Look its turning purple


Active Member
This plant must be so messed up! haha its not only super twisted but today all the new growth is pure purple. WTF is it doin! lol


  • kdk_0222.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 78
dude you got some serious nute issues.

looks like too much of some not enough of others.

purple sometimes mean shy on phosphorous.

id suggest checking the plant problem diagnosing section
looks ok??? dude your plant is in need of some serious help.....
Haha yeah srsly lol all the leaves are completely outta control. He has had a lot of variables though so not sure which it could be. Cold, spider mites, chem burn from pesticide, too much light, too many light, overwater when seedling. Gah lol hes a wierdo. Hopefully it pulls through, im thinking about just throwing into flowering to see if its a girl and taking some clones

As for nutes: I dont know that they are the problem, it was planted in about 30% mg fert soil and 70% pete moss. FLOURISHED until the spider mite problem (about 2 weeks) and now he is just messed up. So the time release fert was clearly working before, so i assume it wasnt that
looks like a ph fluctuation problem some nute burn I think I see and is needing nitrogen as well, as looks overwatered possibly or under..what soil you using what kind of water etc
looks like a ph fluctuation problem some nute burn I think I see and is needing nitrogen as well, as looks overwatered possibly or under..what soil you using what kind of water etc

Hmm PH fluctuation. This I have not put thought into yet. I have used mostly the same water and I let it distill overnight. But I have used a couple diff ones earlier this week. Not to mention PH of the stuff I sprayed along with the PH I mixed ith the garlic. HMMMM

Soil is like 30% mg and 70 pete moss. It was a beautiful plant until the spider mites. So I dont think it is the soil
If its mg dont ever use it again...even at 30 percent, anytime I have ever used that my plants fuck up like no other for whatever reason, they get burned and lack other things the ph gets too high with it..definently switch next time you will notice how much faster and easier it grows..I hate that mg now>.< but yea check the ph my water is after sitting out 24 hours changed ph and goes down usually but distilled water is great if you end up needing to get it.
P.s as for the spider mites there is this ortho spider mite oil at home depot its 6 bucks, took care of my mite issues in one night..(if you still have them..)
If its mg dont ever use it again...even at 30 percent, anytime I have ever used that my plants fuck up like no other for whatever reason, they get burned and lack other things the ph gets too high with it..definently switch next time you will notice how much faster and easier it grows..I hate that mg now>.< but yea check the ph my water is after sitting out 24 hours changed ph and goes down usually but distilled water is great if you end up needing to get it.
I actually just bought some new soil for some seedlings today. It is MG but it is MG seedling starter soil. It says it has low nutes and phosphorous for root growth. Think this would be okay since it is made for what i need? I am having serious trouble finding anything but vermiculite, pete moss, and MG
Its tough to find good soils depending where you are, if you have a hydroponic store near you go there they usually have great stuff or if you have a wal mart near you, you could get there organic brand shit which is okay and then mix it with the pearlite. I dont know if it will work well or not I havent used the seedling stuff, I just know the stuff I use to use had like a .4-.2-.4 mix or some shit real low..and now that I switched organic..( I use fox farm light warrior and ocean forest mix) I am able to give them well over the nutrients MG Claims they were giving the plants but without the burn...I dunno just my personal experience..you can always give it a shot since you spent the money but I wouldnt put real good weed in it. One of the biggest factor in yield and plant health is good soil and medium since thats something you cant so much change once there in..
Its tough to find good soils depending where you are, if you have a hydroponic store near you go there they usually have great stuff or if you have a wal mart near you, you could get there organic brand shit which is okay and then mix it with the pearlite. I dont know if it will work well or not I havent used the seedling stuff, I just know the stuff I use to use had like a .4-.2-.4 mix or some shit real low..and now that I switched organic..( I use fox farm light warrior and ocean forest mix) I am able to give them well over the nutrients MG Claims they were giving the plants but without the burn...I dunno just my personal experience..you can always give it a shot since you spent the money but I wouldnt put real good weed in it. One of the biggest factor in yield and plant health is good soil and medium since thats something you cant so much change once there in..
Yeah it was only 5 bucks so idk. The perlite was like 10 and the organic like 7 thats why i just snagged this small bag. I really REALLY have looked all over for the fox farm shizz. Wal mart, home depot, LYNDERS!!!, menards, fleet farm, aquatropics. zzzz everywhere lol

Im thinkin about gettin some real seeds. Its tough tryin to grow bagseed and not knowing what it is etc.
google hydroponic stores in your area dude....go there buy the faxfarm in the red bag or the blue bag which is called ocean forest i think im not sure im a water grower but either one of those 2 will do great.....if ur gna use tap water let it sit for 24 hours then p.h it then 2 days later test the p.h again and keep at i think its like 6.8 or something for soil growers once again not to sure about that....but there has to be a hydro store somewhere close!! goodluck!!