400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
Holy shyzer thats a huge bud.. Is it fair to assume thats a top bud or is there an even bigger one to come. How much does that way wet?


Well-Known Member
Man that are some nice buds. Looks like my gigabud cola from my last grow that shit was huge even for cfls hahaha. I wanna get me some bluemoonshine so bad now. How are they with nutrients GC?



Well-Known Member
I use a 400w Lumatek digital with a phillips 430w Son Agro. First grow, used a dwc tub. First harvest 9.75oz. Strain was White Widow 2 different pheno's.

I am currently on my second grow. Growing Blue Kush in the same setup and are 4 weeks into 12/12, those pics here:



Well-Known Member
fukin first rate Integra21 .... excellent work .... every time I see those WW I really think they are such a great growing plant .... and you have done them a most commenable job. The kusk are looking like they could be real special too ..... Walk on!!~~



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've smoked the kush before, and I cant wait for this shit. It is a real top of the line, clone only strain, that I can honestly say was the best shit I've ever smoked. Every thing I have smoked of it has been grown in soil, so it will be interesting to see the differences in growing it hydro. And if you've never heard of it, thats normal. Like I said, a very rare and uncommon strain.


Well-Known Member
Or there's this one too, Buy it now price seems reasonable with what it comes with.

Any comments/feedback on this item - http://cgi.ebay.com/Digital-400-watt-HPS-GROW-LIGHT-400w-Sun-Sodium-System_W0QQitemZ390092188571QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item5ad34e6b9b&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Oh wait, I think I found an even BETTER deal :D $119


So a couple questions though.

1. Should I get a MH/HPS conversion bulb? (is that so I can veg and grow without having to buy an additional light setup and just change bulb?)
2. How hot do these get? If you take a peek in my sig you can see my grow setup approx(36"x20"x62") I currently have a bootlegged exhaust setup (duct taped the exhaust hose on a fan (lol) *but it works :] )

3. Compared to CFL's how much better would these be for the plants for a better final end product.
4. Is this supplier legit; has anyone had experience using them before?


Well-Known Member
I'm hopin to get my 400w. This company has some great deals (I'd say :] )

Here's the link if anyone would like : http://www.gyosupplies.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=64
The site and what they carry seems a little on the low quality side. Not saying it wouldnt be good or work great, I'm just iffy when it comes to off brands. For a little bit more(not much) you can get the same setup with name brands. Here's a link to where I got mine, same setup but better(Lumatek Balast, Air Cooled refector, with Plant Maxx bulbs):


Well-Known Member
Ah thanks for the info ( I'm kind of on budget for lighting right now) thats why I was in the market in that price range, but this thing looks cool too! Thanks for the quick reply.