• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Morning Chat guys, I don't claim to be correct on this 1 bit, but do appreciate the opposed debate... Informative opinion outside of my own is the only way I can get different perscpective instantly without having to come to them myself over a period of time..

This is one way I can correct or move forward with my thoughts, Thanks, hey we just might stumble across something collectively that credit us for being new age pioneers,........Maybe :roll: :lol:



Well-Known Member
No, science has revealed that chaos lies at the center of everything.

:roll:, :-?... Ok, CJ, Chaos is a FAct, it has no errors, it has been scientifically proven and is consistent in Theory in all phases of the Universe.. You are Right, :-|


Well-Known Member
Chaos, as a term, gets tainted by the concept of cities burning, riots in the streets, etc. so people think of chaos as messy, noisy, destructive.
But it can just be very tiny variations in a system which can have little noticeable effect at first but pile up over time.
So like CJ said, an object can appear to have order, but as errors or outside influences modify a pattern, the overall pattern trends away from the initial implied order.

Disclaimer: Not a mathematician. That's about as good as I get on that topic without resorting to direct cut and pastes :)


New Member
Hahah... that's close enough.

If you think the universe is orderly.... try an make an accurate calendar that doesn't have leftovers..... :wink:


Well-Known Member

I'll just sum it up without a bunch of those.....

Man does not understand the timespace continuum nearly enough to say what is the primary causal effect which brought our "known" universe into being.
LMAO.....how did I just know you would be the first to post? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well, not to keep beating a Dead Horse, I guess I wasn't the first person to observe gravity originating from the center of the Galaxies.. Looks like almost all physicist are coming to the same conclusion.. I tried to put it in Stoner terminology and keep it simple ( I like Simplicity), but my point keeps getting construed with religious politics as that wasn't the direction I was heading..

So here for all you people who need numbers and people with Higher Educations to validate anything...

and sadly, I'm not the smartest person on earth :cry:,.....:lol:

If you need me to interpet the terminology or formulas, just buzz

The Origin of Gravity

The acceleration of a free falling object is caused by the refraction
of oscillating particles at a gravitational field 1 Summary

It is a well proven fact, that the speed of light is reduced in a gravitational field. As a consequence, a light beam, which passes a big object, is bent towards the object. This bending process is quantitatively explained by the refraction of light at the gravitational potential. - The same is true for every light-like particle.

From the spin and from the magnetic moment of an elementary particle it can be concluded, that the constituents of such particle oscillate permanently at the speed of light c. For the electron this was determined by Paul Dirac in 1928. If the effect of refraction is applied to this oscillation within an elementary particle, it yields the correct gravitational acceleration of a free physical object in a gravitational field.

This evaluation yields not only the gravitational behaviour of an object at rest but also explains the acceleration, which occurs at high speed and which is normally explained by General Relativity ("curvature of space-time").

And, very surprisingly, you will find that the mass of an object is not the cause of its gravitational field.

This consequence has the potential to eliminate the problem of Dark Matter and the very grave problem of Quantum Gravity.

The structure of particles used here is called the Basic Particle Model.
(Note: This site is also available as a pdf file.)
2 Bending of a Light Beam Passing a Massive Object

The speed of light is not constant in the vicinity of matter but depends - according to the present understanding of physics - on the gravitational potential in the following way::


where c0 is the speed of light in the gravitation-free space, G is the gravitational constant and M is the mass of the object, which is traditionally said to cause the gravitational potential; r is the distance of the position under investigation to the centre of the object. The power p is ½ or 1 depending on the direction of motion in respect to the centre of gravity.

This equation was experimentally proven e.g. by the Shapiro experiment in 1970 (for small changes of c).

From classical optics it follows, that a light beam, which passes an area in which the speed of light depends on the position, is bent towards the area, where the speed of light is lower.

Figure 2.1: A light-like object deflected by a massive object

The deflection of a light beam passing the sun was correctly given for the first time by Albert Einstein. He predicted the gravitational acceleration of the photon to be twice the value of the Newtonian acceleration (as it was for the first time predicted by Soldner in 1801). This was historically taken as an important proof for Einstein’s concept of a 4-dimensional curved space-time. We will see, however, that Einstein’s concept is not necessary to achieve this result. A calculation, which is based on the classical assumption of refraction, yields the same result.
The calculation, which proves the equivalence between the assumption of refraction and the assumption of a curved space-time, will later be added in an appendix to this paper. At this place we will give a short deduction. We will first use the equivalence principle, which is the base of Einstein’s General Relativity. Afterwards an abbreviated mathematical deduction will follow.

