Burned tips, Nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys these are my first babies, so im not entirely educated on the subject :D.

There in tubs with oneness nutrients (5-9-4), there are about a week and a half old. For the first few days I was using city water and the ph went nuts, so i flushed the system and used distilled water and the ph stays around 5.6-6.1. I had some problems with temps for a while getting between 80-95, i try to keep it at 85 when possible.

Few days ago I started to see white algae looking stuff at the bottom of some of the nets, and on the sides, so i thought it was from the rockwell cubes not being covered up, so i covered them.. Hopefully that was the problem.

My little clone (iss) has been doing pretty good, no burns but it isn't as perky as i hoped she would be

The blueberry clone earlier on suffered from a bad start in soil with MG but i transferred him to the hydro system and shes doin much better, except for a few black/brown tips..

The white rhino clones the tallest but she has a yellow leaf and some brown/yellow spots on some of the leaves that looks like a nute burn or light burn but i dont know :(

I would like to start flowering next week but not until they are healthier, should i change nutes??

Any help or advice is appreciated, thanks :)



Well-Known Member
Can anyone confirm this? Its in a DWC system so its not like water is the issue, the ph at the moment is 6.0.. I think it might just be heat stress but i could be wrong..


Well-Known Member
burnt tips are the classic sign of too much nutrients. It looks like they're on the road to recovery so I wouldn't sweat it too much. If you can be bothered to mix two different solutions I would continue a light nutrient regimen for the healthy plants and just use plain pH'd water on the plants that don't look so great. Nutrients are basically accellerators for growth, if your plant isn't growing normal and healthy then feeding it nutes isn't going to help and will probably harm. It's not heat stress because the heat would wither leaves to a dull green color and they would get a bit crispy, affecting new growth first while nute burn usually shows on older leaves and works its way up.


Well-Known Member
burnt tips are the classic sign of too much nutrients. It looks like they're on the road to recovery so I wouldn't sweat it too much. If you can be bothered to mix two different solutions I would continue a light nutrient regimen for the healthy plants and just use plain pH'd water on the plants that don't look so great. Nutrients are basically accellerators for growth, if your plant isn't growing normal and healthy then feeding it nutes isn't going to help and will probably harm. It's not heat stress because the heat would wither leaves to a dull green color and they would get a bit crispy, affecting new growth first while nute burn usually shows on older leaves and works its way up.
Thanks for the information, last questions :D:

With a clone, is it not a good idea to give them nutrients until they have rooted to were you transplanted them to?

also, when you said to get the healthy plants with nutrients and the ones still comin out of it with ph balanced water, do you mean to place them into a new resavoire? There all in 1 tub together.


Well-Known Member
for some reason i cant edit my posts :-/ so ill tripple post. Sorry :D.

Everything is looking good i think, i just had a question about the white rhino, the first in the pictures last post.

In the picture and to this day, some of the longer leaves are curling down, what should i do about it?


Active Member
In soil, my savior has always been plain, clean, luke-warm tap water flush. I use water thats sat out for a couple days, and flush, flush flush. I know you're not in soil, but from all the reading Ive done, it seems easier to correct and spot plants that need nutes, rather than fix ones that have been burned. As a noob suggestion, I'd go with nute free water and foliar misting to try and get you back to a good start over w/nutes point. Here's a pic of heat burn. I see NO signs of heat burn on yours, it's a very different look than nute burn. All I know is after a good clean flush and 2 mistings a day, mine perk up and grow like mad. Anyhow, hope my rambling may give you some ideas. Best of luck!!



Well-Known Member
Yesterday I got a 5 gal bucket and filled it with correctly phed distilled water. The white rhino is sitting in that bath so hopefully she will perk up! Ill post pics later
hey guys just noticed the same prob myself sum slight burns on the tips of leaves.
iv got 4 wappa cuttings in 10 litre pot with canna coco under a 250w cfl there looking good apart from the burns.
any tips would be appreciated :)

