For the Progressives in the forum ...


New Member
I'm curious ... If every one of your ideas regarding politics and overall government intrusion into our lives could come to fruition, what would the country look like? How would we be living environmentally, politically and economically?

1. Environment. How would we be living? What would our living space look like? What jobs would we be doing. What would our manufacturing base look like? What would we be using for energy? What would we be driving?

2. Politically. What would our tax base be? How much influence would the federal government have over our lives? Would we still be a constitutional republic?

3. Economically. What would the corporate tax rates be? Would American corporations be competitive with foreign corporations? What would happen to our unemployment rate? Would we experience shortages? Would you institute price controls to control consumption? Would we still have free markets?

Thanks in advance for answering. I'm looking forward to your answers.


Active Member
I'm curious ... If every one of your ideas regarding politics and overall government intrusion into our lives
i stopped reading right there. quite a trollish and blatantly hypocritical topic, you think?

oh don't worry. you own this forum. YOU ROCK!


Well-Known Member
i stopped reading right there. quite a trollish and blatantly hypocritical topic, you think?

oh don't worry. you own this forum. YOU ROCK!
"i must not fear. fear is the mind-killer. fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the fear has gone there will be nothing. only i will remain."

Or not...:roll:


New Member
i stopped reading right there. quite a trollish and blatantly hypocritical topic, you think?

oh don't worry. you own this forum. YOU ROCK!
I own the forum? Not quite ... not even close as a matter of fact.

What I'm curious about is how you see the country after the Progressives are finished putting all of their pet projects in place.

So far, when ever I've asked that question to every liberal I know outside of this forum, all I get is a blank stare, as if they really had never thought about where they will ultimately lead the country.

Now instead of being a smart-ass, try answering the question if you are insightful enough ... or brave enough.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious ... If every one of your ideas regarding politics and overall government intrusion into our lives could come to fruition, what would the country look like? How would we be living environmentally, politically and economically?

1. Environment. How would we be living? What would our living space look like? What jobs would we be doing. What would our manufacturing base look like? What would we be using for energy? What would we be driving?

2. Politically. What would our tax base be? How much influence would the federal government have over our lives? Would we still be a constitutional republic?

3. Economically. What would the corporate tax rates be? Would American corporations be competitive with foreign corporations? What would happen to our unemployment rate? Would we experience shortages? Would you institute price controls to control consumption? Would we still have free markets?

Thanks in advance for answering. I'm looking forward to your answers.
Good line of questions. I doubt this will be answered with anything resembling an intelligent answer because they don't think that far ahead. I do however expect a number of ad-hominem attacks and hyperbolic retorts about how evil the Right is.

Liberalism isn't about solving problems or policies that work, its about saying things that will make people like you.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the "blank stares" have everything to do with your liberal "friends" intelligence, and nothing whatsoever to do with the loaded questions you've thrown at them. :-?

Basically, take everything that "conservatives" hold dear (death of the middle class, tearing apart the constitution, tax breaks for the rich and big business, etc) and reverse it.

Pretty simple.

I don't understand how you've taken a political ideology and somehow equated it to radical changes in the way we live.

There are liberals in the White House now, and we aren't living in treehouses, are we?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the "blank stares" have everything to do with your liberal "friends" intelligence, and nothing whatsoever to do with the loaded questions you've thrown at them. :-?

Basically, take everything that "conservatives" hold dear (death of the middle class, tearing apart the constitution, tax breaks for the rich and big business, etc) and reverse it.

Pretty simple.

I don't understand how you've taken a political ideology and somehow equated it to radical changes in the way we live.

There are liberals in the White House now, and we aren't living in treehouses, are we?

LOL! As soon as I post he provides a perfect example of what I said - hanks man.

BTW, how the fuck do you reason that the Right destroys the constitution? Do you follow politics at all? The Right is defined by adherence to the Constitution, the Left wants to change it. This is politics 101. And the OP's questions are quite fair - try answering them.


New Member
I'm sure the "blank stares" have everything to do with your liberal "friends" intelligence, and nothing whatsoever to do with the loaded questions you've thrown at them. :-?

Basically, take everything that "conservatives" hold dear (death of the middle class, tearing apart the constitution, tax breaks for the rich and big business, etc) and reverse it.

Pretty simple.

I don't understand how you've taken a political ideology and somehow equated it to radical changes in the way we live.

There are liberals in the White House now, and we aren't living in treehouses, are we?
Well thanks for the response, but you haven't answered the question. Again ... if all of the liberal agenda were put into place, what would the country look like?

In your answer, consider what kind of transportation would we be using, what kind of housing would we be living in, what would our food restrictions be, what would our business climate be and what would our tax burden be?

