growing slow


Active Member
Hey guys I put a couple seeds under a couple 2700k cfl's 12/12.,they haven't grown much in the past couple days and there supposed to grow fast during flowering.,I only have 2 23 wattss and haven't started nutes yet? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
need a few details on what you've been using for soil
sounds like these are seedlings that just popped up? you may want to mix in some 5500k-6400k cfl's


Well-Known Member
They might not be growing quickly just like punk said theres not enough light. Get four or five compact fluorescent lights and itll grow somewhat quicker. Put at least 60watts on them, but if you can jump up the floros to 100w or more do it.


Active Member
need a few details on what you've been using for soil
sounds like these are seedlings that just popped up? you may want to mix in some 5500k-6400k cfl's
They sprouted about a week or two ago put them right into flowering..foxfarm., 6500 k is better for veging though


Well-Known Member
They sprouted about a week or two ago put them right into flowering..foxfarm., 6500 k is better for veging though
true, but starting out with 12/12 does not mean you are right in to flower
you're minimizing the veg cycle, not eliminating it
so in the beginning, some higher kelvin temps may help
when you see the sex signs(hopefully the hairs), then the 2700k comes in to its own


Active Member
grow one is right how close r lights keep them about three inches awa and get as many cfl as posible give 70/30 6500k/2700k for a couple weeks then go 2700k all the way


Active Member
thanks guys.,let ya know how it goes
Ok so I lowered the plants from the light a couple inches down and added another cfl 2700k.,starting to look a tad bigger still got it on 12 12 I wanna see these suckers shoot up ..does anyone think I can have 5-6 small plants (12 12 from seed) in a 1ft by 1ft grow box??