I'm out of ganja :(


Active Member
yea scrape your bowl dude and make a big resin ball. resin is really potent and when you take your hits off it do elevator hits t gets you way more high

Sr. Verde

you got me interested people! What colour is the resin etc? Black or is that tar?
Resin is alll that black shit

Heat it up with a lighter (comes off WAYYY EASIER) and scrape with whatever

Resin doesnt taste too bad to me, like evergreens when its good quality bud resin

When doing a resin hit get the flame on the side of the bowl and hit it hard, you want a thin flame directly on the reisn inside your bowl... Keep doin that as long as possible... If you can do that for more than 6 seconds you can get a great hit

I resin hit my friends bong cause he didnt want to, I got milkier smoke than he did with a fresh bowl of green :)

You dont need to scrape it to smoke it by the way, just scrape all the spots out that ARENT already in your bowl ;)


Well-Known Member
Awesome so i just have been scraping the resin off my mini bong, I have about a 0.75cm long by 0.3cm wide cylindrical blob of black resin.. how much would do me good?


Well-Known Member
2-4 big rez hits you hold in as long as you can should be good.
just dont hold your breath too long and pass out and have a seizure, lol (happened to me, just completely blacked out.

Sr. Verde

Awesome so i just have been scraping the resin off my mini bong, I have about a 0.75cm long by 0.3cm wide cylindrical blob of black resin.. how much would do me good?
You really dont need THAT much, but it wont get you as high as quick.

Be careful with that shit once it gets on your hands its a bitch to get off without Iso-Alcohol

My recommendation is to get what you can, roll it into a ball, and cut off enough for a single hit each. Use the same knife you cut it off with to burn it

Put the little amount flattened out a bit on the tip of a knife (Stainless steel is safe) and get that resin as close to the hole in your bowl as possible without plugging it. Hit it hard so that the flame is very straight and running right on that resin ball.