Let us assume, that two light-like objects rather than a photon move along the path of the photon. They may be bound at an infinitesimal distance to each other. Then the object, which has the greater distance to the centre of gravity, will move a little bit faster according to eq (2.1). This causes the path of both to be curved towards the centre of gravity. This is the classical refraction process.

2.1 Application of the Equivalence Principle

An observer who is situated at an arbitrary position close to the path and who observes an infinitesimal small space around his position will - according to General Relativity - not notice that the space is curved. From his view both objects move at the same speed. And he will recognize that they move straight. So, also in his view the pair of objects follows the law of refraction.

So the deflected photon follows the path which is given by the classical refraction, which yields exactly the same result as General Relativity.

2.2 Mathematical Derivation

Here now follows a brief collection of the most important equations, which describe the path. The effective speed of light for an arbitrary direction is


Here chor is the horizontal component of c and cvert is the vertical component of the light beam, where “vertical” means the direction from the photon to the centre of gravity and “horizontal” the direction perpendicular to it.

If we use the common definition for the so called Schwarzschild radius rs

then we can write the components according to (2.1)

and, respectively

For a photon which moves along the sun, the split between the horizontal and the vertical component is

described by


where θ is the angle between the radius vector of the actual position of the photon to the sun on one hand and the radius vector of its closest position to the sun on the other hand.

Combining (2.1) thru (2.7) we get

taking into account that rs << r.

If we now assume a second particle farer from the sun by a distance of dy, the corresponding equation for its speed c+ is


The difference of both is (using again rs << r and omitting terms proportional to dy2)

The different speed of both particles causes a curvature of the pfad of radius R, which is

The corresponding acceleration a of this set of 2 objects is

You can now use (2.3) to see that for &#952; = 0 this is the Newtonian acceleration.

It may be surprising that the amount of a increases for a certain range of &#952; &#8800; 0 even though the radius r increases as well. (This is the reason for the fact that ‘a’ integrated yields twice the result of Newton.)

Next we will determine the deflection angle &#945;. The differential increase d&#945; is
where the differential move dx of the particle is given by
And so we get
(2.13) or, with reference to the minimum distance d to the centre of the sun,
Now there is
(2.14) This equation integrated over d&#952; from &#952; = -&#960;/2 to &#952; = &#960;/2 yields
(2.15) After inserting now - G = 6.674 · 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
- M = 1.989 ·1030 kg
- c = 2.998 · 108 m s-1
- d = 6.95 · 108 m
we get, after converting to angular units, the correct result of

· · · · 1.75 arc-sec.

This corresponds to twice the normal gravitational acceleration and conforms to the observation as well as to the prediction of General Relativity - without using General Relativity.
3 Reference of Gravity to the Basic Particle Model

3.1 The Structure of Elementary Particles

To understand further implications of the refraction process to the phenomenon of gravity, we have to investigate the general structure of matter, which means, the structure of elementary particles.

From the dynamic parameters of an elementary particle, its spin and its magnetic moment, and also from its relativistic behaviour it follows, that a particle is built by sub-particles, called here 'Basic Particles', which orbit each other at the speed or light c as shown in figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Basic Particle Model

Top This structure was in principle already detected in 1930 by Erwin Schrödinger, when he analysed the Dirac function of the electron and found, that there must be a permanent internal oscillation at the speed of light c, which he called in German "Zitterbewegung" ("zbw").

In the Basic Particle Model it is assumed, that this structure is valid for all leptons and in addition for all quarks. For the photon we initially follow the idea of Louis de Broglie, that it is a composition of 2 leptons.

3.2 Conditions for the Refraction of an Elementary Particle

We have shown that a pair of elementary objects, i.e. in our case a pair of Basic Particles, is subject to refraction in a gravitational field. But what is about a single object?

To make the considerations following next usable for a gravitational process, we have to assume that also a single Basic Particle is subject to refraction. This is a necessary assumption at this place to make the following work. But it can also be logically understood from the view of the particle, if we assume that even a Basic Particle has an extension (kind of a charge cloud) or it is in a process of permanent oscillation.

