Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
Marijuana Buds for Less: Grow 8 ounces of bud for less than $100
How to grow marijuana - See More Buds - video DVD reviews
A Book Review:
October 12, 2007
Marijuana Buds for Less: Grow 8 ounces of bud for less than $100. Quick Trading is the publisher Ed Rosenthal’s books, and this book may help fill some voids in the series. Okay, glad I got your attention. We are talking 8 oz’s of bud for $100 here. Listen up!
Is this even possible, I pondered while waiting for the book to arrive. Who could pull this off and how are they going to do it? Well our narrator and spiritual leader through the project is renowned California grower SeeMoreBuds. Hereto referred to as SMB, you may recognize him from his underground cult classic cultivation DVD ‘15 pounds in 80 days’ or one of the 2 follow up DVDs - SeeMoreBuds: growing marijuana volume 2 (2006) and SeemoreBuds: The Perfect Garden (coming 200
. SMB has also produced over 15 TV shows, and has worked as a sportscaster on ESPN, although under a different name. You might be able to catch up with some of his posts over at
The book is 8”x8” and is 80 pages. It’s perfect bound with a hinged cover. It’s got 4 color pictures on every page and it would look good on anyone’s coffee table or library shelf. It would make a fine gift for that friend that wants to grow and retails at $16.95. It’s available from online or book stores everywhere at the end of October 2007.
So this will probably appeal to the California medical marijuana patient who just got their recommendation from their doctor. They are unsure of their growing skills, and don’t want to invest a bunch on something that might flop. Or perhaps they are broke, MMJ patients are often sick and poor. Or maybe they are just smart and realize this is a good deal even at twice the price. It would equally appeal to clandestine pot heads in any part of the world who are looking to get away from the black market and appreciate low cost dank bud. Cash croppers might want to remember this one and recommend to friends without the facility to ‘go big’.
As Easy as Screwing in a light bulb….
You open this book and information just pours out. The first 10 pages cover the basic construction and supplies. It’s simple, ingenious and works. The heart of the system is CFL (Compact fluorescent Lighting) . You begin by making light rigs that hold 3 bulbs. This design then morphs into 6 bulbs, very easily, as the need arrives. These energy saving fluorescent bulbs are cheap and available everywhere. No specialized lighting is required. No air conditioning required by hot lamps. All you need to do is manage the garden and light rigs well. Keeping the rigs as close to the plant as possible is crucial in reducing stretch during Vega and flower.
New growers need a lot of info. They require hand holding and at times they need to be lead around by the nose. This book delivers on all those levels. So the book develops like a grow does. Within the first pages the grow is set up and you’ve got a good education on plant requirements and how to clone plants and pop beans. The natural flow then goes into the main part of the book which is a daily grow journal. Here you’ll get photos on how you best position your light rig ( top light, side lighting) and a day by day diary you can compare your results to. Each day is on it’s own page. Each day has plant photos, watering notes and grow info. But wait, there’s more! Each day also has a quick quote on drug policy as well as some words of wisdom from diverse sources like Albert Einstein, Plato, Gore Vidal and many, many others.
The life of Mango
The diary revolves around a classy cannabis gal I’ll call Mango. Starting as a baby she grows up in a good environment with a loving family. Time flies and by day 6 she’s leaving the seedling stage headed for vegative growth with her loving father still orchestrating every step. Mango is just a giggly gangly school girl at this point. Then it happens, when other gals are enjoying their sweet sixteenth day Mango is sold into forced flowering. Her full fan leaves and thickening stems pack her skin tight jeans and sweater differently now. All the love, nutrients, ventilation, ph adjustments, water and care were just a cover up. Mango’s father was only interested in her buds, and how big her buds would be. This is all he ever cared about.
Life isn’t easy for Mango at this stage of the book. Her father places the lights so close it nearly burns her leaves. It was so bright when she closed her eyes she still saw the blinding white of the fluorescent sky. Then would come an equal period of total darkness. Not even the smallest sliver of light was allowed in during the ‘dark times’. And the waterings. At first she was allowed to nearly dry up entirely, kept without water for days. Then it would at last come, and she would drink all she could, only to be watered again 45 minutes later until she felt she could take no more. All the while her father was claiming it was to aid her root ‘development’. The worst part was if she grew real good, like she was supposed too, her heartless father would bend her growing head away from the light and he would actually construct a wire brace to hold her in this weakening position. His insane ramblings are explained in detail over this in the diary.
Each day is a new story for Mango, like day 24, when her sexuality was questioned. This part of the book might not be suitable for the younger readers. But the diary captures it all. All the uneasiness, the apprehension, all of Mangos inner feelings is explored. As well as the constant harping and direct supervision of her cruel father. She feels micro managed and ignored, all at the same time. How she makes to all the way to harvest is an amazing story though. It leaves the reader motivated and hopeful.
She would have never made her goal alone. Every diary has a side story and it turns out Mango had 2 half sisters she barely knew. Only known as ‘blue dot 1’ and ‘blue dot 2’ she could have never made her father’s goal or 8 ounces without these strangers help.
Mangos life is an inspiring story that had to be told. Normally I don’t give out spoilers in my book reviews, but I’ll tell you this much. Mango’s main kola weighed a decent 15 grams. When added to the contribution of her half sisters it equals success. Mango amounted to something, and even her joyless father had a gleam in his eye on harvest day. It’s a touching story that can be enjoyed for generations.
I really enjoyed the book. I might have smoked too much blue dot while writing the middle part of the review and went off on some strange tangent but no apologies offered. The drug war facts and spiritual meanderings will keep your mind and spirit amused since watching pot grow is a kin to watching paint dry. This book will appeal to smart people who are broke that love weed. The haters will include the DEA, John Walters, and all the soldiers in the war on drugs. I hope you’re a lover and love this book as much as I did. Its heart is pure and it really will help people out.
