Help with Blackmail! big time!!


Well-Known Member
i guess i can't really prove it, but when half the county grows it's bound to happen. :eyesmoke:

You know you say that. I understand you have a big internet ego, I dont mean to tred as folks like me come and go but your type stays and stays and stays. However I'm not sure of you have heard but the jails and prisons ore loaded iwth people in for simple possession. Dont be foolish and dont give kids bad advice that can cause them real harm in real life. Have fun and i'' spark a bowl for you tonite.:peace:
P.S. Get a life.

the best part about all this; this IS my life. :mrgreen: bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

you spread fear and propaganda, you are on the wrong team. :evil:
One quick question sicne your so quick to throw your very limited power aroundwoithout a second thought there moderator whomever you may be. WOULD YOU TURN IN SOMEONES INTERNET ADDRESS TO THE COPS WHO PISSED YOU OFF? BASED ON GETTING DEMERIT FOR DISAGREEING I THINK YOU WOULD. THAT WAS SOMETHING MAYBE UN ANSTABLE PERSON MIGHT DO. NOT COOL BRO. I DONT TRUST THIS SITE!


Well-Known Member
One quick question sicne your so quick to throw your very limited power aroundwoithout a second thought there moderator whomever you may be. WOULD YOU TURN IN SOMEONES INTERNET ADDRESS TO THE COPS WHO PISSED YOU OFF? BASED ON GETTING DEMERIT FOR DISAGREEING I THINK YOU WOULD. THAT WAS SOMETHING MAYBE UN ANSTABLE PERSON MIGHT DO. NOT COOL BRO. I DONT TRUST THIS SITE!

yet you continue to post away. :roll:


Active Member
tokemasterfresh, do you have any first hand experience with police? I do, and being a medicinal patient/caregiver I can tell you that as long as you're following the state law, there is nothing they can charge you with. AND WHY ARE YOU YELLING ALL OF THE TIME?!


Well-Known Member
tokemasterfresh, do you have any first hand experience with police? I do, and being a medicinal patient/caregiver I can tell you that as long as you're following the state law, there is nothing they can charge you with. AND WHY ARE YOU YELLING ALL OF THE TIME?!
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell toker master douche anything based on fact cause that would totally undermine his ability to make up false info

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the internet always brings them out of the wood work same on any forum on any subject. people who are normally laughed away in real life have a voice this is both good and bad depending.


Active Member
and what was the plan once that ONE "guard" had confronted the extorter?

If you know the make and color of the vehicle, report that to police along with the evidence you have against this clown.

I know we are talkin 8 oz. here do you think if it were 8 lbs. it would be a different story? You need to notify the authorities.

still waiting on a reply for those questions....I'm starting to question the integrity of this thread :-|
Two demerits or points. How lame. As for the cops. How do people end up in jail or prison for weed every day and we all know that they are in their for BS. If this man or woman is having this problemfor real he needs an attorney not some advice from someonewith no credentials besides a keyboard. That is the point I was trying to get accross befrore I was assaulted by you. I know someone who had a rx/rec. who got a ticket and had to show it to a jusdge. If your high outside with weed on you, your going to get a ticket. If you cant take care of business while your growing you cant grow. Its that simple. Keep it straight and on topic pops. You put a pic of your adress up if its so legal or your face and a bag of weed and a cop. How about that. HOW ABOUT THAT?


Well-Known Member
still waiting on a reply for those questions....I'm starting to question the integrity of this thread :-|
so you must not have read where he said he hasn't slept in two days and apologizes for not posting every hour?

are you his mom? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Two demerits or points. How lame. As for the cops. How do people end up in jail or prison for weed every day and we all know that they are in their for BS. If this man or woman is having this problemfor real he needs an attorney not some advice from someonewith no credentials besides a keyboard. That is the point I was trying to get accross befrore I was assaulted by you. I know someone who had a rx/rec. who got a ticket and had to show it to a jusdge. If your high outside with weed on you, your going to get a ticket. If you cant take care of business while your growing you cant grow. Its that simple. Keep it straight and on topic pops. You put a pic of your adress up if its so legal or your face and a bag of weed and a cop. How about that. HOW ABOUT THAT?
a ticket is just a notice to appear in court so the judge can decide what to do. is your buddy in prison?


Active Member
welp, I posted them while he was online, figured he would see considering its on a page he posted on. He has yet to mention the authorities, which have been brought up numerous times by others. Anyway; why did you make my -rep private? I thought it was a pretty good ego damaging insult and I didn't even curse.
am I his mom, negative...are you his boyfriend?


Well-Known Member
welp, I posted them while he was online, figured he would see considering its on a page he posted on. He has yet to mention the authorities, which have been brought up numerous times by others. Anyway; why did you make my -rep private? I thought it was a pretty good ego damaging insult and I didn't even curse.
am I his mom, negative...are you his boyfriend?

i did not negative rep you, i would have signed it.

i just wonder why you feel he has to answer to you or it's not true. sorry if i came across rude. i was trying to joke a little. bongsmilie

he said he would rather not involve the authorities.