if you feel strongly, then tell her how you feel, openly and honestly. you have to make yourself vulnerable, but if its reciprocal then you'll both have entered a delicious new world.i want to ask her to be my gf so what should i say to ask her? i just mean like you wanna go out or you wanna make it official. thanks guys
do right by her, respect the territory that comes with the age difference, and it'll be beautiful. when two people care for each other with respect and love it's always a beautiful thing...
there's little enough beauty and love in the world so nevermind the prejudices and closemindedness of the hatersthey see only the ugliness of their own little minds.
laws are the whims of men, love is the expression of the universe.
U are just siick.
why are you so hung-up about age? do you know the op or the girl he fancies? how can you possibly speak to their capacity for having a loving relationship? based on a few posts by the op alone? surely, you must be the wisest (not to mention all-knowing) of men...cant you find someone ur own age.. i wouldnt let my 15 yo daughter go out with you.. just my opinion..
i think this guys right, this doesnt exactly sound seedy to me. Plus, there are stories of 18 year olds getting banged up and put on sex offenders list for having a sexual relationship with a 17 year old girl, do people believe this is right? Where is the logic in that?
case in point.
look, it's not like this guy is some 40-year old predator intentionally taking advantage of some pre-adolescent child. they're both young, and if they both care for each other (love, respect, et al) then i fail to see where there's any sort of ethical dilemma (aside from dealing with the prejudices of the law and the squares that blindly/slavishly follow it without seeking the understanding of circumstance and intent)...
if all the op is after is a piece of young ass, then i agree that it'd be repugnant, but is that the case here? i of course don't really know what the situation between the two in question is, and perhaps the op needs to evaluate his own intentions...?
but let me just throw out (before any more accusations of "sickliness" get thrown around), that in these united states it's illegal to have anything to do with marijuana and many americans still think its "siick" [sic] to get high, yet here we all are...
but peace man, i leave you to your "judgments"...
's all good, bro.I wasnt trying to judge u cause trust me im no one to be judging no one.