How to grow marijuana - See More Buds - video DVD reviews
A Book Review:
October 12, 2007

Marijuana Buds for Less: Grow 8 ounces of bud for less than $100. Quick Trading is the publisher Ed Rosenthal’s books, and this book may help fill some voids in the series. Okay, glad I got your attention. We are talking 8 oz’s of bud for $100 here. Listen up!
Is this even possible, I pondered while waiting for the book to arrive. Who could pull this off and how are they going to do it? Well our narrator and spiritual leader through the project is renowned California grower SeeMoreBuds. Hereto referred to as SMB, you may recognize him from his underground cult classic cultivation DVD ‘15 pounds in 80 days’ or one of the 2 follow up DVDs - SeeMoreBuds: growing marijuana volume 2 (2006) and SeemoreBuds: The Perfect Garden (coming 200

The book is 8”x8” and is 80 pages. It’s perfect bound with a hinged cover. It’s got 4 color pictures on every page and it would look good on anyone’s coffee table or library shelf. It would make a fine gift for that friend that wants to grow and retails at $16.95. It’s available from online or book stores everywhere at the end of October 2007.
So this will probably appeal to the California medical marijuana patient who just got their recommendation from their doctor. They are unsure of their growing skills, and don’t want to invest a bunch on something that might flop. Or perhaps they are broke, MMJ patients are often sick and poor. Or maybe they are just smart and realize this is a good deal even at twice the price. It would equally appeal to clandestine pot heads in any part of the world who are looking to get away from the black market and appreciate low cost dank bud. Cash croppers might want to remember this one and recommend to friends without the facility to ‘go big’.
As Easy as Screwing in a light bulb….
You open this book and information just pours out. The first 10 pages cover the basic construction and supplies. It’s simple, ingenious and works. The heart of the system is CFL (Compact fluorescent Lighting) . You begin by making light rigs that hold 3 bulbs. This design then morphs into 6 bulbs, very easily, as the need arrives. These energy saving fluorescent bulbs are cheap and available everywhere. No specialized lighting is required. No air conditioning required by hot lamps. All you need to do is manage the garden and light rigs well. Keeping the rigs as close to the plant as possible is crucial in reducing stretch during Vega and flower.
New growers need a lot of info. They require hand holding and at times they need to be lead around by the nose. This book delivers on all those levels. So the book develops like a grow does. Within the first pages the grow is set up and you’ve got a good education on plant requirements and how to clone plants and pop beans. The natural flow then goes into the main part of the book which is a daily grow journal. Here you’ll get photos on how you best position your light rig ( top light, side lighting) and a day by day diary you can compare your results to. Each day is on it’s own page. Each day has plant photos, watering notes and grow info. But wait, there’s more! Each day also has a quick quote on drug policy as well as some words of wisdom from diverse sources like Albert Einstein, Plato, Gore Vidal and many, many others.
The life of Mango
The diary revolves around a classy cannabis gal I’ll call Mango. Starting as a baby she grows up in a good environment with a loving family. Time flies and by day 6 she’s leaving the seedling stage headed for vegative growth with her loving father still orchestrating every step. Mango is just a giggly gangly school girl at this point. Then it happens, when other gals are enjoying their sweet sixteenth day Mango is sold into forced flowering. Her full fan leaves and thickening stems pack her skin tight jeans and sweater differently now. All the love, nutrients, ventilation, ph adjustments, water and care were just a cover up. Mango’s father was only interested in her buds, and how big her buds would be. This is all he ever cared about.
Life isn’t easy for Mango at this stage of the book. Her father places the lights so close it nearly burns her leaves. It was so bright when she closed her eyes she still saw the blinding white of the fluorescent sky. Then would come an equal period of total darkness. Not even the smallest sliver of light was allowed in during the ‘dark times’. And the waterings. At first she was allowed to nearly dry up entirely, kept without water for days. Then it would at last come, and she would drink all she could, only to be watered again 45 minutes later until she felt she could take no more. All the while her father was claiming it was to aid her root ‘development’. The worst part was if she grew real good, like she was supposed too, her heartless father would bend her growing head away from the light and he would actually construct a wire brace to hold her in this weakening position. His insane ramblings are explained in detail over this in the diary.
Each day is a new story for Mango, like day 24, when her sexuality was questioned. This part of the book might not be suitable for the younger readers. But the diary captures it all. All the uneasiness, the apprehension, all of Mangos inner feelings is explored. As well as the constant harping and direct supervision of her cruel father. She feels micro managed and ignored, all at the same time. How she makes to all the way to harvest is an amazing story though. It leaves the reader motivated and hopeful.
She would have never made her goal alone. Every diary has a side story and it turns out Mango had 2 half sisters she barely knew. Only known as ‘blue dot 1’ and ‘blue dot 2’ she could have never made her father’s goal or 8 ounces without these strangers help.
Mangos life is an inspiring story that had to be told. Normally I don’t give out spoilers in my book reviews, but I’ll tell you this much. Mango’s main kola weighed a decent 15 grams. When added to the contribution of her half sisters it equals success. Mango amounted to something, and even her joyless father had a gleam in his eye on harvest day. It’s a touching story that can be enjoyed for generations.
I really enjoyed the book. I might have smoked too much blue dot while writing the middle part of the review and went off on some strange tangent but no apologies offered. The drug war facts and spiritual meanderings will keep your mind and spirit amused since watching pot grow is a kin to watching paint dry. This book will appeal to smart people who are broke that love weed. The haters will include the DEA, John Walters, and all the soldiers in the war on drugs. I hope you’re a lover and love this book as much as I did. Its heart is pure and it really will help people out.