Blue Cheese Bubbleponics *My first time in water


Active Member
THanks man! I know it's been a little while I should be able to get some pics up today....They have about a week left


Active Member
yeah man i'm really excited to finally kill these haha....Today is 2 days short of 11 weeks so i'm about 100% sure they are done lol
and i've had them sitting in darkness since sunday night


Active Member
Sorry for taking so long gentlemen....Here are a few harvest pics! Let me know what you guys think

Total dry weight before curing was just under 6oz and most came from my one big plant


Elite Rolling Society
Thanks man...I'm keeping it the jars for like a month so it should all turn out real nice!
Daily, open those jars for just a few seconds, as long as it takes to take a wiff (smell it). If it does nto smell moldy, then seal it back up. if it smells moldy, empty the jar and air the buds out for an hour, in darkness.

Save a piece of stem from the plant you harvest from, and if a jar gets too dry, add the moist stem, like just an inch ro two, to the jar for half a day to safely re-moisten it..


Active Member
Daily, open those jars for just a few seconds, as long as it takes to take a wiff (smell it). If it does nto smell moldy, then seal it back up. if it smells moldy, empty the jar and air the buds out for an hour, in darkness.

Save a piece of stem from the plant you harvest from, and if a jar gets too dry, add the moist stem, like just an inch ro two, to the jar for half a day to safely re-moisten it..

That's exaclty what i've been doing....They have been in the jars since monday I may add a piece of stem tonight cause they are super dry


Active Member
By the way I figure i should add a little smoke report

Overall i'm happy with this grow but there was alot I learned....I still think I cut these a little too early (11 weeks) when they probably could have gone maybe even another 2....Funny that the breeder pack says 8-9....The stone is very sativa like and it's definitely a creeper...Taste overall is actually very nice now that it cured for a month as well....The buds were also a little airy which I assume came from me chopping slightly early?

Next grow I will be using lucas formula with floranova bloom and hopefully i'll just keep improving


Active Member
I never weighed them wet....Before curing after one week of drying I had around 6oz and then after about a month of curing I think total was just around 150grams....NOt that bad for one plant....The smaller 3 were made into butter


Active Member
Yeah but I wish I had moved it out of the smaller ones way alot earlier....It was just too big

My seeds just got here yesterday for my new grow so i'm gonna start to germ them today...>This time i'm doing single cola dominant plants (rocklock from dna seeds, and white berry) so hopefully they will have enough room to all produce


Well-Known Member
That was a nice grow man.. too bad you didn't update it to the end...
But atleast I know I can keep mine flowering up to week 11.

Hope it smoked well.