Obama bud


Sector 5 Moderator
They always fricking do this; same old tricks. Gulf of Tonkin where we blamed the VC for sinking one of our boats - we did it; it's now declassified. We punch ourself in the nose to pick a fight with someone and say they did it and we're only doing it in self defense. That does not surprise me about the pigs.

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
duh the free masons run the country.. but they r run by the illuminati... so i guess the illuminati is your answer....lol
yes freemasons were inflitrated by sun worshippers .. illuminati is not actual organisation well yes it has been ye smany times but illuminati more like a title for the elite... you know elite... bangsters and blackoppers... illuminati i sa meaning... indeed... very true... :blsmoke:


Active Member
Does'nt a man have to do great things FIRST before things are named after him? Or have I had it wrong this whole time?

If the man can get this country turned around then I say name anything you can after him. However, seeing as more and more people continue to go jobless, hungry and homeless I would'nt name a fucking rat after him. Im not saying he cannot get things done but results speak louder than any bullshit inspirational speaches and public adresses of how things are turning around despite climbing unemployment rates, forclosures and moronic ideas on how to fix our health care.

Dont put the cart before the horse.

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
Does'nt a man have to do great things FIRST before things are named after him? Or have I had it wrong this whole time?

If the man can get this country turned around then I say name anything you can after him. However, seeing as more and more people continue to go jobless, hungry and homeless I would'nt name a fucking rat after him. Im not saying he cannot get things done but results speak louder than any bullshit inspirational speaches and public adresses of how things are turning around despite climbing unemployment rates, forclosures and moronic ideas on how to fix our health care.

Dont put the cart before the horse.

As you can see you can research more bad shit about him than good... he has a big mouth but... nothing is better... everything is worse :cry:


Active Member
is is is is

Is not is not is not

I'm so sure of everything. I say to question authority but I never question myself.

I am not a robot.


Obama bud would be some shitty dirt bag weed that wouldn't get you high.... though it might fuck you up, and you could make someone else pay for it.


New Member
ya'll do know that alex jones bends the truth to his own agenda right? you still haven't said what your solutions are.


Well-Known Member
i am in no way a rep or dem fuck i dont even vote.. but its really unfair to expect a man to undo in less then a year a problem that took 8 plus years to create give the man some time .........