My 09 Monster Attempt


Well-Known Member
Haven't heard about this.. When they hit my home, they were all wearing bandanna's so has to hide their identity. That's why I think it was someone who could have been known by either myself or one of the three others who were here.:evil:
was that this season Hodge? :-|


Well-Known Member
I think I should start an investigative unit regarding MMJ crimes against patients clinics etc. I am sure it would be quite a bit more effective, having less limitations, and easier access to information.......

They caught the ones that hit yah right? or just two? maybe the third person is the same person??? either way, they need to be taught a lesson ;)


Well-Known Member
I think I should start an investigative unit regarding MMJ crimes against patients clinics etc. I am sure it would be quite a bit more effective, having less limitations, and easier access to information.......

They caught the ones that hit yah right? or just two? maybe the third person is the same person??? either way, they need to be taught a lesson ;)
Checked out the booking photo on the two that were caught and I didn't know either of them. Article even speculated these were not the group that were robbing growers last year..

What pisses me off, is the comments that people leave, how it's the growers fault and we should expect to be robbed? How were breaking Federal law and blah blah, fucking blah. The only fault that I'll accept, is that I was lax.. I've dealt with the fence jumpers, (kids) for years, but for 6 armed invaders busting in from two different doors??? Lets just say I'm not as lax anymore.

Sorry about the rant..

Quick update on the gardens, The one up North sustained minimum damage, 11 branches or there about. The garden here is still being evaluated as I type, couple of the plants are pretty beat up and I'm worried mold could set into the worm damaged plants. With the weather expected to be clear I'm hoping the garden will dry out fast or it's cutting time on at least 4....


Well-Known Member
damn hodge you had an armed robbery attempted on ya? thats fucked up, hope that never happens again to ya
but u do grow something that is illegal for a lot of ppl, so they are gonna do illegal things to try to obtain it, im sure u already know this lol...just sayin

keep er rollin hodge!


Well-Known Member
No, was last year, Oct 25th.. How have you been B? :mrgreen:
Hey Nuggs, I think it's someone different, just a feeling..
been good man, thanks. cooking some butter in the crock pot right now to make some rice crispy treats a little later :weed:

there's been two or three incidences where people having been posing as law enforcement up here in town the last couple weeks. just really puts you in a pickle when you hear someone break in and yell "POLICE" cuz it really could be the police and you really don't want to put a heater in a cop's face, or it could be the jackers. just really hoping that doesnt go down at my cousin's since we've almost got it all down now and it's quite a bit... oh well, can't stress on what you can't control. just gotta be prepared imo :peace:


Well-Known Member
been good man, thanks. cooking some butter in the crock pot right now to make some rice crispy treats a little later :weed:

there's been two or three incidences where people having been posing as law enforcement up here in town the last couple weeks. just really puts you in a pickle when you hear someone break in and yell "POLICE" cuz it really could be the police and you really don't want to put a heater in a cop's face, or it could be the jackers. just really hoping that doesnt go down at my cousin's since we've almost got it all down now and it's quite a bit... oh well, can't stress on what you can't control. just gotta be prepared imo :peace:
My sentiments exactly, stay safe and enjoy the treats..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
damn never heard about ur season last year gettin ripped hodge thats fuckd. sorry to hear but glad shits goin better this year. i got ripped this year sum too but nuthgin like wat happend to u.

goodluck with ur harvest and trimming u got a lot of work ahead. im sure it rained hard up there too this week like it did down here.


Well-Known Member
same here hodge! sorry to hear that,, i lost a couple lbs to the fuckers this year again so i know how it feels but having the house invade is another story,,, makes me sick


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Here's a few shots of what's left in the garden. The Super Nova, Hawiian Skunk, Durban Poison and Twilight.:leaf:

