1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah its going to cost probably more than the crop.

fucking house hunting at Christmas too :cry:

sometimes i wonder if i was Hitler in a previous life:roll:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shit man, sorry to hear that. You got some fat buds there to chop down though, even if a little earlier than planned.

Hope it all works out for you and your mrs. And make sure your mate takes good care of your clones and stuff. Hell, I wish I could have one of your DQ's man. I'd love it real good! LOL

yeah he'll be takin care of them dont you worry hahaha hes a decent guy hes gonna split the harvest with me. so im only half as gutted as i could have been i guess.

cheers for the well wishes fella


Well-Known Member
Holy shit Don. Is the Mrs moving out permanantly? You'll be popular with the inlaws having thier little princess move out coz of your druggie house wrecking ways lol. I'm glad i own mine, no nosey landlords an shit. But the Mrs would go fucking mental if my druggie ways wrecked our gaff. At least you caught it relatively early. Where they expensive shoes/bags that were fucked? My mrs would cut my knackers off (seriously) if i damaged hers. She's got one pair that she never wears and cost nearly 300 notes, I don't understand, apperently lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you seem to have a grasp of the situation oscar mate yeah. silk dresses multiple treble figure handbags. thankfully most of her dresses n clothes are fine, but another day or 2 n id have been minus a couple of plums.

as for moving out its temporary till the mould is sorted( she's got bad asthma and has had a chest infection she cant shift for weeks. another nail in the coffin.... it wasn't really an argument i couldn't argue with any of it.)

mr west

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear bout all the shit going down Don mate, i feel for ya. In fact id of prolly lost my head and ripped the tent down and said fuck it. Props for sticking with it:joint:;)


Well-Known Member
New handbags mean new shoes too FFS. This is gonna cost ya man, i feel for ya. Did you buy the stuff in the first place as prezzies?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
don't forget the dresses. if she's getting new bags, then she needs new dresses to compliment the bag, and shoes to compliment the bag and dress as oscar sais, fun times? i think not!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
New handbags mean new shoes too FFS. This is gonna cost ya man, i feel for ya. Did you buy the stuff in the first place as prezzies?
some of it yeah some she moved in with. and yeah new shoes new dresses new this new that i dont care really as long as she's happy.

a wise man once said 'keep the woman in your life happy and everything else will fall into place'

don't forget the dresses. if she's getting new bags, then she needs new dresses to compliment the bag, and shoes to compliment the bag and dress as oscar sais, fun times? i think not!
man im just pleased the really expensive shit er i mean stuff wasn't destroyed.
Dont forget the hairdressers make up and beauty therapy
I think ill probably end up treating us both to a spa weekend or something
Women only need make up and perfume coz they're ugly and smell bad. Don't tell my Mrs i said that lmao
hahahahahaha watch out ozzy you never know who looks over your shoulder.........