Need help!!!

Dr. 3qom

Hello galz and guyz...need major help on my first grow room...and unfortunately time is not on my side...
Details: flood and drain...
Grow room size: 8x18x9
Lights: 4, 1000w MH
trays: 2, 4x8
Res: 2, 70 gl
Medium: 6" rockwool surrounded by hydroton
fans: 2, 8" max-can fans exhaust air out of lights, 1 6" can-fan intake into lights. 8'' max-fan with hepa filter intake fresh air. 2 oscillating fans blowing directly on the tables.

unable to post pics just yet...but will soon...

current problem...Too Hot

My door is sealed with panda film with 2 zippers on it...when the 8" intake is on it pushes the door out...when off, a vacuum is formed.
Temp max in 87, min in 75. w/o Co2, ac

How can i fix the airflow prob...

Im cultivating OG and Bubba any suggestions on nutes and cheap Co2 will be greatly appreciated...also what is the best way of controlling temp in a 70 gl reservoir...thanks

Prohibition is ending!!!...Keep the pressure on!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man and welcome to RIU
sounds like your off to a good start (other than the temp)
Id say opt for a portable AC they are around 3-500 at homedepot and so on.
Im planning to get one soon as I get some HPSs.

Dr. 3qom

Hey man and welcome to RIU
sounds like your off to a good start (other than the temp)
Id say opt for a portable AC they are around 3-500 at homedepot and so on.
Im planning to get one soon as I get some HPSs.

I have a portable AC...but i keep getting either too much exhaust or too much can I balance it without reaping the door off....


Well-Known Member
I have a portable AC...but i keep getting either too much exhaust or too much can I balance it without reaping the door off....
Im not sure what you mean? How is it too much? Sry havent gotten stoned yet some Im stumped LOL

Dr. 3qom

Im not sure what you mean? How is it too much? Sry havent gotten stoned yet some Im stumped LOL
I dont have solid using panda film to cover the door area...but the unbalance is either stretching the panda film out or is sucking it inward and creating gaps and holes where the staples and tape is...

How do these nutes it a good mix...
VEG: Sensi grow A+b
Roots Excelurator
Sugar Daddy
Liquid Karma

Bloom: Connoisseur A+B
Roots Excelarator
Sugar Daddy
Liquid Karma
Grand Finale
Briximus Maximus..

Any help is greatly appreciated...Keep smoking


Well-Known Member
I dont have solid using panda film to cover the door area...but the unbalance is either stretching the panda film out or is sucking it inward and creating gaps and holes where the staples and tape is...

How do these nutes it a good mix...
VEG: Sensi grow A+b
Roots Excelurator
Sugar Daddy
Liquid Karma

Bloom: Connoisseur A+B
Roots Excelarator
Sugar Daddy
Liquid Karma
Grand Finale
Briximus Maximus..

Any help is greatly appreciated...Keep smoking
Hey man
I use Sensi Grow

Throw a table spoon molasses in with the mix and you will b happy, make sure it's blackstrap.

Dr. 3qom

I just put 50 platinum OG in veg...i have the lights at 4 ft. the leaves are all dropping after 4 this ok...when is the best time to give the first food...been cloned for 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
you have all MH and no HPS... i seriously disagree with this. try at least half HPS and half MH. really need pics. i dont even want to seem like im tellin you what to do, until you post pics
Need to find out whats going on with the plants and what is the best remedy
Howdy, Keep it simple first. Are you sure your roots are getting enough water? The last clones I had that looked anything like yours, were not getting enought water to their roots. Also, a friend used ice in his res to lower the temp until he could afford a decent AC unit:peace:.

Dr. 3qom

i checked the was still wet...i purchased the clones today...the guy told me they should be fine for a whole day...they have been under the lights for 7 1/2 hours now

Dr. 3qom

how long does it take for clones to recover from transplant shock...when should i start the feeding schedule...any help will do...


Well-Known Member
hey dont start feeding for 3-4 weeks
it can take 1-3 for the clone to recover, sometimes they get shitty about it.

Dr. 3qom

18 hrs past after putting babies in getting a whitish yellowish spots on the base of the stems...where the stem is touching the rockwool...any idea what that might be? just fed the babies with 350 ppms (roots excelurator, pirahna, sensizym, sensical, and sensi grow a+b...any advice on it too much or too little?


Well-Known Member
18 hrs past after putting babies in getting a whitish yellowish spots on the base of the stems...where the stem is touching the rockwool...any idea what that might be? just fed the babies with 350 ppms (roots excelurator, pirahna, sensizym, sensical, and sensi grow a+b...any advice on it too much or too little?
man I told ya to wait on the nutes, what did ya do?

Take care.

Dr. 3qom

3 days in...dark purple stems are starting to turn green...(i think their relieving stress)...root growth has exploded...some plants are showing thickness in the bottom of the main that good growth?
temp 77.7
ph 5.8
RH 30% (is this too low)
24 hrs on
last feed 400ppms


Active Member
3 days in...dark purple stems are starting to turn green...(i think their relieving stress)...root growth has exploded...some plants are showing thickness in the bottom of the main that good growth?
temp 77.7
ph 5.8
RH 30% (is this too low)
24 hrs on
last feed 400ppms

seems a lil high on nute level at this stage...anyone disagree/agree?...i burned a little at week 2...also i noticed that they seem to grow faster with a little rest period..i recently reduced my light hours due to the high electricity bills from 24/0 to 20/4 and noticed that they seem to like it more....increase growth,give them a break, and lower the bill.

Dr. 3qom

50 plants growing rather well now...20 days in veg...height is doubled and in some tripled from transplant height...random spots on the grow tray have plants that are showing deformed leaves...theres 5 leaf sets in the middle, where the new growth is having 3 set leaves with round edges...what can be the getting a lot of nodes, on a 10 ince plant i have 8 nodes...on a 13 inch plant i have that ok?...thanks a a lot..first grow