So it has to be assumed, that a single Basic Particle is subject to refraction.

3.3 Gravity for an Object at Rest

3.3.1 Gravitational Acceleration in Certain Orientations

If an elementary particle is placed in a gravitational field, its Basic Particles are subject to refraction as explained in section 3.2. This refraction causes the Basic Particles to deviate from their circular path. This in turn will cause a movement of the entire elementary particle.

If we take the case, that the elementary particle is oriented such that its orbital axis points towards the source of gravity, then the refraction causes the Basic Particles to spiral towards the source of gravity. So the entire elementary particle will move into the direction of the source. Due to the refraction the pitch angle of the Basic Particles, &#945;, will steadily increase. This causes the elementary particle to perform an accelerated motion towards the gravitational source.

Figure 3.2: Progressive spiralling downwards

Figure 3.2 shows the accelerated motion downwards. Please note that only the path of one of the two Basic Particles is show to keep the drawing simple.

In this case the acceleration of the (composed) elementary particle is similar to the acceleration given in

equation (2.12)

for &#952; = 0, ·i.e.
(3.1) or, re-inserted for the Schwarzschild radius rs
(3.2) there is
(3.3) which is the Newtonian acceleration. 3.3.1 Gravitational Acceleration in arbitrary orientations

In the general case the orientation of the axis is at an arbitrary angle &#952; with respect to the vertical direction (see figure 3.4).

Figure 3.4: General orientation of a particle

Top In this case only the projection of the refraction into the vertical direction is effective for gravity. This means on one hand, that the gravitational acceleration is reduced compared to the case above. But, on the other hand, the effect of reduction is compensated by the increase of refraction for the vertical component as it is visible in eq (2.12), i.e. the term with a factor of 3.

So, also in the case of an arbitrary orientation of the elementary particle we can get the result eq (3.3)
which is the well known result for the classical case (Newton).

4 The Cause of Gravity

We have seen that gravity is in fact not a force but a refraction process. And the cause of the refraction is the varying speed of light c in the vicinity of matter.

4.1 Varying Speed of Light

Equation (2.1) is the basis to explain all phenomena of gravity. Next the question has to be answered, why c is reduced in the vicinity of matter. The answer is that the reduction of c is caused by the effect of the exchange particles, which build the binding field of the Basic Particles.

According to the Basic Particle Model, the binding field is the field of the strong interaction, which is – also according to the model – the universal force in our world affecting all existing particles.

These exchange particles, which cause an attraction or repulsion in a random way, interact as well with every light-like particle. They cause such a particle to be deflected towards the origin of the exchange particle (i.e. the Basic Particle) or away from it. So the light-like particle performs a random walk as depicted in figure 4.1. As a result the average speed of the light-like particle is reduced, even though the microscopic speed is still the speed of light c.

Figure 4.1: Perturbed way of a light-like particle

Top According to the Basic Particle Model the field of every Basic Particle is the same independent of the elementary particle, to which the Basic Particle belongs, and so is the flow of exchange particles. Consequently the reduction of c and so the gravitational effect is independent from the elementary particle, which means that it is independent of the size and consequently independent of the mass of the elementary particle. Every elementary particle provides the same contribution to the gravitational field.

This fact is in contrast to the conventional physics, but it helps to overcome the principle problems of present gravitational physics.

4.2 Speed Reduction in Detail

The reduction of c is, as mentioned above, caused by the continuous deflection of the light-like particle.

Figure 4.2: Stream of exchange particles

The deflection (cross speed), on the other hand, depends on rate, entropy, distance
  • original rate prop. N (number of sources)
  • entropy prop. r
  • distance prop. 1/r2
If we describe these influences quantitatively, we get the equation (2.8)
(The deduction will be added later at this place.)

If we combine this equation with the Lorentz transformation, we end up – after an appropriate number of deduction steps – at the following equation:
(4.1) which is normally derived in the context of the Schwarzschild formalism. It is the central equation to treat phenomena like the Mercury advance etc. (The dot on top of a symbol means the derivative to the proper time &#964;, as it is measured by an observer moving with the object under investigation.)

