Blaze's 2nd Attempt. Bagseed Hydroponic grow.


Well-Known Member
Nah,"it" looks perfectly healthy and fine. I wouldint worry. Watch close though!

Great job so far and thanks for the update!



Well-Known Member
Alright guys, sorry for not updating been busy but here are some pictures of how "it's" doing. Yes I said "it" because I don't want to jynx it. :blsmoke:

Update: Pic 1: Some new growth leads to some yellowish/green leaves? Any clues as to what thats about? I'm thinking PH or maybe just it's genetics. I did give it some slight nute burn, not much but enough to be noticebly burnt. Tiny and I mean tiny brown tips.



Happy Tokin! bongsmilie
Yellowing of new growth is usually a sign of a nitrogen dificiency.


Active Member
Bad news...Think I have balls! :confused: If you look in the center of the picture where the center nodes are you can see a tiny little ball to the left where white hairs should be! :cry: This is going to be hard because I have run out of seeds and i'm not sure if I can manage another grow. :evil:




Well-Known Member
Eh, looks like balls but Id let it grow out just a bit to see. nothing wrong with confirming it!



Active Member
Lol well I decided to let it grow a little until it was confirmed. I thought maybe I would see some white hairs pop out but sad to say, just more balls. :evil: I got some seeds from a friend..just bag seed as usual. Gonna give it another go..this time with probably 3 plants. 1 hydro/2 soil. Good seeds are 2 expensive as I would much rather spend $50 on upgrading the setup before buying better seeds. Either way I can't afford it! haha :eyesmoke:Blaze on my friends!

-Happy tokinbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ya a fully fuctional setup should always be first. But I wouldint do hydro just yet. nutes and supplies can get $$.

Id stick with soil until you have a full completed grow.

As for how many. Ya Id do three seeds. you might get 2 males but thats fine. Thats what I did!

Good luck with your next grow,When will you be starting?

Start a new journal for it and send me the link! : )

See ya there!



Active Member
Ya a fully fuctional setup should always be first. But I wouldint do hydro just yet. nutes and supplies can get $$.

Id stick with soil until you have a full completed grow.

As for how many. Ya Id do three seeds. you might get 2 males but thats fine. Thats what I did!

Good luck with your next grow,When will you be starting?

Start a new journal for it and send me the link! : )

See ya there!

Well I just got some seeds from a friend, there shitty bagseed but hey atleast there something lol...I've started germing about 6 right now...I'm thinking about possibly just doing like 4 in plastic party cups for the whole grow. Hydro is complicated but I have all liquid nutrients so i'm not sure if I can do just soil. :evil:


Well-Known Member
Eh I like to start clean with my new grows and keep them organised, but thats just me : )

your going to keep them in the dixie cups the whole grow? They need at least one gallon : )



Active Member
Eh I like to start clean with my new grows and keep them organised, but thats just me : )

your going to keep them in the dixie cups the whole grow? They need at least one gallon : )

Yeah i'm thinking about it. Lol I have a small space to grow in and I want a small plant. Like 1 foot in max height lol Don't really care about the yield, just a lil to hold me over. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ya thats kool, Theres techniques of growing like that!

Get you some chicken wire and put it up across and start screen training it.

Then just do 12/12 from seed with screen and youll be good!



Well-Known Member
Yeah I most likely will. Say Fox, where you been man? I use to see you all over this forum man. :confused:
Been busy. I'm buying a house, I work full time, I have a soon to be wife to take care of, I've had a lot of family activities happening, birthdays and whatnot. I probably won't ever be as active on here as I once was. :cry:

But, I'll still be here... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
Ya thats kool, Theres techniques of growing like that!

Get you some chicken wire and put it up across and start screen training it.

Then just do 12/12 from seed with screen and youll be good!

Yeah i'll definately do a few techniques. I will be trying that whole topping to get 4 main colas tech. My roomie has his plant in my grow space atm. Lol Do you think my 105watts of CFL is good for like 4/5 small plants?

Been busy. I'm buying a house, I work full time, I have a soon to be wife to take care of, I've had a lot of family activities happening, birthdays and whatnot. I probably won't ever be as active on here as I once was. :cry:

But, I'll still be here... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I feel you man, I have been having troubles with the ex. Man she's a handful lol Well as long as you stop by every now and again then its all good bro. :mrgreen: