First grow on my own went Aeroponics!!!

dank2 kevin

This is my first grow by myself, am currently in the middle of one with another person and all is extremely well!!! This will focus though on my experience with aeroponics and the way i set things up as i go on.
i have 2 aeroflo2 rails -10 pot section so 20 total, got a good deal from the local shop or else i would have built my own. I used a 18 gal tote as a res perfect for the setup, and i am using a 500 gpm mag drive submer pump for flow.
Now i had to fashion some connecting tube together and made the mistake of buying the wrong thread style connection to the lines that came with the rails (coarse). regular tubing comes in fine thread. They are in 3" netted pots and i started the cuttings in 1" rockwool cubes surrounded them in hydoton in the pots. For the light i regret to inform that i am using a cfl(to broke to buy hps) but after this paycheck i will have a 1000w hps running in there too on an 6' rail that way they all get plenty of light. eventually i will put up mylar and be much happier with everything but that will have to wait until i get paid again.

When i decided to go aero i was looking for watering inst and i could not really find much. I am using a cycle that never lets the roots go for at least 1.5 hr without water and it seems to working fine( would be better but the light is limiting growth) now when the roots are more developed will put the water on for longer. The pdf for the aeroflo2 sys says to keep it on 24hrs a day but i noticed some nuut burn so i lowered the watering time. for nuuts i am using cutting edge solutions working awesome in my first gro!!! we will see how they do in aero. nuuts are a 6 part system and i am going 1/2 strength until the plant warm up to them.
They have been in the rails for 1 week and good root growth has begun cant wait to get the hps to see some real growth in the plants though! They range from 7-11" but from experience i know the will love a new light. i will try to get some pics up soon.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Congrats on starting your first grow.
It sounds like you have learned a bit from others before trying it. Thats cool.

I am finishing my first aeroponics grow and it is not like previous hydroton grows.
They grow a lot faster. Is awesome.

Right now I run 3 min on 15 min off. I have tried a bunch of different cycles and it doesn't seem to effect them as long as they get wet. I'm running a 400 watt too.

Yea, lets see some pics.

dank2 kevin

Thanks, here are some pics, will add more after this weekend. the last 2 are ones i had no spots for i need to make something else for those though. If any one says clones die if not put into bigger blocks they lie, i am sad to say it but, it has been almost a month since i got them and they have not died. I will put some of the light and extras on after the weekend. Thanks for the reply.:mrgreen:


dank2 kevin

Hey man,

Nice Lookin setup you got there. Yea, I agree they are begging for light.

Finally paid this friday and upgraded lights. 1000W bathing these beauties!!! I am soo happy, now i cant wait to get the mylar up, there will be light everywhere!!! I will also be adding another rail to the mix next week, the hydro shop is hooking it up!! :bigjoint: After my sexy little hindu girls get adjusted to the new sun i installed, i will be flippin these babies and beginning the exciting part!!! :smile:n n Here are a couple new pics hope u all enjoy.



wheres your exhaust fan for the 1000 watter big guy? yo.... so i just got back last night and seriously like half the hairs are orange atleast and I had to do some surgery cuz our biggest were leanin over like big tyme lol these buds are gettin mad heavy. Thats shit looks sweet though bro! How do you have the water run back off into the res? it gets pumped out too? I also insist you incorporate some co2, you think the girls here look fuckin good... throw some co2 on yours and they will get to 6 ft fo sho! plus i think it will help with the stalks cuz these are to skinny even with bein under the hps the whole time they cannot support the big fruity dense nugs theyre producing. + rep hoe

dank2 kevin

TOO broke to get the exhaust built yet, will next week on friday it seems no matter how many times i get paid the next day i am broke:( I have the door partially open and am drawing air in from the rest of the house pretty cool up here right now so i do not need to worry about temp. On the weekend i will put up a wall like we have divinding the room and i will be pulling air in from the other side of the room and be pulling it through the light and out into the attic i also have the ballast in the attic to reduce heat load in the room working out pretty well so far.sTILL NEED ALL THE NUTES, I havent gotten the uncle johns the mag amp or the plant amp yet, the shop doesnt carry them so i had to special order it, and they only sell in the gal size so i wont need to go for awhil once i get them! on the stem size not worried about the thickness as long as they produce big buds i will support them with my arms if i have to to let them grow fat haha. was looking at a co2 setup pretty expensive to get something that can monitor and release when needed, maybe after a harvest i can get bigger.


