thanks for the compliment and the link. that really is a good guide and i'm going to be using it in the future.
i am wondering what you would do concerning my, uh, concerns...

I'm worried about height (there's more written above in post 14 and 17) and am debating whether to use a technique like fimming or just resume what i am doing and just flower already.
thanks a lot for getting back to me and looking up stuff on fimming. i did some searches too and it looks cool. i'm about to go see what your operation looks like....
i just finished trying to fix my res and it doesn't seem to be leaking! whoo! but the integrity of my resevoir has still been compromised and who knows how long this patch will hold. so, a resevoir goes onto my shopping list.
i mounted the fill level indicator <<(fancy name for some simple shit) and i'm going to mark it so i have a fill line. it works well and i can pour a bit of water straight into my drip pH test kit. before i had to lift the damn can off everytime i wanted to look inside the res. so far so good.
so now that my resevoir issue is temporarilily resolved, its time to fill it with water and nutes! i'm going to be following the lucas method of maintaining a healthy resevoir and nutrition levels. i'm using GH micro and bloom to flower with. Because I am using fluorescent light bulbs i'll be adding 5mL Micro and 10 mL Bloom per gallon of water in my res instead of the formula for HID lighting (0-8-16).
i went to the pharmacy at walmart and asked them for a little syringe without the needle in it. it was free and measure easily in tsp's (up to 1) and mL's (up to 5).
so..... i put seven gallons of water from the bath into my res and made a mark to indicate a full water level on the inside of the res. i also made two marks on the external level indicator (hahaha fancy names), one at seven gallons and the other at six gallons. this way i'll have an estimate of how much add on water i need to bring my res back to the "full" amount.
next, i found out that my tap water pH was around 8(horrible, i know) and had a ppm of 236 @ .5 conversion or EC of 0.472. I pulled out the micro and syringed (word?) out 35mL. stir the water. next came the bloom with 70 mL for my seven gallons. stir the water more. chill on it.... smoke a steamroller...

and test that shit again. this time the results put a smile on my face

. the water had a pH of 5.9-6 and ppm of 820 or EC of 1.64.
as far as i know (and my knowledge only comes from reading and reading and reading), these numbers seem pretty good. I turned the bubbler on and will check again for change tomorrow. The lucas method seems pretty sweet and i shouldn't have to toy with pH and ppm that much at all, and if i do i'll buy water for $.29 at meijer...
i still don't know where i'm going to put this thing. i have two closets in my room. one is being used for clothes and the other has the apt air conditioner and water heater. i gets kinda cold in there at night but i think this is where the can is gonna end up. i'll take temp readings at night to see lows.
how cold is too cold for a plant? haha i know thats probably a question not often asked but these lights provide basically no heat. today my room was around 60F. after the can was lights on for seven hours it was low of 60 and high of 62 in there. really incredible system i've got here... so back to my original question! how cold is too cold? should i invest in a small heater for when i put this thing in the cold closet?
i am out of stuff to say and have some work to do for tomorrow so i'm out. wish you all well