I this BS


Well-Known Member
I found this at http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/closetfarmer.html
CONTAINERS: It is best to transplant as little as possible to ensure female turnout, so my method has to planting steps: Once to a "Jiffy Pot" and then to a 5-gal. bucket.
I know its best to keep transplanting to a minimum to avoid transplant shock, but does it really have anything to do with the sex of the plant.


Well-Known Member
well the way i've been reading about plant shock, it doesnt take much to turn them into hermies, and id figure the less times you tramatize the plant, the better chances you have, but thats my guess, just an educated guess,


New Member
Follow the simple instructions on how to transplant to a new container and you wont have to worry about stressing it to the point of it turning hermi. it's just not really an issue.

but chances are VERY slim that the stress of transplanting will turn it into a male. it either is a male or a female. there is very little you can do to ENSURE you get a female. there is some slight circumstancial evidence of a few things you can do to help ensure a female. but its like a sugar pill...are you really sure it worked?


Well-Known Member
Follow the simple instructions on how to transplant to a new container and you wont have to worry about stressing it to the point of it turning hermi. it's just not really an issue.

but chances are VERY slim that the stress of transplanting will turn it into a male. it either is a male or a female. there is very little you can do to ENSURE you get a female. there is some slight circumstantial evidence of a few things you can do to help ensure a female. but its like a sugar pill...are you really sure it worked?
I've been transplanting for years and never have had much trouble. I use a little vitamin B just in case. I agree with Closet, the sex is in the seed's DNA. But stress could force Hermie.