

Active Member
how much does LST increase yield?

is it worth it?

Im in my first grow and i need a lot of bud so is LST really worth it?


Active Member
how much does LST increase yield?

is it worth it?

Im in my first grow and i need a lot of bud so is LST really worth it?
Here a pic of my girl lst'ed i have 2 main colas from topping and another 3 big colas from lasting

But yes lst-ing does increase yield. My plants growth exploded from it as well. the last pic is from where i began lst. this is my frirst grow i made a lot of beginner mistakes but she recouperated



Active Member
i have 5 tops that are now pretty much main colas from last. i would say go for it. just be careful not to bend the branch to hard. just work it slowly.


Well-Known Member
my understanding is lst doesn't so much increase yield, it just moves it from top cola to side cola's
if you're short on vertical space, lst lets you grow lower
some feel they do get more, just starting my 1st lst


Well-Known Member
i would highly advise you to LST your plant, you train your plant into whatever way u need it. i nearly trained my plant into a rectangular shape to fit better into my cabinet. lol

i just think it gives alot more control if your have a small setup. i am going to lst each time, as i will need to to make the most of my small space.

i LSTd a plant on my windows sill, then built a stealth grow cabinet after it was growing for about 3 months on my window sill. if i had not LST'd it would have never fitted where i need it...

here is a guide i found yesterday about Training plants, its got info on everything. i learnt alot more about LSTing after i read this...

grow space

Well-Known Member
fuckin sick, nice man.. this really helped.. im gonna try but i do you think this slows down growth
No man....You are not stressing it heavily, your not stressing it almost at all(yeah, called low stress, but bearly stress at all) just are directing the grow where you want ti to go....

i say it will increase yield and give u a better, bushier plant..


Well-Known Member
Something to remember when using LST. You use this training method to redistribute the growth hormones from the main tip to the lower sites. To do this you must make the main tip lower than the other sites, ie. at least horizontal, otherwise you are just tying your plant down. This applies to ScrOGs as well.