First Grow with Barneys Nightshade(homemade box)


Especially nice if you snipped a couple fan leaves you couldn't tie back or got burned by a light (a little help in the carb metabolism department I believe I've read).

Definitely good on the salts/nute build up (when used alone in water).

I don't think it effects the smoke if you take your time drying it and give it a proper cure.

I "eyeball" about a tablespoon per gallon of h2o--> roughly 1 tablespoon and a smidge per 4 liters. Don't be afraid if you're off the mark by a little, some folks use 2 tablespoons per gallon. Its an in-exact science as far as dosing protocol. Get the unprocessed, blackstrap molasses if available (be sure there's no sulfur as well).


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys!! think i will invest in some and see how it goes!!
When i do finally get some i will post the ingredients then hopefully you will be able to tell me if i bought the right stuff or not!! and if i go by the amounts you just mentioned then do you think about 1 t-spoon per 2 litres of water will be ok???

Ive just fed the girls with 1 litre water and 3ml of bloom food but noticed that there is hardly any thing draining through the pots and i know you should let 10% drain through!! will this be ok up untill about the 1/11/09 which is when i was thinking of doing a little flush before i add pk 13-14 for about a week? or should i start to up the amount of feed i give them by double( 6ml of bloom with 2 litres of water) this way i know i will get 10% drainage??!!

One other thing i thought i'd mention!...... I was reading through a couple of old copies of Soft Secrets(newspaper for smokers/growers) and found a helpful tip in there that im trying at the mo!!!
The tip is.....and you prob all ready know this!!.......Rather than pulling off big fan leaves or any leaves for that matter because they are shading budding sites, just get the branch that you need to move and tuck in under the budding site it is shading!! this only works if the budding site is close enough(so it says) but i've done it on my girls and it dont look to bad, managed to uncover quite a few budding sites and when the leave is close enough, wedging it under that buddins site makes it quite secure!!
Give me your thoughts on this please!!! I was not going to try any funny stuff on these girls as i dont want too mess it up!!! such as trimming back and bending etc was just going to let them grow right through without a touch! but i want to get the best from them and i know i need to get light right into the middle of the plant etc!!

MMMMMmmmmmmm.........What to do????...........

I will think it over and do some more research!! any input would be great!!! you have all seen the girls in the pics and there is 1 or 2 that are quite bushy and a couple that to be honest dont have a problem as they are a bit more open!!!

Thanks again!!! More pics coming soon mabe at the end of every week of flower so the next ones should be 14/10/09 end of week 2.


Well-Known Member
Nice Grow mate :)

Looks like you have done a good job with the set
up and your girls are looking great!

Good Luck with the harvest.
Looks like you will get a decent yeild of those ladies.

Take it easy


Definitely tuck the big fan leaves behind the budding sites. I went through and actually took off some fan leaves (from my blue mystics not the NS) when they were in veg b/c so much was covered up. Tucking things back and tying back some of the bigger branches to expose the bud sites on the middle and lower parts worked well for me too. Its just a little too late to trim-up and bend your girls--just tuck and tie back things w/o damaging the plant. You probably could get away with removing some leaves, but why tempt fate? Check the girls periodically, adjust as needed.

As far as the molasses goes, that sounds like a fine conversion! Lean towards the lighter side of adding it in at first, you can always put in more to see how they respond (I doubt they'll have a sudden, tragic reaction to an extra carbohydrate source).

I don't put too much of a hardline on the amt of water (nuted or otherwise) when I water the plants. I usually mix up a larger container and water until I get a bit of run-off. You'll know (based on how dry the soil is) if they're thirstier than before. They've been growing a little while now and have clearly developed a nice root structure so give em a little more water if th.ey're asking for it. Again, be cautious. Perhaps just keep the same nute mix and just add a couple extra oz of DI/RO water to it (maybe with a little molasses) increasing the total volume of liquid but not nutrient content.


Active Member
Ive been looking at some molasses on the net to try and see whats about!! and i came up with some which is called Meridan Blackstrap Molasses which is organic!!! and i can get it fairly close to me!! Has anyone used or know anything about this brand and if it will be ok for my girls!!??

Thanks again Lancer for the reply you are a true gent!! i will continue to tuck the fan leaves as best as pos and may even try tying some branches down( if i have the nerve lol) thing is space is becoming a premium, so bending the branches out or tying them down to open the plant up is a little hard!!
4 of the 5 plants to be honest are fairly open anyway but as you see in previous pics the middle plant(which has always been the strongest and been directly under the light) is real bushy with lots of leaves!! It looks the BOMB! but i want it to produce not too look good!!

enough now!! time for a smoke!!!