(The detailed numerical deduction also of this equation will be added in due course.)
5 The Equivalence Principle

The equivalence principle, which states that the gravitational attraction is strictly proportional to the inertial mass of an object, was initially stated by Newton. According to Newton's law of motion
(5.1) the acceleration of an object is given by
(5.2) where mi is the inertial mass of the object and f the force applied to the object.

On the other hand, Newton assumed a gravitational force
(5.3) where mg is the gravitational mass of the object.

The gravitational acceleration has, according to Newton, to be defined by eq. (5.2); consequently
(5.4) When it was necessary for Newton to explain, that the acceleration a is independent of the object's mass, he introduced the assertion

Top for all physical objects.

This assertion is called the Equivalence Principle. Please note that this is purely an assumption derived from experimental results. Neither Newton, nor later Einstein could give a rationale for this equivalence principle.

5.1 Equivalence Formally

In section 3, eq. (3.1) was derived without any reference to a mass or to a force.

Eq. (3.3):
is completely equivalent to eq. (5.4) if mg /mi = 1 is assumed. So eq. (3.3) can be understood as a formal proof of the equivalence principle.

5.2 Equivalence Physically

According to the refraction approach, the acceleration of an object in a gravitational field is not dependent on the mass of the object.

The refraction process as explained in section 2 affects the constituents of an elementary particle, the Basic Particles. As the Basic Particles do not have any mass at all, the diffraction takes place as a purely geometrical process, no force is involved, and neither is mass. The resulting deflection of a mass-less Basic Particle, which moves at the velocity of light c, is consequently independent of the mass and of the size of the particle as a whole.

Now, what about an object in a gravitational field, for which we need a force to keep it at its place? To understand this, we have to look into the physical mechanism of inertial mass. At any motion, hence also at the refractive motion, both Basic Particles guide each other. If now an external force acts on either of the particles, the other one will try to keep the particle on its ‘normal path’. In case of gravity the ‘normal path’ is the refraction path, and the ‘normal path’ of the whole object is the accelerated free fall. So, the external force has to counteract the same mechanism of inertial behavior as in the case of a normal acceleration. This is the force we have to apply to keep a particle at its place and which is indicated by a scale, and this force is - quite surprisingly in fact - the inertial force of an accelerated motion rather than a gravitational force on a static object.

If we look at it in this way, then "equivalence" is a misnomer. There is nowhere any kind of equivalence between two kinds of a force or two kinds of a mass. The gravitational effect is in fact not related to a force or to a mass at all, but is purely acceleration from its natural origin, the geometrical refraction process.

6 Present Problems with Gravity

It is a fact, that our present understanding of gravity causes a lot of problems in understanding physical and astronomical phenomena. Let's name three of them: 1.Until now it has not been possible to determine the gravitational constant G with an accuracy comparable to that of other physical constants. The conflicting results of different labs cannot be explained by the inherent inaccuracy of the measurements. - When doing these measurements, the experimenters refer the measured force to the mass of the objects involved. But if the mass is not the cause of gravity, then other parameters of the test objects have to be taken into account, which is not done. So the lack of precision is understandable
2.It is presently not understood, why a rotating galaxy has a stable configuration. By conventional calculations the mass within the galaxy can only explain ca. 1/6 of the necessary centripetal acceleration. - If we assume, that not the mass of the stars is the cause of the gravitational field but e.g. the number of elementary particles, which build the stars, then we are close to a solution without assuming things like "dark matter" or undetected elementary particles.
3. Dark Energy, which is a phantom as the acceleration of supernovae is only a seeming evaluation result.

6.1 The "Dark Matter" Phenomenon

Some years ago it was detected, that the rotational speed within and around big galaxies is in conflict with the equilibrium speed determined on the basis of standard gravity. Figure 6.1 shows the discrepancy.

