Help! What is in my Meds??


Active Member
Hey - I shared some of my 2nd crop of Himalaya Gold with friends and they pointed out a bad effect I have been trying to ignore.
My first crop was grown in a bubbler setup - the grow went OK except for my ph blunders - the result was perfect just what I need for med use and otherwise.
This latest crop is almost as good, was grown in soil (2 parts coco coir, 1 part perlite and 3 parts compost soil). I used all GH nutes adding the Big Bloom 2nd wk of flower stage. Never over 900 ppm! Also did a single Cal-Mag treatment @ wk 6. Harvested at 10 weeks.
ANYWAY - this stuff burns your throat when it's vaporized. When you put a few crumbs in your mouth it tingles, then makes those taste buds...numb. When you smoke it, pipe or joint - No problem!:-?

So I am figuring I did something wrong in the grow. If I had bought this I would be scared to smoke it! (But I would.)


Active Member
Did you flush? It sounds like residual nutrients. Personally, I would just stick to pipes and joints and forget about it! But I'm too cheap for a vaporizer anyway.

Sorry bro.



Well-Known Member
this is just a guess, if numbs the tongue you think that something water soluble is present
that could be consistent with the irritation from vaping
water pipe/bong might be helpful, if it's water soluble, a water filter might filter it out


Well-Known Member
Try doing a search for "water curing" I recently read a thread where a member did it to a bad tasting oz he got and it totally fixed it


Active Member
RE: FLUSH, I flushed last two weeks with weak (200ppm) balanced nutes. I forgot something - I used compost tea every other watering during flowering. I borrowed a recipe (2 drops of Superthrive, 2 tablspoons of 8-3-1 bat guano, 1 tablespoon of raw molasses - bubbled for two days) for 2 gallons of tea. My first time using it but the friend who got me started is the one who gave me the recipe - his stuff the best I have ever tasted.


Well-Known Member
RE: FLUSH, I flushed last two weeks with weak (200ppm) balanced nutes. I forgot something - I used compost tea every other watering during flowering. I borrowed a recipe (2 drops of Superthrive, 2 tablspoons of 8-3-1 bat guano, 1 tablespoon of raw molasses - bubbled for two days) for 2 gallons of tea. My first time using it but the friend who got me started is the one who gave me the recipe - his stuff the best I have ever tasted.
pH'd water only! maybe the super thrive? that sh!t is funky.



Active Member
I put a medium sized cola in distilled water Saturday night - today the water is cloudy and sort of a tannish color. I see some people only water cure for a couple days but I am wondering if I should replace the water and go for a few more days? Anybody?


Active Member
FYI - I did not replace the water. The wet weed smell was very bad, skunky in a bad way. I dried the now-falling-apart bud on a plastic screen set over my (empty) humidifier with the fan set on low. The buds are no longer as sticky but testing shows that water-curing worked very well. The calyxes are much tighter now. The potency is undiminished. The bud does NOT look as cosmetically pleasing - but, I can see making this process part of my harvest routine.