More soon!!!!


Active Member
Just a quick one..... All my girls seem to be doing fine and loving their bloom food, lots of budding sites appearing which im trying to unshade by tucking the offending leaf!!! plenty of hairs starting to show on all the plants!!
Will prob be feeding them again tom and this time there is going to be a bit of a change, and that is...... im going to start adding 5/6ml of bloom food to 2 litres of water for each plant!! the reason for this is that when i did the last watering i noticed there wasn't much run off, and after advice i feel this would be the best way to sort that little problem. I may not give them the whole 2 litres but enough so i get that 10% drain off i want!!

Will def put pics up tom(end of week 2 flower) assuming the camera and laptop behave themselves!!!

happy toking all!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey there Baggins - everything is looking good! Sounds like you've got a handle on the flowering nutes now - shouldn't be any problems increasing the dosage. I do the same thing when feeding, and watch for the water to completely go through the bottoms to know they have enough to reach the root-tips. I've been using 2 tblsp of molasses per 1.5 gallons, which the girls seem to like. Don't be afraid to increase the molasses amount towards the 4th - 6th week of flowering, as this is when they can use it the most. :joint:

As for the fan leaves - I too tend to watch them and if they look like they're dieing they can trimmed, otherwise you can just safely tuck them down under neath any near bud-sites. They're still important food storage parts of the plant, so if there's room then they should stay until no longer green or useful. Depending on how well the lower part of your plants are developing, you should also consider trimming the lower leaves and/or branches that aren't producing buds or have miniscule buds (often called popcorn buds) in order to force the plant to move food further up the plant instead of using it on parts that will not develop. If you don't do any foliar spraying, then the big leaves also have one less function, as they are the ones that absorb a lot of moisture (through their stomata) which is sometimes a quicker way to get nutrients to the buds rather than just through the roots. Also the obvious part they play in absorbing light, but once you're over 6 weeks into flower, they don't absorb quite as much light as during the former part of the grow... just my own observations... :smile:


Active Member
Thanks Dayzt!!

Let me put everyone up to date.....

Today was feed day and the end of week 2 of flower!!! I changed the way i feed them today and will prob contniue to do so in the same way till harvest, so now what i do is add 5/6ml of bloom to 2 litres of water and shake(was told it helps to add air to the water!! sounds good to me!!) then pour the lot through my girls!! I get a good run off now unlike i was getting before!! I may up the dose of bloom food as i get a bit futher into flower and im also on the look out at the mo for some organic molasses ready to use prob when i start to flush, may be a bit before!!

Side note/question..... When i fed my girls this morning i had a little look at the bottom of the pots like i always do, just to look at the roots, but this time i noticed that the size of the pot in tiny writting.....and there not 7.5ltrs they are 5 litre!!!! they look ok but is this going to be a problem for me??!! will def buy bigger pots the next time round just hope they will be okay for this one!!!

Also yesterday i started a change in the box as far as layout!!! I have always had my biggest and strongest girl directly underneath the light and she looks bloody lovely with quite a few budding sites!! and i have always rotated the pots most days but now ive decided to move the big girl out of the middle and give each one of my other girls at least 2 days directly underneath the light, with the hope of giving them all that little bit more of a power boost!!!
This will take me to week 4(start-21/10/09), when i will be putting my big girl back in the middle again till week 5!
Week 5(start-28/10/09) is when im thinking of stopping the bloom fed and going straight over to pk 13-14 till week 6(start-4/11/09 may continue for a little longer!!) and then flushing with 1tspoon molasses with 2 litres of water till the end which should be the 25/11/09( 8 weeks/56 days flower) obviously if they need longer then they will get it!!!

What do you think??? plz chuck some comments on this(good or bad)!!!

Still been keeping the light at least a 1ft away from my biggest girl and surprisingly i still have a fair bit of room to move it up still!! all plants are doing what they said on the tin staying fairly low!!! Did pull off a few dead/dying leaves from the bottom of some of the girl today but when i say a few, i mean like 3 or so!! I did try to pluck up the courage to take some leaves and branches off that have no budding sites on them etc but just couldn't do it!!!!! Feel like im going to fuck it up and kill them by taking the wrong leaves or branches!!! Think im gonna end up just letting them do their thing and just keep tucking the leaves as best as pos till i grow some BALLS!!!! LOL( Just as long as they don't)

Think ive dribbled on enough for now!!! took some pics last night just before the light went out!!

Thanks for reading peeps!!

