

Well-Known Member
I'm not a right wing candidate test a democrat was #1 and besides I am an Independant asshole.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just the party but true republican valuse are not that different from democrats for example Ron Paul.


New Member
Yeah, I especially liked the clips of the poverty stricken people forming the food lines in the 1930's under a Democrat Party administration. The video failed to point out that the poverty depicted in the clips were the result of the Great Depression, caused by the federal government's monetary insanity through manipulations of the Federal Reserve. The only reason I can think of for them not to point it out is that one of the great myths, the greatness of FDR, would be exposed and another socialist sacred cow gored.



New Member
Yeah, I especially liked the clips of the poverty stricken people forming the food lines in the 1930's under a Democrat Party administration. The video failed to point out that the poverty depicted in the clips were the result of the Great Depression, caused by the federal government's monetary insanity through manipulations of the Federal Reserve. The only reason I can think of for them not to point it out is that one of the great myths, the greatness of FDR, would be exposed and another socialist sacred cow gored.

You sure like to talk about being gored, Have you been getting gored lately, especially in the anal region? ~Lmfao~.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
NICE VIDEO.. i appreciate the creativity... and all the close ups of all those handsome men.. somebody should make a pin up calender... :)


Well-Known Member
haha medicine why you guys so urked by the right man it shows that we are beating you like a drum:mrgreen:

nacy pelosi trying to cuase more soldiers deaths by condeming Turkey on thier genocide 100 years later. She picked a great time to do it huh.

she should be hung


New Member
here is it explained to you about how Nacy wants our boys to lose and die so she can keep her job. sick fuckin bitch.

YouTube - Nancy Pelosi attacks the nation of Turkey

Where did you find this dumb-ass to do this monologue, is this really you Panda? Pelosi was petitioned by thousands of Armenians to perform this censure, and it might be a way to stop the war, I thought it rather brilliant since the dumb-ass Bush won't budge, stop the supply line and either you withdraw the troops or you are a butcher, Bush (Who really doesn't care for their lives) might leave them there just to make Pelosi look bad. In case you haven't noticed, this is George Bush's war. Everyone else wants to bring home the troops.