The hippies grow

dimension 2350

New Member
ok.... In the first picture what does the number 34 stand for..... and could you get a few more of the plant again there are a few details in it I would like to go over but can't because the pic is too small......
it's actually 2 3/4. I label the buckets I use of how much to fill it with. I use 3 as a whole and 2 3/4 is for how much I fill it with dirt.

dimension 2350

New Member
and how bout a couple more pics of the plant??? how bout one from a couple feet away or so showing your light etc.?
After that pic was taken I said I was only gonna do once a week. If I have the light on you can't really see anything but next Monday night I will start posting it from a couple feet away.*


Well-Known Member
pics from a couple feet away..... see easy.... takes less than five minutes.... from just a few feet away..... and trust me, if there is a plant there, even with the lights on you can see the plant!

Also.... what are your temps.... RH? tap water huh? and there is nothing in the "dirt" no additives at all??? just from outside your house huh???


dimension 2350

New Member
pics from a couple feet away..... see easy.... takes less than five minutes.... from just a few feet away..... and trust me, if there is a plant there, even with the lights on you can see the plant!

Also.... what are your temps.... RH? tap water huh? and there is nothing in the "dirt" no additives at all??? just from outside your house huh???
I'm not gonna keep taking pics.
No additives that I know of.
Around the high 70's.
Tap water that set uncovered.
Good thread guys
I think people will be surprised by how well the old school grow will do
I see to many people trying to reinvent the wheel on the site


Well-Known Member
nah I have experimented enough on my own regarding old school and new school...... the feel of old school with the science of new school seems to work pretty well for me....... but...... nah..... jonboy, do me a big favor and look REALLY close at all of dimensions photos...... tell me if you notice anything????


Well-Known Member
I have my suspicions as well, but i can only assume so much on the internet...that first pic was a sunflower...and i cant see anything in that teeny tiny picture...


Well-Known Member
oh yeah....that too....i just figured the tell tale sign was the sunflower...but thats my $.02

put 2 + 2 together...eureka!


Well-Known Member
I wish I could turn a seed into a one inch tall sprout in 48 hours... Guess I should toss my shitty FFOF soil and get some goodness from the ground outside. :roll:

How about some pictures of CANNABIS that YOU are currently growing, OP? Anyone can google images of weed sprouts and post them on a public forum. Why'd you have to crop everything out of the photo? Something to hide? This thread is a joke.


Well-Known Member
I also call BS. The first pic is not a cannabis sprout - the seed shell is still on the cotyldon, and in no way resembles a cannabis seed. I've sprouted 32 seedlings - I've got a good idea of what one looks like.Second pic is NOT the same plant, has been photoshopped, and in the background you can still clearly see different "dirt" than the first pic, real soil with perlite in it. Far as I'm concerned - Jonboy, you win.


Well-Known Member neither...i just wanted a good ole' contest to see what method is better...guess I woulda lost...
Here's a pic of my plant that sprouted from seed last night...LoL...
Hey man, I want some of what you got!:hump: lmao