Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member

Get your story pun intended. By a 4 to 3 decision, the California Supreme "Court" overturned the legitimate will of the people. The people were then forced to do it pun intended.
22 didn't take anything away. it just put in words what had previously been unspoken. After a suit was filed, the supreme court overturned 22 as unconstitutional. this case here:

Things were great for a while. Mr. Sulu got married. so did a lot of other gay couples. those marraiges are still valid, as they were recognised by the state at the time they occured.

Then some indignant christian groups formed a coalition and got prop 8 enacted, a decision that the california supreme court subsequently upheld.
the passing of that ammendment took rights (that had been granted just the previous year) away.

My story is straight.


Well-Known Member
22 didn't take anything away. it just put in words what had previously been unspoken. After a suit was filed, the supreme court overturned 22 as unconstitutional. this case here:

Things were great for a while. Mr. Sulu got married. so did a lot of other gay couples. those marraiges are still valid, as they were recognised by the state at the time they occured.

Then some indignant christian groups formed a coalition and got prop 8 enacted, a decision that the california supreme court subsequently upheld.
the passing of that ammendment took rights (that had been granted just the previous year) away.

My story is straight.
So is the California constitution, concerning marriage. Let us not forget that the same indignant majority of assholes that made their voices heard concerning the legal definition of marriage in the state of California also made their voices heard by passing prop 215. When everybody gets everything they want, nobody gets anything they want. Life allows for winners, and losers. Self righteous individuals don't.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Why are these babies crying, are they just learning life isn't fair?

What's wrong with baby? Yeah! They are crying!
Posted by Quality Tale at 9:39 PM

Babies cry. There is no way to avoid it. It can be difficult at first, but you will soon learn to anticipate her needs, and wipe away her tears. Here are the most common reasons babies cry.

If your little one is wailing, work your way down the list and chances are you will find something that helps.

She is hungry:

Once you learn to recognize the signs that your baby wants to cat - she will fuss, make noises, and root around for your breast if you pick her up - you will get pretty good at feeding her before she starts to really cry. Until then, checking to see if she is hungry is a good first step when your baby cries. Food might not stop her crying right away, but let her keep eating if she wants to. She will stop once her stomach is full.

She needs a fresh diaper:

Some babies let you know right away when they need to be changed. Others do not mind when their diapers are soiled - it's warm and comfortable to them. (Parents are often surprised when they pick up their infant and find she's been sitting in a dirty diaper and never made a sound.) Either way, this one is easy to check and simple to remedy.

She is too cold or hot:

Newborns like to be bundled up and kept warm. (As a rule, they need to be wearing one more layer than you need to be comfortable.) So when your baby feels cold, like when you remove her clothes to change her, she will express her discomfort by crying. You will learn how to quickly change a diaper and wrap your baby back up. Be careful that you do not overdress her, since she is less likely to complain about being too warm than about being too cold and won't cry about it as vigorously.

She wants to be held:

Babies need a lot of cuddling. They like to see their parents' faces, hear their voices, and listen to their heartbeats, and can even detect their unique smell (especially Mom's milk). After being fed, burped, and changed, many babies simply want to be held. You may wonder if you will "spoil" your child by holding her so much, but during the first few months of life that is not possible.

Infants vary a lot in how much they want to be held. Some demand a lot of attention, while others can spend long periods of time sitting calmly by themselves. If your baby likes the attention, pick her up, wear her in a front carrier or sling, or place her next to you.

She can not take it anymore:

While newborns often thrive on attention, they can easily become overstimulated and have a meltdown. You may find that your baby cries longer than usual after spending a holiday with many adoring family members or has periods at the end of each day when she seems to cry for no reason.

Newborns have difficulty processing all the stimulation they receive - the lights, the noise, being passed from hand to hand - and can become overwhelmed by too much activity. Crying is their way of saying, "I have had enough." This usually happens when your baby is tired. Take her somewhere calm and quiet and let her vent for a while, and then see if you can get her to sleep.

She does not feel good:

If you have just fed your baby and checked that she's comfortable (she can be troubled by something as subtle as a hair wrapped around her toe or a clothing tag that's poking her), but she is still crying, consider checking her temperature to make sure she is not ill. The cry of a sick baby tends to be distinct from the hunger or frustration cry, and you will soon learn when your baby's cries "just don't sound right" and she needs to be taken to the doctor.

None of the above:

Sometimes you might not be able to figure out what is wrong. Many newborns develop periods of fussiness when they are not easily soothed. These fussy periods can range from a few minutes of crying to full-blown colic. Colic is defined as inconsolable crying for at least three hours a day and at least three days a week.

Even if your baby is not crying this much, these episodes may be difficult for you.


So is the California constitution, concerning marriage. Let us not forget that the same indignant majority of assholes that made their voices heard concerning the legal definition of marriage in the state of California also made their voices heard by passing prop 215. When everybody gets everything they want, nobody gets anything they want. Life allows for winners, and losers. Self righteous individuals don't.

So, what if the majority of people thought left handed people should not be allowed to get married? What do they make up, like 5% of the population? How would that be any different?

@ CG - Posting that bullshit that you just did just shows how your so self righteous. As if demanding EQUAL rights is somehow "crying". I wonder if Jesus would approve of your treatment of other individuals as subhuman. Sure does make me proud!


Well-Known Member
So, what if the majority of people thought left handed people should not be allowed to get married? What do they make up, like 5% of the population? How would that be any different?
I guess I missed that referendum...what state was that in? :roll:


I guess I missed that referendum...what state was that in? :roll:

So, what if the majority of people thought left handed people should not be allowed to get married? What do they make up, like 5% of the population? How would that be any different?


Well-Known Member
So, what if the majority of people thought left handed people should not be allowed to get married? What do they make up, like 5% of the population? How would that be any different?
So, what if the minority of people thought left handed people should be allowed to engage in polygamy? What do they make up, like 5% of the population? How would that be any different?


Well-Known Member
A funny joke my pops would tell when we were out drinking...pretty sure it isn't a true story; pretty sure.:-(

When I was young, me and my friends would always hang out at the bar looking for action. I took all kinds of woman home from the bar; even banged some in the car outside. My friends would never say, "That Dave, he's such a stud...", or, "Hey, it's Dave, the gigolo..."

Then I go and suck ONE dick in the bathroom, and from then on it was always, "Hey, it's Dave, the dick sucker..." :-P


Well-Known Member
so i take it you'd try writing with your left hand before you'd suck a dick? :)
Nah, forget the writing before, my penmanship blows, and I wouldn't know what to write anyhow; I'd just go straight to sucking the dick, in that case.