First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)


New Member
I think your plants look great! I am concered about the uncovered net pots. Algae is not your friend but otherwise outstanding! If that tumbled river rock instead of hydrotron?


New Member
ya dude i made some pot covers with paper plates...i have to change them out every couple days cus they get wet but they do last atleast a couple days and how hard is it to cut out a paper plate...i cut out 12 in like 5 mins lol. now i just change them out if they get to wet


New Member
Well if you like the work who's to argue. I use styro plates that I wrap with aluminum tape. Some last me a couple of grows.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen people cover their net pots, but I never got around to it. I'll probably make some this week. I have to see what I have. And yes Crazy, I am using tumbled river stones instead of hydroton. I had them around the house already cause they were leftovers from my turtle cage. They seem to work just as well. Thanks for stopping by, and I will be checking on you too SyNiK4L.


Active Member
plants are looking awesome bro. hey when theyre small dont forget to keep a fan on them it makes a huge diffrence in the thickness of the stem.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip. I've had a fan blowing on them 24/7 since the beginning and it really does help make the stems stronger.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip. I've had a fan blowing on them 24/7 since the beginning and it really does help make the stems stronger.

So on your system did you say you turn off the pump sometimes? I had my pump running 24/7 since I started is that bad?:confused:

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
So on your system did you say you turn off the pump sometimes? I had my pump running 24/7 since I started is that bad?:confused:
No that's not bad at all. As long as you have enough dissolved oxygen and the temps are low enough, you'll be fine. I only turned mine off to keep the temps down. I've actually stopped using it altogether now that the roots are in the deep water.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Quick question about nutrients. I'm using Vita Grow nutrients and something on the mixing instructions caught my eye. Look in the picture where I circled in red. Does this apply to cannabis?



New Member
It means that lettuce and herbs (not our kind of herbs) have small and delicate root systems and can't take it full strength. Our herbs are root beast compared to regular herbs? Isn't that slang anyway? LOL!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
So it's now been 24 days since the first seed germinated. They are looking great! I left for the weekend on Friday, after changing the res, giving full strength nutes, and pHing the water. I came back today to see that they drank 2 gallons of water and the tallest one grew 4 INCHES!!! I'm truly impressed. The thing that really impressed me though is that I forgot to turn the air pump back on when I left on Friday lol :eyesmoke: Also, some of the older leaves are showing nute burn. I think the pH was too low (5.5) so I brought it up to 6.0. So anyway, check out the pics. I will be switching to flower this Saturday so stay tuned. Peace :peace:



Elite Rolling Society
No that's not bad at all. As long as you have enough dissolved oxygen and the temps are low enough, you'll be fine. I only turned mine off to keep the temps down. I've actually stopped using it altogether now that the roots are in the deep water.

when you turn off the pump, get ti out of there, expecially the tubes,
they will hold mold and trash and mess up the pH.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any experience with giving 24 hours of darkness to start flowering, then go 12/12? I think I might try this because it's supposed to speed up flowering by a couple days. Advice is appreciated.


New Member
never heard of that but it sounds like something that may be good....but ya dude were in the exact same wondering when i should switch to flowering...i kinda wanted to wait atleast 2-3 weeks...but it seems like everyone starts sometime around where u and i are i dn...but looking good man

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
So I believe I have found my first preflowers. I'm pretty sure this is a male, but I was hoping someone more experienced could tell me for sure. Thanks!

