and yes if you dont like obama your are a racist
and if you like bush your a racist .. bottom line
This, I have to disagree with. There are people who don't like Obama for the issues or what have you, and who are not Racist, that unjustly validates their claim that people are "playing the race card", whatever the fuck that means. It is easy to spot the racists because they never get past this obsession with differentness, and alienation as to make him out to be some interloper or, God forbid, SATAN!!!! They are concentrated on repeating the euphemised (not so well, but their feeble attempt at it) code words and Unamerican Slander. I disagree with Obama on a few issues, like coddling the Right. I'm a craaaaazy lefty. Obama is just uppity and Kenyan, and illegitimate, and a fascist, and a communist (not realizing these are mutually exclusive paradigms, mind you) or a socialist. Nazi. Baby killer. You know they want to scream out what they really are thinking, but this will pass, just as jim crow and forced segregation has, women's inability to vote has, and eventually the prohibition of marijuana will. You will not stop progress, it's just the nature of these cosmos, and most pertinent, here on planet Earth.