....and I've been sussed!If that was an equation of you right now.+
I'm jealous..LOL
Have a good 'un!<I'm picking up later, I'm picking up later...> LOL
That's the spirit, it's not dead until it's dead!Opps, forgot to add this..
"How's Carlton doing?"
Not good...my daughter ran into the closet all excited to see the babies, I hadda get her out, ended up knocking over Carlton's cup. I don't think hes going to make it, his root is only like 2 inches long and greying/browning. I freaked got him back in his soil a.s.a.p... I am still going to take VV's advice tho and get some superthrive today and keep trying- I'm not giving up on him while his real leaves are still green...
Could call one of them Medusa!I get a bout an average female rate but i've found that the one's named after greek goddesses tend to have a higher rate of being female than other names.![]()
Hey, I'm 7 hrs ahead of you, so I'ma chillin'!LOL... I just don't like to give up on things (if people had given up on me when I was going through rough times I wouldn't be where I am today)... even if Carlton dies, I'll prolly try doing a seance or something... LOL...
Stop doing the smileys with the lit joint! Makin my mouth water... lol. you can put those up tonite tho.. LOL.
Thank you....ooooo Medusa... I'm keeping that one in mind. If (crosses fingers) I get a female, I might name a clone than just for you of course poison. =)
What, you mean this one?......"Where is the smiley with the middle finger? LOL...
I've got spunk... call it rudeness if you wish...![]()