Can female clone go hermie???


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Question I am having an issue with grasping. Can a clone taken from a known female plant end up going hermie? I have 2 female mothers that I know are for sure females that I took clones from now the clones are about 3 weeks old and have been in flower but all seem to be getting balls that turn into some leaves but some stay as tiny balls.Its a weird thing I have never seen and both strains are new to me BlueBerry and sweet purple never grew either before.The pods seem to look like seed pods but just as I say yup its male then some pop open and are leaves so Im confused by this occurance.I would like to put some pics up but cam just doesnt do close ups its blurs out.I personally keep thinking male but the moms are females and the babies show both traits but no pollen...Any thoughts if this could happen.No advers heat or stress and used nitrozyme to help reduce clone stress??
i read if you clone for a couple of generations it can happen but since these are new strains i dont see why it would happen, unless they are stressed, or the mother is really a hermie yet to reveal herself
Question I am having an issue with grasping. Can a clone taken from a known female plant end up going hermie? I have 2 female mothers that I know are for sure females that I took clones from now the clones are about 3 weeks old and have been in flower but all seem to be getting balls that turn into some leaves but some stay as tiny balls.Its a weird thing I have never seen and both strains are new to me BlueBerry and sweet purple never grew either before.The pods seem to look like seed pods but just as I say yup its male then some pop open and are leaves so Im confused by this occurance.I would like to put some pics up but cam just doesnt do close ups its blurs out.I personally keep thinking male but the moms are females and the babies show both traits but no pollen...Any thoughts if this could happen.No advers heat or stress and used nitrozyme to help reduce clone stress??

that is an interesting question. I don't have an answer but i do have another question. IF a clone can go hermie, then why don't people take strains that are available by clone only (such as original atf/mtf), purposely stress the crap out of them to get hermies then eventually seeds?
Well I grew the moms from seed let her get mature took clones from her and a new mom clone then flowered her and she is all female no hermie traits or the weird saccy leaf grows.I would think that the clones in flower for 2 weeks now if those were pollen sacs they would have popped by now.Its blowin my mind man......
good question kant. I know clone only strains can be hormone sprayed to get seeds or turn a female male....
hmmmm that just completely tosses generations of teaching about clones and clone usage out the window..100s of crops 10000's of clones and BB and sweet purple both hit me with a new characteristics some how at the exact same time....
I know what you mean. My Hawaii x Maui Waui plants were doing the same thing. I threw one away and removed the other from flowering and it continued to flower somehow in my bathroom with minimal lights. Turns out it was a female. So I stuck it back into the grow room. Post your pics.
Im trying to get some kind of decent pics but only have a 4 megapixels cam and no macro lens.I seperated 10 plants from the 6 I know are showing nothing but female traits as I can make the call yet to destroy these others.If they were just male Id get some pollen and do away with them but if they end up being female Id hate myself if I kill them too soon so I sit and wait staring at them like a stalker in New york central park waiting...watching...watching...Im not a stalker
I have over the years had 3 grows , grown from fem seeds all female , cloned and the seeded. No stress or light leaks. I personally use regular seeds and sex them for more stability in clones. Fem seeds are great for outdoor grows. I have had successfull clones from fem seeds, but not worth the risk, to me