First Grow with Barneys Nightshade(homemade box)


Active Member
Thanks to all!!

What makes you think that they are gonna be monsters END?? i hope you mean in weight and not height as i don't have loads of room, but im pretty sure their low growing plants!! sure your just bigging me up but now you got me a little worried!!

So what does everyone est the end size of plant and harvest?? any ideas??

Is there anything i should be keeping an eye on now im nearly 2 weeks into flower?? was thinking about feeding the girls whenever they need it with the normal 3ml bloom and 1 litre water till about the 1/11/09 then give them a little flush(2 litres of plain water)then ready to start feeding pk 13-14 for a week then after that 2 weeks of flushing up till harvest!! How does that sound to you peeps???

Been keeping a eye on all your threads but haven't replied as much as i would like due to messing around with photos and videos etc!! Will do another video which i hope will be better than the last but will leave it for a bit and just update the pics for now!!!

Happy toking to all:joint:


Well-Known Member
videos are cool... but they take too long, Esp. with loading time.... and the visual quality is lacking...... Pics are easier for me to peep and can be a lot more dfinitive :)......


I am on day 52 of flower with my Barney’s Farm Night Shade in soil, under CFLs. I germinated 1 feminized seed, vegg’d it, took 2 clones, and then vegged them all some more.
I vegged the mother for nearly 14 weeks (outrageous!) and the clones for just about 5 weeks each. I threw them all into flower mostly to put the mother out of her misery. The clones rooted/vegg’d/flowered without problem and were nowhere near as particular as their mother.
The mother plant was quite finicky compared to my other plants currently growing (Nirvana Blue Mystic) as well as the clones taken from her. She was more sensitive to nutrient levels, pH, and light placement/penetration than anything else in my room. Couple her sensitive nature with the unfortunate 3 days she spent in a 95+ degree closed grow-room (in laws came to visit!) and you get a plant that I had to drag kicking and screaming to my current near harvest point.
The clones on the other hand have been looking tremendous, but only as of late. All 3 stretched (2 clones and mother) a very significant amount during the 1st 3 weeks of 12/12 and I had to do some fast and furious LST work just to keep up (height restrictions). I’d tie down particular branches and then the next day I’d have to move the tie-down points to tie down different branches or to keep the current branch at its former level.
The clones themselves looked to be the bastard step-children of my current grow until about week 6. I really thought about scraping both of them (way too stretched to amount to anything, their bud sites looked wispy and unproductive) and using their lights to move along my superior looking BMs. I stayed the course, and was rewarded for it around week 6. I came back from a weekend out of town to find that the clone buds had about doubled (to my eyes). They have beefed up quite a bit, as has their mother, and I am having a really hard time not chopping them right now!
I gave the mother its last feedinga few days ago and since she has been on nothing but RO water mixed with molasses. The clones received their last feeding yesterday (as they seem to be a few days behind the mother as far as new development and trichome color). They all have responded well to molasses added to their nutrient-free waterings and all are free of any signs of mold or disease (knock on wood).

Nutshell: They can be finicky so don’t have a heavy hand with the nutes until you get a handle on their particular tastes, they stretch until around week 3-4, the buds put on a ton of weight at around week 6, stay disciplined with your approach and they will turn out great.


Active Member
Thanks for all comments people!!

Thanks for the msg Lancer!! Ive been dying to hear from someone who has had experience with the Nightshade and really enjoyed reading all about your grow(No journal?? or pics??) would love to see how they look now and how it ends, so PLEASE stay with me on this one i may need to call on you!!

I agree Dragon!! the vids take too long but had to do it!! you dont see many on here and thought it would be a nice change!!
Even though i said i would leave it awhile, i have taken another quick vid but this time i took it first thing in the morning when the light came on, because thats when they look SUPER fine! so will put that up along with some pics(just for you Dragon!! lol) Again not loads of change in the photos but to me who sees them every hour or so(im addicted to checking them)the growth is amazing!!



Here's a pic of one of the buds on a NS clone. I topped both of them and tied them down nicely. This bud is about the size of a prescription bottle, perhaps larger in girth, but just as long. There are 4-6 buds of this size or just a hair shorter on both plants with several buds about 1/3 of the size all the way up the branches.

This was taken a day or two after I came back and saw that the buds had taken off. Perhaps 43-44 days flowering? They're still getting larger as we speak. I have yet to spot an amber NOT on a leaf edge on the clones. Its about 50/50 clear/milky. The mother is about 15/80-85/0-5 clear/milky/amber percentage-wise but some of the buds (even in the same regions of the plant) are behind in trichome progression.



Active Member
What do you mean Dragon??? feed them 1 more time(which will be in the morning) then do a flush after that rather than wait till the 1/11/09 to do the flush!!??


Active Member
will any molllasses do? and how much do u use in 1 litre of water? i was going to flush with just water but i see lots of people using it!! does it not leave any taste in the smoke like when you get a bit that hasnt been flushed proper and tastes chemicaly??? i know the plant uses the sugars etc just wanted to know if it makes the smoke taste sweeter or if it has no effect on the taste and just bud size!!

Rambling now! Smoking some nice Blue cheese!! hope u can workout what i mean!!??

nice pic lancer if u have more, stick em up!

thats it more tom!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say it tastes any sweeter, but more "pure" to the strain..... when flushing I use BBB which already has molasses in it....... it sure does help with getting rid of excess salts, starches, and other nutes etc.