"Basically, take everything that "conservatives" hold dear (death of the middle class, tearing apart the constitution, tax breaks for the rich and big business, etc) and reverse it."

Quite honestly, I think your vision of conservatives is WAY off of the mark. Death of the middle class? HaHa ... reduce the corporate tax rate to that of Ireland (18%), abolish the tax on income, thereby eliminating the capital gains tax, the death tax and the withholding tax and watch the middle class blossom and boom like never before. Conservative, no?

Holding the feet of the federal government to the chains of the constitution is hardly tearing the constitution up, now is it? Conservative, no?

Tax breaks for the rich and corporations? Eliminating taxes creates investment and job creation.

Now again ... try to answer the original question: implement your progressive ideas and where are we as a nation? What will our living standards be? Will we still be able to express ourselves as we please on the Internet?


New Member
LOL! As soon as I post he provides a perfect example of what I said - hanks man.

BTW, how the fuck do you reason that the Right destroys the constitution? Do you follow politics at all? The Right is defined by adherence to the Constitution, the Left wants to change it. This is politics 101. And the OP's questions are quite fair - try answering them.
Honestly, Rick ... I've been trying to get progressives to answer these questions for a couple of months now and they just won't answer. I believe that they CAN'T answer because they have no actual vision of the end result of what they propose. This is why when they do get a particular program passed such as MediCare or Social Security, the costs FAR exceed the original estimates, and why they grow to expediential proportions. This is why the country is broke.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the response, but you haven't answered the question. Again ... if all of the liberal agenda were put into place, what would the country look like?

In your answer, consider what kind of transportation would we be using, what kind of housing would we be living in, what would our food restrictions be, what would our business climate be and what would our tax burden be?

"Basically, take everything that "conservatives" hold dear (death of the middle class, tearing apart the constitution, tax breaks for the rich and big business, etc) and reverse it."

Quite honestly, I think your vision of conservatives is WAY off of the mark. Death of the middle class? HaHa ... reduce the corporate tax rate to that of Ireland (18%), abolish the tax on income, thereby eliminating the capital gains tax, the death tax and the withholding tax and watch the middle class blossom and boom like never before. Conservative, no?

Holding the feet of the federal government to the chains of the constitution is hardly tearing the constitution up, now is it? Conservative, no?

Tax breaks for the rich and corporations? Eliminating taxes creates investment and job creation.

Now again ... try to answer the original question: implement your progressive ideas and where are we as a nation? What will our living standards be? Will we still be able to express ourselves as we please on the Internet?

The "chains" of the constitution? You do realize the constitution is NOT a static document, right? it changes.. you know that, right?

Liberal and Progressive are NOT interchangeable terms. You clearly have no concept of either, and to try and explain them to you would certainly prove to be a waste of time.


Active Member
LOL! As soon as I post he provides a perfect example of what I said - hanks man.

BTW, how the fuck do you reason that the Right destroys the constitution? Do you follow politics at all? The Right is defined by adherence to the Constitution, the Left wants to change it. This is politics 101. And the OP's questions are quite fair - try answering them.
Patriot Act, Torture, Abortion, Gay Marriage.. It's not unconstitutional as long as your party does it right?


Well-Known Member
Patriot Act, Torture, Abortion, Gay Marriage.. It's not unconstitutional as long as your party does it right?

No kidding. Great examples, MexcanWarlord. I just assumed examples weren't really needed, if you've been alive and not in a coma or wearing earplugs and blinders for the past 8 years you should just know.


New Member
The "chains" of the constitution? You do realize the constitution is NOT a static document, right? it changes.. you know that, right?

Liberal and Progressive are NOT interchangeable terms. You clearly have no concept of either, and to try and explain them to you would certainly prove to be a waste of time.
1. The Constitution is a static document. It's the Progressives that consider it to be a "living" document and subject to change by the courts without amendments, and that is exactly why it is, in your words, being "torn apart."

2. The term "liberal" originally referred to liberals in the Jeffersonian sense. Today, they would be known as Libertarians. The Progressives commandeered the term "liberal" around 1890-1920 in an attempt to disguise their true Marxist agenda. As time went on, the term "liberal" acquired a negative sheen, so the Neo-Liberals changed the term to 'Progressive." This was around the Woodrow Wilson administration ... you know, the Progressive that gave us WWI, "the war to end all wars?" Oh, and he gave us the Federal Reserve Act and the progressive income tax as well ... all part of the Communist Manifesto.

That about covers it, unless you think I've missed something.

Now again ... try answering the original question that started this post ... if you can. Thanks ...