1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet snowy ta for bumpage, it was just shy of 9 ewhen i started curing but ive dumped them out a couple of times so id say probably about 8 by now


Well-Known Member
if only i had 42 of them hahahahahah
lol.......it's going to be my biggest trimming opeartion yet, that's for sure. I hate trimming!! It's my least favourite part of the entire process. I kind of enjoy the first couple of branches, then I just want the trimming fairies to come round and do the rest! Staggered harvest me thinks. But the different strains/phenos are going to dictate that for me anyway.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i find the trimming quite relaxing and therapeutic its like the culmination of 3 months work.

its a shitty job if you have to do it in a hurry tho lol

to be honest tho looking at your colas there's not going to be much of a trim job needed!


Well-Known Member
i find the trimming quite relaxing and therapeutic its like the culmination of 3 months work.

its a shitty job if you have to do it in a hurry tho lol

to be honest tho looking at your colas there's not going to be much of a trim job needed!
that's the problem....I'm always in a hurry. There are a couple of things I can't do when the mrs is home. Making bubble hash and trimming buds!!! Both stink the house down and she HATES it. So I have to time it right. I remember my first ever grow....I trimed it all up in the living room when she was at home.....that was not a wise move!!! :cuss:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
guaranteed to make you look like gangster #1 hahahah my lass is ok with it thankfully as long as i have all the blinds drawn etc she's not keen on the smell either tho.

she has taken to eating the cookies quite well mind.


Well-Known Member
nice man....very nice. :joint:

Nearly time to rotate your stock then fella? How's the vag cupboard doing man, must be bursting now?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers lgp so close i can smell it.

veg cupboard has 10 dairy queen clones n thats that its the emptiest its been in months. the babies are all in 12/12 now with the two biguns' i need them out pronto really but im not too bothered if the babes stretch a bit


Well-Known Member
cheers lgp so close i can smell it.

veg cupboard has 10 dairy queen clones n thats that its the emptiest its been in months. the babies are all in 12/12 now with the two biguns' i need them out pronto really but im not too bothered if the babes stretch a bit
ah, gotchya, can't keep up me! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
what up willy! conforming to the lazy stoner stereotype eh! its all good player ! not heard of devil unless its a lowryder pineapple punch and blueberry you say eh hmm

hope you do get some males i've been thinking there's a gap in the market for a seed company specialising in male weed beans.

which seed co's on the PP & BB?

bit of a late reply but..fuck it...
the devil is from mr nice, the pp is from flying dutchman and the bb is from dutch passion and i,m hoping for two females and a male but will be happy whatever i get....
oh and i ordered my coco and nutes today haha cant wait...oh the jew was up your end today and yesterday, said he cant understand the acsent, i told him its not the acsent but his weed rotten brain that was the problem hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Is that one on the left turning purple? The other one looks like she's gonna give you a hefty yeild for a single plant. Nice job Don

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

bit of a late reply but..fuck it...
the devil is from mr nice, the pp is from flying dutchman and the bb is from dutch passion and i,m hoping for two females and a male but will be happy whatever i get....
oh and i ordered my coco and nutes today haha cant wait...oh the jew was up your end today and yesterday, said he cant understand the acsent, i told him its not the acsent but his weed rotten brain that was the problem hahahaha
no bother man hoping for a male eh?! fancy a bit of pollen chucking? cool on the coco you'll love it! im never going back to soil. the accent is one of the hardest to get in the country lol especially after a drink hahah

likey likey lots n lots cant wait to see final pruduct

me too westy me too you never know the fairy may be in your area soon ;)

Is that one on the left turning purple? The other one looks like she's gonna give you a hefty yeild for a single plant. Nice job Don
yeah man its turning a nice shade now i hit her with a dose of gravity to help her along and yeah i expecting close to 4 from the larger one and probably 3 for the smaller. happier days than the fonz jumping over a shark dude!!


Well-Known Member
no bother man hoping for a male eh?! fancy a bit of pollen chucking? cool on the coco you'll love it! im never going back to soil. the accent is one of the hardest to get in the country lol especially after a drink hahah

seeds came this morning but i gotta test the pheno,s of the white rhino and kushberry first to see if there,s any keepers. most probably gonna drop the kushberry cos its thin and stretchy and not ideal for my sog. cant wait for my coco too come....then i can unleash my plan mm:twisted:wahahahaha