Enough light?


Well-Known Member
Nope, sorry. The problem is that plants used to grow EXTREMELY large outdoors. I'm talking the average weed plant was maybe 80-100 feet tall. See the sun has been dying for several thousands of years, so we really don't know exactly how many lumens it used to be outside. I don't even think 1,000,000 lumens in 100 sq. is enough really.
I wish i could give NEGITIVE rep. Your off your rocker bud, stop bein a dick with your usless info. PPL are here to find real answers.


Well-Known Member
You must take drugs or something
Yup, I do, and unlike you I can grow them too.

crimeny Cowell was that off the top of your head? From time to time I'm amazed at how intellectual and knowledgeable some of the users of this site are but that was just rediculous. +rep4u
+Rep big time for handing out useful information.
Thank you both for the rep+ . I'm by no means an expert, but compared to jim, I'm a fucking rocket scientist..

I wish i could give NEGITIVE rep. Your off your rocker bud, stop bein a dick with your usless info. PPL are here to find real answers.
I agree.

Jim, I'm not busting on you.. I'm going to try avoiding personal attacks, or name calling.. You may (and likely do) know the right answer (going on the assumption that ALL of your advice is wrong.. so you therefore MUST know the correct answer to repeatedly give the false one.. it's the theory of "dog's ass and sunshine" of which I'm speaking of.), and are fucking with people, but it's not that type of forum. It's attitude's like that that would and should get you banned which would be no big loss for anyone on here at this point as you may be getting that vibe by now from people's replies.


Well-Known Member
COWELL.....how do you "QUOTE" multiple sources in your reply's?
Underneath the original post you want to quote you will see four tabs.. one of them says "multi".. if you hit that under all the posts you want to quote.. then hit the reply button after they are all clicked.. they should be in the message box.. I always change the color of my text so that it's easier to read.


Active Member
if cowell wouldn't had gifted us with his knowlege i would suggest closing this thread...3oz from incendesents...come on now really? but 2 1000s wont be enough...


Well-Known Member
if cowell wouldn't had gifted us with his knowlege i would suggest closing this thread...3oz from incendesents...come on now really? but 2 1000s wont be enough...

Oh man, don't make it sound like that...
I didn't "grace you with my knowlege" or shit.. I just wanted to make sure the information was accurate. I don't know alot of shit.. but what I do know, I'll help with, what I don't - I'll learn too.

Close it if you want, won't hurt my feelings.. it's information that other than knowing - serves no real purpose.


Well-Known Member
someone last page said lumens don't add. so if you use 2 HPS in a 4x4 its gonna get the same lumens as 1 hps in a 4x4 (same wattages).

How can that be true? Cuz if you have 20 cfl's up top, opposed to 2 cfl's, you're getting a far greater lumen output with the 20cfls


Well-Known Member
It's a weird topic to try and discuss as it doesn't conventionally make sence... I say "lumens don't add".. and you say "so you're saying that if I put 4 lights in a room it's not any brighter?".. no, I am saying it would be brighter.. I'll use a really easy to understand example.

On my stove, I have 3 pots of water (all 1 liter), all at 100 degrees, and a sink. Now, for the sake of arguement, let's say they will remain at that temperature and not vary.

If I take one pot and pour it in a plugged sink the water temperature is 100 degrees and I will have 1 liter of water.
If I pour in the second pot (read second light).. I will have 2 times as much water but the temperature will remain the same.
To add the 3rd, of course.. 3 liters of water now, but the temperature will not be 300 degrees.

now instead of pot of water think 1000 Watt HPS.. and lumens are a temperature reading of the light.

The debate is mute anyway.. you need to consider wattage of light. Lumens are a reading of how humans see light in the spectrum. The different lumen ratings on bulbs reflect not the amount of light they put out.. it's the intensity of the spectrum at the given wattage. Humans typically see green spectrum light the brightest, so most flourescents are set for a lumen rating in the "green spectrum" so they APPEAR BRIGHTER TO HUMANS. A plant doesn't care about green.. it wants red and blue.. different lumens are rated on the bulb and now they call them cool white and warm white.. as the APPEAR TO HUMANS....

Now when lighting is discussed in terms of grow set ups.. typically you discuss it in wattage per foot of floor.. not how many lumens or candles per meter...
No they don't add, and it really don't matter, it's a stupid physics thing, and I'm getting tired of thinking about it.. I gotta go smoke a bowl before my head implodes.
Not to sound rude.. I just haven't had to use the noodle like this for a while and I'm starting to think a little more clearly.. I'll have none of that.
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Well-Known Member
It's a weird topic to try and discuss as it doesn't conventionally make sence... I say "lumens don't add".. and you say "so you're saying that if I put 4 lights in a room it's not any brighter?".. no, I am saying it would be brighter.. I'll use a really easy to understand example.

On my stove, I have 3 pots of water (all 1 liter), all at 100 degrees, and a sink. Now, for the sake of arguement, let's say they will remain at that temperature and not vary.

If I take one pot and pour it in a plugged sink the water temperature is 100 degrees and I will have 1 liter of water.
If I pour in the second pot (read second light).. I will have 2 times as much water but the temperature will remain the same.
To add the 3rd, of course.. 3 liters of water now, but the temperature will not be 300 degrees.

now instead of pot of water think 1000 Watt HPS.. and lumens are a temperature reading of the light.

The debate is mute anyway.. you need to consider wattage of light. Lumens are a reading of how humans see light in the spectrum. The different lumen ratings on bulbs reflect not the amount of light they put out.. it's the intensity of the spectrum at the given wattage. Humans typically see green spectrum light the brightest, so most flourescents are set for a lumen rating in the "green spectrum" so they APPEAR BRIGHTER TO HUMANS. A plant doesn't care about green.. it wants red and blue.. different lumens are rated on the bulb and now they call them cool white and warm white.. as the APPEAR TO HUMANS....

Now when lighting is discussed in terms of grow set ups.. typically you discuss it in wattage per foot of floor.. not how many lumens or candles per meter...
No they don't add, and it really don't matter, it's a stupid physics thing, and I'm getting tired of thinking about it.. I gotta go smoke a bowl before my head implodes.
Not to sound rude.. I just haven't had to use the noodle like this for a while and I'm starting to think a little more clearly.. I'll have none of that.
Way to tackle that question. I hate answering that question.