New to hydroponics...


Active Member
How is everyone? I am somewhat new to growing, a week or two away from harvesting my first plant but I grew it organically and I was wondering if ya'll could tell me why hydro is better than organic and a round-a-bout price to starting up a small hydro garden like 1-3 plants...Thanks, oh plan on growing nirvana's white castle seeds too.


hi, i'm new to this myself but im'm pretty sure that you can also have an organic hydro grow assuming that you mean't you have an organic soil grow. using molasses as a nutrient in your hydro system. also for a 1-3 plant system can prob set you back anywhere from around $50-100+ if you do it yourself and hundreds of dollars the more specialized equipment you get from hydro shops and what not. but to some what anser your question on why hydros better to the best of my knowledge is that more O2 get to the plants root therefor enriching it also since it is suspended directly into a nutrient solution it is capable of absorbing them at a higher than normal rate. i'm sure theres other reason but i'm sure thats the basic portion of it.



Active Member
thanks for the input man and ya i meant organic soil...holding down good ol' miracle grow haha...sounds expensive compared to my bucket of dirt and water haha but definitely a future investment worth looking into especially when i get my own place


yeah dirt's practically dirt cheap lol.....still could grow some good herb out of it though. cause i more or less think that it more strain dependent. cause hydro just would increase the rate and efficiency of the growth of the plants bringing them as close to perfect as genetically possible.

Illegal Smile

Hydro allows you to control all the aspects of the grow, and you can use organic nutrients. You can build a system, not counting lights and nutes, for well under $100. Don't get ripped off on the kits.


Well-Known Member
neither one produces better weed than the other, thats all opinion. It can produce faster and more. Hydro is cheap, you can build almost any hydro setup for $50 easy, once you have it set up i think its a lot less hassle than soil, less bugs too.


Active Member
nice ya i already have all the lights cuz im still indoors of course but what things do you purchase to make ur own hydroponics? im sure there is already a page but i get annoyed trying to sort through every thread lol so a link would work if any one has one...i already have sufficient lighting and rockwool cubes and my pops has a shit ton of stuff in his garage


Well-Known Member

Roseman has a great tutorial that basically got me all setup. I just didnt do the bubbleponics part of this. Just minus the irrigation part for basic hydro.

Bucket, lid, netpot, medium, you have your rockwool or rapid rooter, air tubes, airpump, airstones, nutes. and that is basically it for the bucket part. ohh yeah some good water :)

advice from a noob lol. use rapid rooters. they worked sooo much faster for me. same price generally. 50 for 20bucks ish


Well-Known Member
depends on what type of hydro you want to do, drip, flood n drain, aero, dwc, passive?


Hydro allows you to control all the aspects of the grow, and you can use organic nutrients. You can build a system, not counting lights and nutes, for well under $100. Don't get ripped off on the kits.
yeah thats what i meant about how it has advantages i thought to deep into it. bongsmilie lol

Illegal Smile

nice ya i already have all the lights cuz im still indoors of course but what things do you purchase to make ur own hydroponics? im sure there is already a page but i get annoyed trying to sort through every thread lol so a link would work if any one has one...i already have sufficient lighting and rockwool cubes and my pops has a shit ton of stuff in his garage
Making a gadget to grow in is the easy part, I'd do one with a smallish (10 gal) tote and no feeder tube complication. To do it right you will need a pH meter ($30 0n ebay) and pH adjuster and calibration solution. And you will benefit much from a ppm meter which is used in hydro to measure nutrient concentration. You also have to think about what kind of water you will use. Those are a few of the things that might be new going from soil to hydro.


Active Member
so how does the bubbleponic system work exactly? a bucket of water w/ airstone on the bottom pumping bubbles upwards sin the water while you have another bucket about the water containing the rockwool cube w/ a seed inside and pebbles around the rockwool cube inside a grated bucket w/ holes for the roots to go through into the water?


Active Member
hi, i'm new to this myself but im'm pretty sure that you can also have an organic hydro grow assuming that you mean't you have an organic soil grow. using molasses as a nutrient in your hydro system. also for a 1-3 plant system can prob set you back anywhere from around $50-100+ if you do it yourself and hundreds of dollars the more specialized equipment you get from hydro shops and what not. but to some what anser your question on why hydros better to the best of my knowledge is that more O2 get to the plants root therefor enriching it also since it is suspended directly into a nutrient solution it is capable of absorbing them at a higher than normal rate. i'm sure theres other reason but i'm sure thats the basic portion of it.


hey if you listen to this buddy your gna ruin your air pumps and mess everything up....molasses in hydro is a no-no....if you have anymore questions and would like an educated answer jst ask me!!!!


hey if you listen to this buddy your gna ruin your air pumps and mess everything up....molasses in hydro is a no-no....if you have anymore questions and would like an educated answer jst ask me!!!!
I was saying if he wanted to stay organic and an i know usually you use that in DWC. I'd like to know your opinion on it.


Active Member
nope no molasses in hydro they make special nutrients for things like makin the buds fatter that you can put in your water.....i dnt know much about organics but i dont know why you would want organic in the first place?? the nutrients make it soo much bigger and badder!!!