how does my plant Look?


This my first time ever growing. I believe its a girl but I'm not sure. It been growing for about 2 months. I just pruned it. I would have thought it would be bigger. Does it look healthy and the way it should at this time? thanks alot for the help.



Active Member
This my first time ever growing. I believe its a girl but I'm not sure. It been growing for about 2 months. I just pruned it. I would have thought it would be bigger. Does it look healthy and the way it should at this time? thanks alot for the help.
Well, looks like it's primarily indica, and likely a female (I *think* I saw evidence of fem, but close up pic is blurry).

It definitely looks to be vertically challenged for a two month old plant, but then again - we don't know what strain it is, therefore have nothing to compare it to. What kind of light set-up do you have?

As far as overall health and color, she (we hope, right?) looks fantastic.:eyesmoke:
I would say great job, and (pending your answer on the lights) probably invest in a stronger light source.


the plant is 71 days old, I have no idea what strain it is. it doesnt have balls lol so i think its female.


i have the plant under several 23w lamps, she i hope is 19 inches now. shes in regular soil, i have not added any chemicals or anything to the soil. if you would like some better pics just let me know and i'll post some new ones, thanx alot.


Well-Known Member
Plant doesn't look too healthy to me... Looks like some of the leaves have "the claw" which is probably due to excessive nutrients or possibly ph problems. I know its not *that* bad yet, but it will get worse if not corrected.


Well-Known Member
That is 71 days old??:?:
Is it from seed or clone?
My lady is an 85 day old clone and is 2 ft x 2 ft. All I did was put her in miracle grow potting soil and gave her some CFL's for light.
Are you feeding her ??
give her more loving light and nutes and talk to her. She will come around..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i have the plant under several 23w lamps, she i hope is 19 inches now. shes in regular soil, i have not added any chemicals or anything to the soil. if you would like some better pics just let me know and i'll post some new ones, thanx alot.
I'll take you up on your offer for some updated pics. Nice plant. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
That is 71 days old??:?:
Is it from seed or clone?
My lady is an 85 day old clone and is 2 ft x 2 ft. All I did was put her in miracle grow potting soil and gave her some CFL's for light.
Are you feeding her ??
give her more loving light and nutes and talk to her. She will come around..:eyesmoke:
Looks like its had too many nutes already. If it were underfed, leaves would be yellowing and dying off from the bottom up. Over-fed plants tend to develop crispy, claw like leaves that will appear burnt around the edges. This plant looks like it is already exhibiting the first two symptoms, number three is on its way...


Well-Known Member
Looks like its had too many nutes already. If it were underfed, leaves would be yellowing and dying off from the bottom up. Over-fed plants tend to develop crispy, claw like leaves that will appear burnt around the edges. This plant looks like it is already exhibiting the first two symptoms, number three is on its way...
Hay I am but a neophyte at growing and know only what I have read. I still don't know enough to really even be considered a real grower:roll:. I am on my first grow now. So many thanks for the expert info from all.

& may your buds grow large and lucious..


Well-Known Member
looks like to much loving water it way less like twice a week an 3 times a week when flowering problem solved