Who will be the Republican challenger in 2012?


Well-Known Member
the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; freedom from control or restriction
Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control
I think both of those definitions apply nicely to the intended meaning of the statement "power in the hands of the masses"
In fact if you boil all three down to their basic inference, they are almost identical.


Well-Known Member
I think both of those definitions apply nicely to the intended meaning of the statement "power in the hands of the masses"
In fact if you boil all three down to their basic inference, they are almost identical.
Um, no. You can be free from government control and STILL NOT HAVE ANY POWER! You can think for yourself and STILL NOT HAVE ANY POWER!

You people are hopelessly stupid.

Did anyone here even finish high school?

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Um, no. You can be free from government control and STILL NOT HAVE ANY POWER! You can think for yourself and STILL NOT HAVE ANY POWER!

You people are hopelessly stupid.

Did anyone here even finish high school?
You make statements like this and don't back them up.

Also, since you are being childish and throwing insults around and playing "who has the bigger dick" when it comes to education (and yes I know you're a chica)... I don't think you should be calling anyone stupid.

Carl Moss

Active Member
Palin would be an unmitigated disaster. I don't understand why some on the right think she is a viable candidate. I'm even more perplexed by the notion that liberals fear her. Ask Democrats who they want to run against in 2012, it's her. People like Olbermann don't rip on her because they fear her, they rip on her because of the stupid shit that comes out of her mouth. That goes for Michelle Bachman as well.

I don't see Pawlenty or Gingrich being viable either, they're both too far right to capture enough independents. I know this board is full of partisans (from both sides) but the bottom line is that this country is 30/30/40 conservative/liberal/independent (some of whom lean left or right but will vote for either party depending on the candidate) People like Palin or Gingrich could never win a general election for the same reasons someone like Dennis Kucinich never could. They're just too far out there for the mainstream. The Republicans would do themselves a major disservice by turning the primaries in to a conservative circle jerk.


Well-Known Member
"People like Palin or Gingrich could never win a general election for the same reasons someone like Dennis Kucinich never could. They're just too far out there for the mainstream."

Never say never, Arnold Shwartzenaeger... Oh but to see Palin run, damn it would be kick ass funny stuff.


Well-Known Member
"People like Palin or Gingrich could never win a general election for the same reasons someone like Dennis Kucinich never could. They're just too far out there for the mainstream."

Never say never, Arnold Shwartzenaeger... Oh but to see Palin run, damn it would be kick ass funny stuff.
Obama would give her a Vivisection. :evil:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No matter who the Republicans nominate they won't be able to fix hyper inflation or the devalued (defunct?) dollar of 2012 and whatever else Obama manages to fuck up in the meantime. Assuming Obama is the incumbent Democratic nominee, the voters will be again given a choice between dumb and dumber. The two party system will again deliver an idiot to the whitehouse, that we can be assured of regardless of who wins.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I like glenn beck somewhat... he seems to have alot of good knowledge and ideas that i like.. like solving our deficit problem.. he talks about how we need to shrink the role and size of the government...
Solving the deficit problem is easy. It really is. All you do is spend less than you take in.
Can I be President now? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
NOT TRUE... Ron paul knows this topic very well and is in the process of submitting bills to audit the federal reserve.. in turn this will allow us to see what the feds have been doing all these years and HOPEFULLY shut down the fed and bring us back to the gold standard... yes this is a fuckin long shot from hell but it could help us stay away from hyper inflation .. .which will come soon otherwise

No matter who the Republicans nominate they won't be able to fix hyper inflation or the devalued (defunct?) dollar of 2012 and whatever else Obama manages to fuck up in the meantime. Assuming Obama is the incumbent Democratic nominee, the voters will be again given a choice between dumb and dumber. The two party system will again deliver an idiot to the whitehouse, that we can be assured of regardless of who wins.


Well-Known Member
NOT TRUE... Ron paul knows this topic very well and is in the process of submitting bills to audit the federal reserve.. in turn this will allow us to see what the feds have been doing all these years and HOPEFULLY shut down the fed and bring us back to the gold standard... yes this is a fuckin long shot from hell but it could help us stay away from hyper inflation .. .which will come soon otherwise
If we were to be brought back in the gold standard, the country would be totally broke. not like we are not already but, it would be a disaster, hell the us mint, did not create any silver proof dollars this year for collectors, and the gold coins are all but depleted and cancelled, out of production, That sucks I'm a collector:cry:


New Member
If we were to be brought back in the gold standard, the country would be totally broke. not like we are not already but, it would be a disaster, hell the us mint, did not create any silver proof dollars this year for collectors, and the gold coins are all but depleted and cancelled, out of production, That sucks I'm a collector:cry:
Hey Peach ...

This would make an interesting topic for a new thread. Would you start the thread and tell us why a return to metal backing would be a disaster? Thanks ... :)


Well-Known Member
why not think positive and talk about the pros and cons instead of being one sided.... if the mint relied on only gold then it might not work.. but gold, silver and othe preicous metals could be used for different currencies


Well-Known Member
Is there enough gold/whatever even around for that to be possible any more? (back all our currency)

I doubt it.