Coco grow - Super Silver Haze, Blue Cheese and Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
dem girls look right on target for 3 weeks into flower. that ssh is a favorite for many. i've never had the pleasure.

are those 2, 3, or 4' bamboo stakes ?
cheers man, thanks for stopping by. Welcome on board! :joint:

I love the SSH so much....never grown it before, but I smoked it a LOT in The Netherlands.

The stakes are 3'



Well-Known Member
DAM their looking tasty i cant wait until they get fatter
cheers dude...I know man!! Me either!! The last 9 weeks have gone so quickly. But I have a feeling the next 6 weeks are going to draaaaaaaaaag!

I stopped myself going in my room this morning, so I've not seen my plants today. They won't of needed me today at all, and I get to see 2 full days progress tomorrow when I go in my room! :mrgreen: Staring at my plants for long periods of time does NOT make the buds get fatter any quicker. LOL


Well-Known Member
How do your SSH's smell? lemony? Everything looks great +rep
cheers oscar mate....good to have you on board! :joint: Yeah man, there are some citrusy undertones to my SSH, and I can already smell the lovely hazey aroma that I love so much. Can't wait to taste it.

So here's my 9 Week update.......

Trainwreck in the front there, needed quite a bit of bondage on this one....

SSH.....what else! :mrgreen:

Not quite what I consider bud porn yet.....but we are certainly getting there.

It rained last night for the first time in AGES!!!......I don't think it rained all of september until now where I live. Unbefuckinglievable! I had about 15L of water in my butt this morning. More rain to should be full by tomorrow! more bottled water!! :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
SSH.....what else! :mrgreen:

Not quite what I consider bud porn yet.....but we are certainly getting there.

It rained last night for the first time in AGES!!!......I don't think it rained all of september until now where I live. Unbefuckinglievable! I had about 15L of water in my butt this morning. More rain to should be full by tomorrow! more bottled water!! :mrgreen:

Rain water is one of the keys.
Save as much as you can.
It is friend... and one step close to bringing the outdoors... in.

I like to concentrate on a 'stick out' cola when updating a grow journal.
The one above is a good choice. She's gonna be lovely. I assure you ;)

I really look forward to the progression of our beloved ganja and the way she does her thang!

I knew this was gonna be good! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Rain water is one of the keys.
Save as much as you can.
It is friend... and one step close to bringing the outdoors... in.

I like to concentrate on a 'stick out' cola when updating a grow journal.
The one above is a good choice. She's gonna be lovely. I assure you ;)

I really look forward to the progression of our beloved ganja and the way she does her thang!

I knew this was gonna be good! :hump:
thanks buddy! :joint:

yeah man, I've got two 25L buckets to fill up with extra stock when my water butt is full. And I'm going to look at hooking up a 2nd 100L water butt as well. It is key like you say. I HATE spending money on bottled water. But I just won't use my hard tap water on my precious ladies.

That is my 'stick out' cola has already filled in the gaps between nodes, more than any other......and there are 2 of them branches! hehehehehehe :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
haha.. yeah Snowy I noticed that too, she's lovely... and you have many to pick from ;)

I live in similar conditions to the Bagdad desert but I catch and store all the sky water that falls... and my girls love it.
I do flush with 470ppm hard tap water but always finish with a rinse of the good stuff.
MJ is 'tuff an nuts'... but I like to try accommodate her accordingly ;)


Well-Known Member
did I mention my trip last week took me to Belgium.....I drove over. Belgium is so close to Holland (Eindhoven) it would be rude not to post some back......I was very happy to see the postman this morning. Even happier when he dropped my package through the door......

Amnesia Haze, White Widow, Double Zero Hash and some other sticky hash's that I can't remember what they were now.

Gotta love The Netherlands. It will be a real shame when the coffee shops will only be able to sell to Dutch nationals with a card. I was chatting to a local guy while over there and he reckons the legislation will come in 2010! :cry:



Well-Known Member
man i miss good hash :( looks like your going to be havin a right time working your way through that lot! nice work
oh yeah too. Nothing like proper hash! The one labelled K......I wish I could remember what that was. It black and shiny and TOTALLY sticky. I can hardly get it out the baggie it's so stuck to it!

I'm really going to savour these delicious selections and flavours for as long as possible. Hopefully till mine are ready, if I can control myself. Just treat myself to a couple of bongs a night and that will be it. But I'm gonna have a cheeky one now to celebrate the arrival of my package! hehehehe :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
im green with envy,......
well the grass is always greener, eh? LOL.....I'd swap for some of that phycosis you got going on man. That's so close to being ready. Freeze your fresh trim and now you got the bags, you can make your own physco hash the next day....:blsmoke:

I love the fact you can buy such a fine selection in Holland so easily, but I would rather be doing it all myself. Another couple of months and I'll be in that place again :)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i hear that fella i'm going in with a pal were making some knockout hash with trim from both our grows he's got white widow and ak48 on the go i've got trim from my cheese, psychosis n querkle if we can wait therell be some dairy queen and blue mystic in there too but i doubt we'll hang on that long!

smoke a fatty for me fella!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love The Netherlands. It will be a real shame when the coffee shops will only be able to sell to Dutch nationals with a card. I was chatting to a local guy while over there and he reckons the legislation will come in 2010! :cry:

Hell NOO. That would be fucked up. I still have visited Amsterdam, so that mean if I go after 2010 I won't be able to buy from coffee shops. That really sucks. Is this a definite thing or still under progress.


Well-Known Member
yeah i hear that fella i'm going in with a pal were making some knockout hash with trim from both our grows he's got white widow and ak48 on the go i've got trim from my cheese, psychosis n querkle if we can wait therell be some dairy queen and blue mystic in there too but i doubt we'll hang on that long!

smoke a fatty for me fella!
That will be some nice hash dude!

Here ya go buddy!.......:joint:.......ohhh that's some good shiiiiit!!

Hell NOO. That would be fucked up. I still have visited Amsterdam, so that mean if I go after 2010 I won't be able to buy from coffee shops. That really sucks. Is this a definite thing or still under progress.
it's inevitable mate I'm afraid. Too much pressure from the EU and a more conservative Dutch government, as I understand it. Mushrooms have already gone! You can't smoke a cigarette in a pub over there, but you can go smoke a fat blunt in a coffee shop. It don't add up and it will change I'm afraid to say.