400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
so i should be alright doing 4 or 5 big girls then cool deal.
Ive seen you mention BIG a couple times already. If you want BIG girls you will need to veg them longer than most people around here do.

How BIG are we talking here? 4 feet tall? 5 feet? It is possible to put 4 or 5 BIG girls around the same light. I do it all the time.

Also, have you considered going vertical? I went vertical earlier this year and Ive never looked back. I veg my girls for about 2 months and then throw them into the flower room with my 400 watter hanging vertically. Its a creation of beauty my friend.


Well-Known Member
i have looked into going vertical but this is my first grow. so maybe after a couple more and i might try it. yeah i want to veg for two months or so maybe six week. i want to get the most out of three girls as i can.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Ive seen you mention BIG a couple times already. If you want BIG girls you will need to veg them longer than most people around here do.

How BIG are we talking here? 4 feet tall? 5 feet? It is possible to put 4 or 5 BIG girls around the same light. I do it all the time.

Also, have you considered going vertical? I went vertical earlier this year and Ive never looked back. I veg my girls for about 2 months and then throw them into the flower room with my 400 watter hanging vertically. Its a creation of beauty my friend.
Big T, I vegg for two months as you can see from what I posted earlier.
Whats this Vertical you speak of?

Just hanging the bulb with no reflector?

Besides heat not being trapped under reflector what are some benefits


Well-Known Member
The reason I went vertical is because I use 5 gallon buckets fill with Fox Farm's Ocean Forrest. The buckets themselves take up more room than 3 x 3, and when the plants get BIG they also get BUSHY. So thats extra space in between the buckets.

In the set up I have it made sense to go vertical with the 400 watter. I added a few extra top lights just because I had them sitting around.

There are many ways to grow, just find the way that suits you best.

Good luck - BTF


Active Member
Never saw the 400watt club before. Subscribed. First grow. I'll post pics of my Super Silver Haze soon. It's still 30 days from harvest but lookin mighty tasty. But gotta go now to chop my semi guerilla plant and clip her up. SWEET!


Well-Known Member
Dude your headband looks sic! Is it the 707? I have been growing headband for a year now, it is my favorite plant. The smoke is excellent, she is strong enough to hold up her own weight AND....she is so freaking powdery mildew resistant! An acquaintance traded me some LA conf and skunk kush clones that brought the wonderful PM into the garden (my veggies get it too so it would have made it in on it's own) I trashed them quick, but not before it took up residence. Ak-48 was real susceptible and not super potent, so she got thrown out of the rotation, My Hijack is lightly susceptible, but will fight it to see the first smoke. My K-train is VERY susceptible to PM, but is so potent, I have been resisting getting rid of her.

In the midst of all this...the headband is immune. She can be surrounded by others with it and gets none. I do not even bother to treat them. I freaking love her!

Note I treat with 1T baking soda, 1T Dr Bronner's soap, 1T organic hemp seed oil in a gallon of water. I will be upping the baking soda and reducing the other two to experiment (after some veggie gardening reading)
This (with hort oil or light veg oil and dish soap) is known as the "Cornell Formula" developed as an organic fungicide by the Universities Ag dept. The oil and the soap are also effective pesticides.

Going over to you journal to see some headband pics...

I got my headband seeds from a bag bought from a coffeeshop - no distinction given as to whether it was 707 or not...so not sure.

Seems to be very mildew resistant. Interesting to see someone else with the same experience.

And I would say you got some amazing looking frosties yourself Hayback. Will also be stoppin by your seldom seen grow:eyesmoke:

Hey Interga, I stopped by your journal, looks the nuts as well. Also read your difficulties.....this growing lark, "it's not rocket science" (one of my old directors favourite sayings on a Friday), but it's damn near close:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks for checkin out the grow. Wish it could always go perfect, but then what would you learn? Just glad It all keeps working out somehow. Really gotta mess things up bad to not get a harvest. But all I'm hoping for is to kill off these spider mites when this grow is done. Doing the full tear down and bleach wash, followed by a bug bomb, and then another, and then 1 more bleach run and then fresh mylar. Hopefully that will ditch them for good. I am also cutting clones and re-growing my mothers to ensure my new upcomming veg area will be mite free.


Well-Known Member
thanks for checkin out the grow. Wish it could always go perfect, but then what would you learn? Just glad It all keeps working out somehow. Really gotta mess things up bad to not get a harvest. But all I'm hoping for is to kill off these spider mites when this grow is done. Doing the full tear down and bleach wash, followed by a bug bomb, and then another, and then 1 more bleach run and then fresh mylar. Hopefully that will ditch them for good. I am also cutting clones and re-growing my mothers to ensure my new upcomming veg area will be mite free.
A few weeks after your "bug bomb" get some ladybugs...if nothing else, they are cute and friendly to have in the garden...as they starve to death:-| (they are picky and do not seem to enjoy F. gnats or Thrips. Also an oil spray or soap spray will kill the spider mites.



Well-Known Member
Big T, I vegg for two months as you can see from what I posted earlier.
Whats this Vertical you speak of?

Just hanging the bulb with no reflector?

Besides heat not being trapped under reflector what are some benefits
Hey Joe, sorry man but I didnt see your post until now. And yeah, I saw your plants from earlier, they look great man!!!

I hang my bulb vertically in a cooltube, no reflector. No heat.

And yeah you can fit up to 15 average sized plants around the same 400 watter. Here, check InBudWeTrust's journal https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/70310-vertical-grow-400-watt-hps.html

Also, if you do decide to go vertical you should also check into topsy turvey tomato growers/ They help maximize space too!!

post script, It does not affect the plant at all if the bulb is vertical compared to horizontal. Ive done both methods and I love the results with vertical... Im never going back!!!


Active Member
hello again fellow 400watt lovers:eyesmoke:
plants are coming down this weekend and should be ready for december!!!:mrgreen:
cutting em a week early than i said but i think they would be better that way.
slightly worried though:neutral: the buds are changing more and more purple every day, it was just the leaves but now it is the actual bud that is changing colour? i will post the best pics i have of this, but im only using my phone cam so not the best shots for detail etc.....
first pic is of a bud on the lower branch, alot greener than those on the top and closer. the fifth pic is of my other lady
if anyone knows if this is cool, +rep,
DAY TEMP: 25-30 degrees
NIGHT TEMP: 17-20 degrees
HUMIDITY: 40%-55%
Dont know the strain either.
got two fans blowin in there. not 24/7 but they switch on for an hour then off for an hour at night and on all day, so i dont think its mold, doesnt look like mold.
many thanksbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Dude let 'em go purple thats bag appeal x10 right there man. I wouldn't chop now give them an extra week to turn purple mane you got lucky right there.
