Blaze's 2nd Attempt. Bagseed Hydroponic grow.


Active Member
Hello RIU. This is my 2nd attempt at growing, sadly the first one failed. However! I have learned through trial and error and I decided to try this again only in my home-made Hydroponic system. :-P I will appreciate any help/criticism and will also be updating and keeping a close eye on this thread alot so be sure to stay tuned! :blsmoke:

And now onto the pictures! :mrgreen:



Happy Toking! :joint:


Active Member
Update: A little more info on my setup.

Lighting: 5 CFL's 2 Blue/3 Red Spectrum. Total Wattage 105
Space: Approx 1.5ft wide/3ft Tall(White walls for reflection purposes)
Stem growth: I currently have 2 fans in there as it was getting a little hot for my baby, but now after adding them it's greatly reduced the heat.

Well thats it...Feedback is appreciated! I'm heading to sleep, maybe i'll have some replies when I wake up. :-P


Well-Known Member
The baby is looking good. Nice info given.

Great Setup DIY! I like it!

+Rep and Subbing!

Headed to bed,Will be checking in tomorrow!



Active Member
Sub'd, like the idea of using the coffee can. Might try that in my next project. :)
Heh, thanks. I was initially using an XL Soda Cup from Taco Bell. :mrgreen: But I needed a bigger resevoir.

Update: Also I forgot to mention I only vegged for 3 weeks lol It's been on 12/12 for about a week now. Just gave it a dose of Dutch Master Flower part A & B 1/4 strength.


Active Member
sweet i just have started germ and i have a seed from a big bag of green crack i went threw. and am thinking i am going ot use hydroponics at my set up. this possibly is my first post but i have read a bunch of posting that you commented on about someones cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Nice KG, You need to start a grow journal and take pics. Lets see your grow!



Well-Known Member
Yup Yup Yup. You should read the entire FAQ section and know it by heart! lol!

And just listen and learn.

You'll be fine : )



Active Member
Update: Just bought a new airstone. It's called a "Bubble Disk" it's a circular airstone. Works pretty good for my little container.


Active Member
Yeah, only problem is I think it's suppose to be barried under rocks. :mrgreen: 'Cause she's kinda just floating around hahaha. Any thoughts? :eyesmoke:


Active Member
well a couple of hours ago i wouldn't have said this, but i have pretty good faith in roseman... find a way to attach some big ol' fishing weights on it. and by the way, looking great so far!


Active Member
Alright guys, sorry for not updating been busy but here are some pictures of how "it's" doing. Yes I said "it" because I don't want to jynx it. :blsmoke:

Update: Pic 1: Some new growth leads to some yellowish/green leaves? Any clues as to what thats about? I'm thinking PH or maybe just it's genetics. I did give it some slight nute burn, not much but enough to be noticebly burnt. Tiny and I mean tiny brown tips.



Happy Tokin! bongsmilie