24/0 v.s. 18/6


good morning fellow riu'ers......im on my fourth grow and im sitting here packing a bowl wondering the pros an cons on the light cycles 24/0 an 18/6..im currently vegging my plants on the 24/0 cycle and im wondering what the benefit to the 18/6 would do on my babies?bongsmilie


Active Member
some say you get more growth doing a 24/0 grow although i prefer 18/6, less power consumption and i i also believe plants need some dark.Plus giving it ark will simulate a real day i mean the sun isnt out 24/7 . Its all a matter of personal prefrence.


i see what yer saying...one my last grow i started out 24/0 and i swithced to 18/6 about twoo weeks in to veg and i noticed a lil difference ni the size of the plants....people say that during the dark hrs is when the roots grow an healthy roots mean healthy plants...is any of that true?


Active Member
yea a short period of darkness is very beneficial to the plants roots, and like you said a Healthy and good strong roots, will give you a good healthy plant.

luvvin growin

Active Member
The plants need some dark to process the stored energy it saved during the day,thus promoting rapid root growth,stronger plants,and more growth throughout the plant.It also helps to lengthen the life of the Mothering plants,as it gives them time to heal.
plants can be just as healthy on 24 as they are on 18 but will be shorter and stockier
if you are running a lot of watts per square foot(1000 HIDs) then 18 may give you healthier plants
some strains can handle high watt rooms on 24 and some have trouble

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
18 hours for me! i like to save my pennies.
You need to take into account the opportunity cost of your plants and the space that they're currently taking.

18/6 might lower your electric bill monthly, but 24/0 will get your plants into flowering faster, thereby making your system more efficient.

To each their own, and both are fine and dandy, but 24/0 grows plants faster.

Facts are facts.


Active Member
You need to take into account the opportunity cost of your plants and the space that they're currently taking.

18/6 might lower your electric bill monthly, but 24/0 will get your plants into flowering faster, thereby making your system more efficient.

To each their own, and both are fine and dandy, but 24/0 grows plants faster.

Facts are facts.
i run my veg lights (t5) in my bathroom so i dont use any other lights in there - plus my electricity is factored into 4 other apartments so electricity is not a huge worry as people are moving in an out all the time..


thanks for all your help guys im switched my lights to 18/6 today to see if i can notice a difference......would it harm my plants to switch it back to 24/0 if i dont see a diff?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
i dont think 24 hour lighting grows plants faster but to each its own i guess
Whereas people's opinions on the health of plants and their root systems can differ, the point that's not arguable is that if you have two plants under the exact same conditions and put one of them in darkness for six hours a day, that one's gonna be smaller and slower to develop - again, simply a fact.

Plants don't need "sleep" like humans do.


Well-Known Member
In my experience the plants do grow faster in 24/0 but it may take longer for the plant to start the flowering process
Whereas people's opinions on the health of plants and their root systems can differ, the point that's not arguable is that if you have two plants under the exact same conditions and put one of them in darkness for six hours a day, that one's gonna be smaller and slower to develop - again, simply a fact.

Plants don't need "sleep" like humans do.

But so we dont confuse anyone, some plants like pot dont need sleep but not all