The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
If you cant do the time dont do the crime lol.
My grow is just a figment of your imagination lol.
The money I save growing my own will pay the fine if I get caught.
Dont know which one to put in my sig

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not implying that i grow obviously all this is hypothetical. i visualise a tent and in it there is weed growing its a bit like Schroedinger's cat there could be anything in the box but until you open the box no one knows.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah ill deffo give em a full photo shoot wen i take them lol. its mad cuz i think i grew em too tall for my light. the bottom quarter of the plant, the buds have not swollen like the buds higher up. Oh well live and learn lol, I either need bottom lighting in my tent or i shouldnt let em veg so long lmao.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jest', now you've made me paranoid! lol
I understand what your saying though mate.
This is why I only grow one plant and make it very clear that it's for personal supply for medicinal reasons.
I would assume that any law enforcement lurkers here on RIU would be targeting commercial growers not people growing one plant inside a fucking cabinet!

You didn't get busted from being on RIU though did you?
In saying that though I have seen a few people just mysteriously disappear from the forum :shock:
I'm glad that where I am they don't lock up small time personal growers.
Still would not be nice to get ya medicine taken away and slugged with a fine and criminal record.
I basically think that if your commercially growing, you'd be a real 'dumb ass' to post shit here on RIU.

Many of us here are not that way inclined.

Let the fear run it's course, and then... Can we get back to growing some fine smoke for ourselves?bongsmilie
mwahahahaha spread the fear lol. nah im over it like i said my dreams are just for some good quality personal medicine too :)

still glad i could share the paranoia around bro.

ease up on the scaremongering jester will ya! live up to your namesake n make us happy laughin people fella!

way i see it were not out robbing grannies of their pensions or hangin round school gates flogging tenner bags. And were not commercial, putting money into the black market or lining some Vietnamese kingpins pockets so why worry obviously take precautions a little healthy paranoia is good keeps you on your toes.

i know it must be hard after you got pinched but you know someone snitched on ya not like the po po found you through their own hard work eh
....ok... lol

yeah ill deffo give em a full photo shoot wen i take them lol. its mad cuz i think i grew em too tall for my light. the bottom quarter of the plant, the buds have not swollen like the buds higher up. Oh well live and learn lol, I either need bottom lighting in my tent or i shouldnt let em veg so long lmao.
fuck it there still pretty bro

they got all the bits in the right places lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i think theres a wonky floor tile in my living room lol im stagering and tripin and fellover already lol


Well-Known Member
amen! ganjman.

they upped it to class b again shortly after that oxford uni masters daughter was stabbed to death by a schizophrenic crack n smack fiend. high profile story and weed was obviously to blame as he was a skunk smoker....

i ant out of the uk as fast as i can.
What a fucking shame.

Beautiful girl too with so much potential.

It's truly a tragedy.


Well-Known Member

Your cheese looks very similar to that barnsley jack stuff i grew. It was really smelly and its supposed to be an old SK#1 pheno like the cheese. I should ring the bloke i got the clones off and do a side by side grow with cheese but from what i've seen of the real cheese it could be a one horse race lol mind you barnsley jack is no slouch lol


Well-Known Member
If you guys had to choose 1 type of cheese in seed form, who would be the breeder?

I'm thinking of picking up dairy queen from TGA just cause I hear amazing things, but I'd like a straight up cheese, not mixed.

I actually have the availability to start up again soon westy :)

Was trying to situate myself with a sufficient apartment/housing but I finally found it. Should be moved in by Nov1 the latest.

mr west

Well-Known Member

Your cheese looks very similar to that barnsley jack stuff i grew. It was really smelly and its supposed to be an old SK#1 pheno like the cheese. I should ring the bloke i got the clones off and do a side by side grow with cheese but from what i've seen of the real cheese it could be a one horse race lol mind you barnsley jack is no slouch lol
yeah it does look like the cheese, was that the main cola or a side branch?

If you guys had to choose 1 type of cheese in seed form, who would be the breeder?

I'm thinking of picking up dairy queen from TGA just cause I hear amazing things, but I'd like a straight up cheese, not mixed.

I actually have the availability to start up again soon westy :)

Was trying to situate myself with a sufficient apartment/housing but I finally found it. Should be moved in by Nov1 the latest.
I would go for home grown fanta seeds cheese. I got one cheesey pheno out of 4 seeds i planted but it was very cheesey or u could go with greenhouse seeds cheese they are very close to the cheese too.



Well-Known Member

I love this shit lol

there still pretty ladies bro.. reguardless of light on or off lol

my missus would prolly be getting jeleous of all the attention id be giving them at that stage lol.