Happy Toking!!:joint:



Active Member
Right checked my girls this morning and notice a little more yellowin on some of the lower leaves!!! so should i add a little bit of veg food(2 ml or somthing) in with their bloom food next feeding time??? can the veg and bloom food be mixed together???
I know at some point later on in flower that yellowing occurs as they near the end of bloom and nitrogen is held back with bloom foods!! but im sure i dont want to be losing any leaves at the start of week 3 etc
Still attempting to get to the shop to grab the organic molasses ive seen, when i do finally get it......

Should i start adding it to their food straight away??
Should i only use it on its own with water and not with the 5/6ml bloom food they are getting??
Should i only use it when im doing my flush, which will be for the last 2 weeks??

Im still think that i will use 1 tablespoon molasses to every 2 litres of water!! and mabe upping that amount by another 1/2 or so as it gets to weeks 4-6

all advice welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you researched its applied uses and results? That is where to start...... my advice is most commonly "It all Just Depends" ;)


Well-Known Member
Right checked my girls this morning and notice a little more yellowin on some of the lower leaves!!! so should i add a little bit of veg food(2 ml or somthing) in with their bloom food next feeding time??? can the veg and bloom food be mixed together???
I know at some point later on in flower that yellowing occurs as they near the end of bloom and nitrogen is held back with bloom foods!! but im sure i dont want to be losing any leaves at the start of week 3 etc
Still attempting to get to the shop to grab the organic molasses ive seen, when i do finally get it......

Should i start adding it to their food straight away??
Should i only use it on its own with water and not with the 5/6ml bloom food they are getting??
Should i only use it when im doing my flush, which will be for the last 2 weeks??

Im still think that i will use 1 tablespoon molasses to every 2 litres of water!! and mabe upping that amount by another 1/2 or so as it gets to weeks 4-6

all advice welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Bags... the girls are looking good so far!! :-P Did you do any LST on them at all? As for your yellowing leaves - is it possible you're over-watering a little? From what you're saying, it sounds like they may be telling you to hold back on the drink... make sure they're good and dry before you give them more water - watch for the leaves to start drooping a t bit as well.

I wouldn't use any veg nutes - they're getting enough food right now by the sound of it, but you can still start adding mollasses if you want to. A tip for adding it to your water is to pour out some of your water into a drinking glass first and then mix the spoofuls of molasses into that first, then pour it into your watering pitcher to mix in. As for mixing the molasses with your nute-water, I don't think it really matters but I always try to use it in a seperate jug. Remember that molasses helps your plants' roots use the nutrients faster, so it's a good idea to apply the molasses water last. I usually water in 3 groups giving straight ph'd water in the first jug, nutes in the 2nd and molasses in the last. I was once told to never apply nuted-water to dry soil, so I usually try to use a small amount of straight water before applying nutes or carbs (molasses). Your last 10 days (or longer if you like) of floweing should be straight ph'd water ONLY. If you use molasses right up to chopping day, you may get some harsh tasting bud with too much sugars in it..

Of course, this is my first time using molasses too so a lot of that advise is from my own research online and such. I have some good info on flushing too if you're interested, let me know.. ;-)


Active Member
Thanks guys!! i was begining to think i was on my all on my own!! lol

Wish i had read the last post before feeding my girls as the idea of tipping a bit of the water into a glas/cup then mixing the molasses would have been much easier than trying to spoon feed it into 2 ltr bottles and then trying to mix it!!! Live and learn as they say!!..... But will do it next time!!!

Ok.... so i gave the girls their 2ltrs of water with a tablespoon or just under of molasses(which really STINKS by the way!!) letting the water drain throught the bottom as norm!!(cultivated soil first with fork)

I also decided after discussing with some peeps that the girl that i nearly killed ages ago(yet is still thriving!!!) to remove some lower leaves and 1 to 2 real small budding sites just to see what the result will be!!!! Want to see if growth is pushed up to the top budding sites etc!!!( think you will know what i mean)

Temp and hum have both been good!!! 25,c and 50% average!! and im still rotating pots etc so they get nice amounts of light all round!!!

Dayzt! any info is good info to me mate!!! so let me have what you got on flushing mate!!! cheers!!!!

End of week 3 is on the 21/10/09 i think?!?! which is when i will put some more pics up!!

Hope all is well with everyone!!! Take Care!!!


Active Member
No L.S.T by the way, decided that this first grow i would let them do their thing!! The next grow then i will prob do F.I.M on all of them!!!

Been think out plans for my next batch and its looking like increasing the flower room size to take 10! and use the box to veg 10 at the same time!!
and the seeds im thinking about doing next are:- 10 Barneys fem Violator Kush and 10 Barney fem Red Diesel. Let me know what you think of these strains plz!!!!
Will do it so i have 5 kush and 5 red diesel flowering and the same vegging!!

All comments welcome!!!!