Figure 6.1: Equilibrium conflict at the galaxy NGC 3198 (The radius of the galaxy is 10 kpc)

Top The solid curve labelled "disk" is the rotational speed dependent from the radius as a result of a normal gravitational calculation. The uppermost values are measurements of the real speed; a curve (also solid) is fitted through these measurement. The medium solid line labelled "halo" describes the required distribution of the assumed "Dark Matter" in order to explain the measured values. The red dotted line, which is very close to the "halo" curve, follows from the assumption described above, that every elementary particle contributes equally to the gravitational field. It is the contribution of light particles (i.e. neutrinos and photons). In the drawing the height of this line was chosen to fit into the needs of this diagram, but it fits within a tolerance of a factor 2-3 to the assumed data; its curvature, however, is given by the natural distribution of the light particles and is not parameterised.
Of the light particles mentioned, the photons are mainly generated by the hot, shining stars in the centre of the galaxy. The neutrinos are similarly generated by the nuclear processes within the stars, the sources of which are also mostly in or close to the centre of the galaxy. These particles build a continuous flow off the centre with the speed of light c (or almost this speed). This flow causes their spatial distribution to be
where r is the distance to the centre of the galaxy. The number of particles N within a sphere up to a radius r0 is then
The acceleration a in the gravitational field towards the centre is for r = r0
The centrifugal acceleration on the other hand is

Top In order to keep both accelerations in a balance, it follows for the orbital speed v that
This is the reason for the curvature of the red dotted line in figure 6.1, and so it provides the contribution to the gravitational field, which is elsewhere assigned to the so called "Dark Matter".
7 Conclusion
Gravity can be explained by use of 1.The experimentally proven fact, that the speed of light is dependent on the gravitational potential 2.The Basic Model of Matter; which means that elementary particles are built by sub-particles, which orbit each other at the speed of light c In this way the model explains the phenomena of gravity 1. The Newtonian acceleration of an object at rest 2.The gravitational acceleration of an object at high speed as e.g. a photon passing the sun Also it explains the observations made in the context of General Relativity which are e.g. 1.The rotation speed of galaxies (the Dark Matter problem) 2. The perihelion advance of the Mercury.
Generally speaking, there is no longer a need for the assumption of a curved space in order to explain the phenomena named above. In addition we have to accept that the mass of an object is not the cause of the object's gravitational field.

An explanation for the 'Origin of (inertial) Mass' is also available. NOTE:
The concept of the Basic Particle Model was presented initially at the Spring Conference of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) on 24 March 2000 in Dresden by Albrecht Giese.

(Secondary title: The Origin of Gravitation)

Comments are welcome.



Well-Known Member
To add... it's all theoretical, We don't have the tools of Accuracy to establish it in a factual manner, and please read through it carefully, as I may have mis interpeted some information as well.., I'm not perfect, Yet :mrgreen:


New Member
Pray tell me, what does this have to do with G*D or religion.... what's your point?

Gravity may indeed originate from black holes.....and???? ..... other than being an interesting thing to think about..... what's the connection?


Well-Known Member
Pray tell me, what does this have to do with G*D or religion.... what's your point?

Gravity may indeed originate from black holes.....and???? ..... other than being an interesting thing to think about..... what's the connection?
You know, I'm glad you asked..

Well, since you don't believe in God.. you and a couple of your comrades seem to take everything a person says that have a Religious background or believe in God as some HOkey Pokey B.S.

When I stated this simple observation as a, Wow, look what I just thought of, just as people were sharing their thoughts about the Sun disappearing and shit, you instantly tried to refute what I was saying, because I'm logically unstable, because I have a belief in God... and So without trying to base your opinion on what I was saying you begin interjecting your Biased bullshit..

Fuck It, You know what.. I'm not explaining Shit, It all Pretty clear to everybody reading it.. Athiests ar FULL OF SHIT just like everybody else..

PEACe da Fuck OUT


Well-Known Member
if atheists were full of shit... wouldnt that make them believers? :lol:

that was too hard to resist.. i really just couldnt help it :)


Well-Known Member
if atheists were full of shit... wouldnt that make them believers? :lol:

that was too hard to resist.. i really just couldnt help it :)

:lol:..., Yeah it Would.. and I wasn't specifically including you into that category.. You were open to understanding my point.. But I'm tired of this Crack of My Ass smell Like Roses Bullshit..

I keep saying it has nothing to do with a person's belief system, but the person themselves.. and I'm not directing that to all Atheists, or believe that to be true of anybody.. I just call it, like I see it.. Or don't see it :mrgreen:

I'm cool now, but I spent the last two nights trying to explain this shit, in the Wee hours of the night,

I'm Ok with CJ too, But I'll Ride on a Busta if I have too....

I'm good now, Just a little Venting, that's All :cool: