopy. There is not much below it though, I made sure of that early on! ;)

The waiting gets harder by the day man, you know it. Not having much of weed stash at the moment is making the wait even harder. But I'm hanging on in there determined to do what is right by my plants. I want to harvest 42 mature and swollen colas!! Not just 38 cos I couldn't control myself and snipped some early!

my current run of luck ill be getting a lump of coal
not with that cheesey stash you have mate. Your luck's well in. Any news on your air pots btw?


Well-Known Member
right in bro, it seems priorities sometimes get bent a little when the stash is low. but hang in there slugger.LOL. but really that's why on my next run i gotta do a perpetual screen. because i dont like being on E in between harvest cause my will is weak and i'll get into it way before it's properly cured, really before the jar lid is screwed on. so i know where you are coming from. i hate that feeling of knowing you would have had x amount of great bud if you would not have smoked most of it when it was just good bud. i remember around the time i first started growing, when i was only growing like one, or two plants at a time(how naive), but one time after i had smoked everthing in my JAR, that's right one jar(how naive). well i had like almost a month till the next batch was done. well about three weeks went by and i came across a piece of bud, about enough for a good bowl full. well long story short, it was way better. and after i finished the bowl i was HIGH, not high like i was on the rest, but HIGH. so yea i know the feeling bro.



Active Member
I used to smoke only trainwreck while I was living in California. Such a nice smoke, not a trippy high. I remember one of my friends couldn't sit still, we ended up walking along the coast. Yep, on some people it has energizing effect :) Hmm, I think I will be ordering trainwreck seeds for my next grow :)


Well-Known Member
right in bro, it seems priorities sometimes get bent a little when the stash is low. but hang in there slugger.LOL. but really that's why on my next run i gotta do a perpetual screen. because i dont like being on E in between harvest cause my will is weak and i'll get into it way before it's properly cured, really before the jar lid is screwed on. so i know where you are coming from. i hate that feeling of knowing you would have had x amount of great bud if you would not have smoked most of it when it was just good bud. i remember around the time i first started growing, when i was only growing like one, or two plants at a time(how naive), but one time after i had smoked everthing in my JAR, that's right one jar(how naive). well i had like almost a month till the next batch was done. well about three weeks went by and i came across a piece of bud, about enough for a good bowl full. well long story short, it was way better. and after i finished the bowl i was HIGH, not high like i was on the rest, but HIGH. so yea i know the feeling bro.

I hear ya bro......the all important cure. That's what it's all about. It's what makes those really smooth and tastey bong rips. bongsmilie

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
why do you say that man?
haha zen ive had a lot of misfortune a nd alot of it down to my own stupidity... mould havin to recorate and various things breaking down. im nto really expecting a bad xmas. it could only get better from here out!
hey zen.....thanks buddy. yep, around 42 (or so) just counting what is sticking up through my canopy. There is not much below it though, I made sure of that early on! ;)

The waiting gets harder by the day man, you know it. Not having much of weed stash at the moment is making the wait even harder. But I'm hanging on in there determined to do what is right by my plants. I want to harvest 42 mature and swollen colas!! Not just 38 cos I couldn't control myself and snipped some early!

man of the growers i know even the most experienced still cant resist a little popcorn snip before its ready.

not with that cheesey stash you have mate. Your luck's well in. Any news on your air pots btw?
naaa no news yet just the initial email saying sometime in the week starting the 19th?!?! so who knows maybe by friday but im not holding my breath lol and my next lot wont be ready to use them for about 4 weeks so im not too worried.
right in bro, it seems priorities sometimes get bent a little when the stash is low. but hang in there slugger.LOL. but really that's why on my next run i gotta do a perpetual screen. because i dont like being on E in between harvest cause my will is weak and i'll get into it way before it's properly cured, really before the jar lid is screwed on. so i know where you are coming from. i hate that feeling of knowing you would have had x amount of great bud if you would not have smoked most of it when it was just good bud. i remember around the time i first started growing, when i was only growing like one, or two plants at a time(how naive), but one time after i had smoked everthing in my JAR, that's right one jar(how naive). well i had like almost a month till the next batch was done. well about three weeks went by and i came across a piece of bud, about enough for a good bowl full. well long story short, it was way better. and after i finished the bowl i was HIGH, not high like i was on the rest, but HIGH. so yea i know the feeling bro.

Man i know that exact revelation moment haha i put a couple of g nuggets away from a grow about 4 months back and it is compoletely different to how it was just dry. creamy thick flavourful toke hmmm i still have about half a g left im saving for a special time lol


Well-Known Member
yeah Don, I know man. Most people take early samples and I am usually no exception. But I'm gonna stay determined this time. Quick dried early buds is not my goal. Whilst they get you totally stoned, it is increasingly about the flavour and taste for me. Especially after having that dank amnesia haze from Holland, which I only finished the other day. That is my inspiration and motivation.


Well-Known Member
I don't usually take early samples but i have this time coz i ran out of weed and i wanted to try the different strains/phenos. The samples i took had been flowering for more than 8 weeks so it wasn't too early lol. I admire your self control coz you have some sweeet looking bud and it must be hard to keep your hands off it


Well-Known Member
I don't usually take early samples but i have this time coz i ran out of weed and i wanted to try the different strains/phenos. The samples i took had been flowering for more than 8 weeks so it wasn't too early lol. I admire your self control coz you have some sweeet looking bud and it must be hard to keep your hands off it
i'll bet it is.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i totally get what you mean man i'm tolerance wise pretty much a lightweight now so its more and more about the flavour for me, and so far ive had some good strong gear but only 1 or 2 that i would call tasty.

amnezia haze eh is thats soma right. first plant i ever grew was soma white willow. that man knows his shit i really would like to grow some more of his stuff he's a top breeder but his shit is so expensive


Well-Known Member
not sure where that haze is from actually. It was the only haze that they had in the coffee shop. It was soooo nice though! Wish I had more!!

No time for Friday pics today. I had to water my girls in for the weekend this morning and I'm off for a weekend of mountain biking and rock climbing with my mates in the peak district. Next update on Monday....enjoy your weekends fellas! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Message me for the smoke report pleeeeease :)
no....just read my journal if you're interested.

woop woop enjoy the weekend in the great outdoors man! im away to Scotland pike fishing!!
yeah man, love a bit of the great outdoors. Hope you had a good weekend too man. We had a wkd time. Didn't get much climbing done as it was just too wet. Didn't get much cycling done either for the same reason......horizontal driving rain! Not nice. But we did find a few nice pubs with good food and beer :) and we smoked a lot of weed! LOL

My delayed 6 week flowering update is coming up real soon! Just got to get the pics off my camera.


Well-Known Member
3 months have past since I popped my beans in the coco......they've been on 12/12 just over 6 weeks now. They are all doing really great :)

Couple of higher res bud pics...........

Blue Cheese



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
triffids!!!!!! nice man. so close you can taste it lol yeah our weekend was pretty harsh to be honest no fish 1 bite driving wind and rain in a 5 man row boat on a loch in scotland. similar sideways rain i reckon! camping and smokin like it was going out of fashion was ace tho!