New Member
Nope..... not there. 

I can see that one![]()
Thanks for the reply GT, I apreciate it. But yeah Im over it, fuck the trolls, I guess thats just part of the internetbtf the nonsense reps you got were from 2 different people across multiple accounts...
um we grow tomatoes rememberThanks for the reply GT, I apreciate it. But yeah Im over it, fuck the trolls, I guess thats just part of the internet
I am glad we can all get back to growing cannabis and happier times. Speaking of which, I just harvested my last Bubba Kush. She was 4 feet tall and it looks like Ill pull a couple OZ's from her. Enough to last me for the winter.
I know this isnt the appropriate area for such pictures, but I figured what the hell. Its better to ask for forgiveness rather than permision, right?
Peace guys/gals and happy growing.
lol, you're welcome.thanks wikid i think i have it fixed now.
(still waiting to repp you and cj).
how do attach pics to the threads?
Drama, drama, drama... I must really really love it here at RIU, because I was gone for about a week and when I came back, was very disheartened to see even more drama B.S., but I'm still here just about every moment I'm online.
I received a "neutral" rep (which I'd figured out months ago meant it was left by a member that is new and/or hasn't received much him/herself yet) signed by "Ludacris #1" saying something about to beware the "sight" snitches. (Yes, spelled that way. lol) I've seen Luda's rep bar before, knew it couldn't be him, so I did a site search on "Ludacris" and was brought to this thread. Found more drama, more finger-pointing at Luda. All thanks to the success of the troll(s), meaning they once again got the upper hand.
I hate trolls with a passion. Not because they "bother" me personally per se (I've been bothered before after some serious and repeated harassment, but most often I just blow them off or else tell them off calmly and rationally), but the whole childish concept of setting out to irritate and harass others just for the hell of it is just plain... well, childish.
Don't let them know how much they may be getting to you, and they have no reason to keep pulling their antics. I know it is sometimes easier said than done... I'm not always successful at taking my own advice, especially when things they say really hit home. One example: that "red rhino" character (was that the basis of the username?) plowing into me for having bipolar, saying I basically shouldn't be alive and what not. I gave one reply, saying that if he thought I was hurting my little feelings, he had another think coming. (Which he didn't. The ignorance of others stopped hurting me years ago.) He kept it up, Stoney and Wikid made a few choice (and awesome!) replies, and although I almost commented back, I refrained. It wasn't easy to let it go (the "educator" in me wants to come out often, lol), but I succeeded. And that just reinforced to myself that I do indeed have some character and self control, mental illness or not.
Show the character you have that they lack. That's the best way to fight back.Or, have a little fun at their expense.
Case in point...
best just to ignore any trolls as it just adds fuel to the fire.
i have a full list of bullshit repps but i aint worried about it anymore as its been going on for over a month now.
(thanks for the +repp).
no that wont be nessesary.I dont post much but it all sounds we are like in elementary school again. This is a place that we can all come and talk about out beloved plants and how to grow them well and efficiently. Maybe we should change the name from roll it to All My Children