hell yeah brotha! well i just got done supporting them. I went to gorilla today and got bamboo stix and just tied all of em up cuz they were all fallin over pretty bad. plus i made a shit load more room for some of the lower branches to get light. most all the buds are soooo fucking big!!! not like most the ones from my first one ya know on all those branches that were gettin no light....these ones are phaaaaaattttt!!!!!! hahaha i had somethin else to tell ya but i put it up on my page so jus check it out there kiddo!

dank2 kevin

Well it has been a week and my god, these puppies are looking so great, aeroponics is the shit!!!! I checked the measurements a couple a days in a row and had 2 inches in 2 1/2 days:bigjoint:They are getting pretty tall now 15-16" and starting sun i will be flipping these girls Yes!!! i got some new pics here for ya and hooked up the exhaust finally. Might end up getting mylar tomorrow not sure yet but leaning heavily towards getting it for the whole flowering period.bongsmilie



Active Member
Hey dude, just some advice, your plants are rather close together so to get the best yield, grow 1 main bud at the top by pruning all the side shoots, but leave about 4 shoots to grow right at the bottom (sideways only, cut the ones that would have them grow into eachother along the lengths of the pipe), catch all the light that would just have gone to the ground. would recommend switching to flowering cycle when the plants are about 45cm and the bottom shoots about 20cm. Sweet setup btw hoping to build a 6 stage aeroponics cupboard grow myself cos i have to disassemble my room in a month or 2.... cant wait to see more pics.

dank2 kevin

thanks seth i am probably going to trim tomorrow. with ur advice i plan on positioning them to get the best shoots on the sides and then trim, may tie them down and train them a little too to get them to splay out. Should i trim the fan leaves too or let them be, last time i trimmed i went from the bottom up and left the shoots near the top and got rid of all the small stuff on the bottom?

dank2 kevin

Well i let them go another week, and jeez these things are bushy monsters!!! Here are some new pics. They are also going through a shit ton of water, i put fresh nutes in 10 gal of pure water, i went in last night and 6 gal were gone:clap:


As for Co2- try making wine in or very near the grow3 lab. Wine is easy to make and... if you don't like the taste of one batch- turn it into white lightning. Thats what we've been doing for years. Nothing like getting the most out of life.
BTW I too am switching to Aeroponics. My question is this... what is the best fert to use with foggers??
Also any other input and advice from everyone will help.


Well-Known Member

Six gallons in one day!
Thats a lot of water man.

What did the PPM of the soup do?
Did it lower along with the water level or rise?

dank2 kevin

sorry i did not mean to lead you on, it was 2 1/2 days. I do not know what the ppm was regrettably, dont have a tds stick at the present moment i would assumed it would have stayed relatively constant that is what i have seen in the past.

dank2 kevin

Measured them today approaching 20" and that is leaning the measuring tape out a little, going to flip on sun for sure. That leads me to next ? does anyone have suggestions on how i could trim these girls to get the best yield? Any help would be appreciated:) Ohh and just put mylar up on the walls, roof to floor and a complimenting strip on the floor as well.


dank2 kevin

Well the day is here time to reduce the electric bill and put these girls into flower!!!!:bigjoint:Gave the girls thier first night today, and man did they work up a thirst. i put fresh water with nutes in sunday mornig and i went in at 730 today and down to 2 :shock:. I was not sure how to proceed at this point since i put fresh nutes in yesterday. After some thought i decided to put 10 gal in with half strength and full strength kool bloom first time have put that in and will be doing so from now on. We will have to see how it goes. That brings me to a ? if it happens again in a day or two should i give them nutes again or jmust water??? Any help would be appreciated. Ohh and i gave them a trim, here are some pics



Well-Known Member
Very nice, clean setup man. Those ladies loved the light upgrade, should be a plentiful harvest.