Well-Known Member
my plan was to run a ballast that operates both mh & hps,as stated before I am no electrician so you totally lost me with 'cycle the power to the ballast itself',upon reading your first answer my understanding was to run power to the ballast run the ballast to the relay & then run the relay to the lights,is this not correct ?, & thank you for your help.
Are you trying to run one bulb then the other? (aka: only one on at any time?) Or both at the same time? There are switchable ballasts and there are dual ballasts. Switchable will only run one bulb at a time. Duals will run 2 bulbs at the same time.
As for the cycle power, its just turn off/turn on. HPS use a igniter and cap to fire the bulb. (they fire up slowly an MH only uses the cap) These may need to see nothing then power to operate correctly (but I also said I wasn't sure about that. The relay/contactor switching may not have enough 'off time' during the switching to fully collapse the coil of the ballast, and discharge the cap.. I know, too much info)
Going to a MH probably won't be much an issue.