Random Kush & Skywalker 400w grow. Pics.


Well-Known Member
So this is my 2nd grow. I just considered a grow journal last week so i have no pictures of the first 2 weeks. But I will update from here.

I am growing from seed. They were given to me by a friend. They are some kind of kush he says.

I germinated 15 seeds in a moist paper towels between 2 plates. Out of the 15, 10 cracked. Of those 10 , 6 sprouted.

I also planted a seed from another friend. He claims the strain is called "skywalker." It appears to be indica dominant.

For a grow room I layed a closet door over an end table to give myself a good amount of elevated surface space. I built a frame out of some 2x4's . About 4 x 3 x 5 feet. I wrapped the 2 sides and back in mylar, and the front has black/white plastic for a door.

At the top of the frame i strapped in a box fan facing up, exhausting the air out. It keeps the heat from my 400w HPS between 78 - 82 degrees.

I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forset Soil, with extra perilite. Botanicare Pure Blend nutrients. Liquid Karma, and Guardian MY (myrcoizae).

Soil pH is 6.8

I will root clones in rapid rooter plugs, and keep in a humidity dome under 42w florescents. I will transplant into 6" sq. pots. I will be growing using the sog method. Lollipopping and supercropping.


Well-Known Member
Plants @ 2 wks from seed. Im growing under hps until i sex them. Then i will keep mothers under a pioneer jr. t5 i just got to replace the shop lights. The small one by the thermometer is skywalker it is only 1 week old. The rest are kush.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you are set up pretty good.going to have some good smoke in a couple months happy growing


Well-Known Member
One of my best looking plants (Hope its a girl!!!)

Overhead View

Nice and Healthy Green

So whats the deal with these? You cant tell from the lighting but they are just as green as the rest. They eat and drink just as much as the others. Are the leaves just too big for the stems or what? I heard indicas droop a little but damn.


Well-Known Member
does look like they are drinking a bit to much water, other then that.. you will enjoy the smoke that comes from the skywalker.. I was impressed by it


Well-Known Member
does look like they are drinking a bit to much water, other then that.. you will enjoy the smoke that comes from the skywalker.. I was impressed by it
Ya i fed them and i didnt know my partner had watered them a couple hours earlier so they may have got a little to much. No big deal though, they are perking up now. I will post some more pics. I just took clones in grodan rockwool cubes today. I let them soak in pH 6.7 water with a drop of supertrive for 24 hours. Used rooting powder. I will be monitering them close for the next couple days but ive never had clonig issues. I will post pics later.


Well-Known Member
nice, good work. I would like your smoke report aster your done with that skywalker..
Sure thing. That is if its a female. well know in about 2 weeks. Just cut clones, will veg for a week then flower to determine sex. Ive got my fingers crossed, Its a good strain (blueberry x mazer) Im thinking for my next one i want to look into getting some
(g13 haze x new york sour deisel) SOUNDS DANK!!!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ill post some more pictures later. I had to kill a one. It started flowering under 18/6 light. It was the mystery seed. But it was male. Too bad. The rest are looking bushy though.​


Well-Known Member
So here are the latest updates. Sorry its been a little bit, but it doesnt look like too many people really been checking this thread out, but ill post these anyway.

I rearanged my grow room I now have my hps in the closet. I still have my mothers/fathers vegging under the hps for now but i a, getting a sun systems pioneer t5ho light for veg here soon. I also need to buy a exhaust for the closet cuz i am gonna seal it with black/white plastic to flower. I have taken clones and have them under (2) 4' 2 bulb 42w floro lights. I took clones about 5 days ago and put them in soil, they arent looking so hot. They may bounce back, but i just built a 30 site dwc propogator. No roots yet but i just cloned them yesterday. Hope it works well. Now the pics..............

Both sets of clones side by side....

Clone Machine


Mothers/Fathers with co2(sugar/yeast)

Hey PBE things are looking good to me. I've got Skywalker myself, there are three phenotypes to look for. One is very lemony like pine sol, another is more bluebery dominant, and the last, my favorite is a Peppery Heavy Crystalized Mazar type that is more hashy and the best yielder. Skywalker is a great daytime smoke. Kepp up the good work.


Well-Known Member
looks like overwatering to me
Ya it was. I have a partner on this grow and he is a newb, sort of an apprentice situation to some effect. He got a little excited with the water cuz i told him the soil shouldnt be wet but moist when you feel it. Well he sure kept the soil nice and moist, took care of it though. Increased the nute dosage and water less frequent. These things sure are hungry fuckers. There gonna run out mu nutes in no time.


Well-Known Member
Hey PBE things are looking good to me. I've got Skywalker myself, there are three phenotypes to look for. One is very lemony like pine sol, another is more bluebery dominant, and the last, my favorite is a Peppery Heavy Crystalized Mazar type that is more hashy and the best yielder. Skywalker is a great daytime smoke. Kepp up the good work.
Thanks. The skywalker unfortunatly is no longer with us:( Not quite sure what happened there. Did you skywalkers have extremely early preflowers? Cuz mine almost looked like it was full flower producing very obvious male sex traits. So I introduced him to my scissors. I have one more skywalker seed I will save for a later time. Too bad i was looking forward to that mazar pheno as you were mentioning. I am waiting until they are ready but i am already lined up to recieve clones from another medical patient. Shiskaberry, AK-47, NY Sour Deisel, Purple Urkle, White widow, and some random strains that still produce a nice smoke. What you think i should pick since with my setup i can only take on 3 more mothers without breaking the law. Thats after i sex these and weed out the males. Im hoping for 4/6 to b e female. I already had male so with a little luck it could happen.


Well-Known Member
killed 2 males, kept 1 mom, flowered the rest. ill post pics in a cpl days