Hiding my stash in plain sight

yeah, I just make brownies or cookies. I also vacuum pack my weed on flights and stick it in giant bottles of shampoo. Just a few grams but enough for the trips.

Never been caught once on international or national flights.
This method is a great way to smuggle weed on an airplane...

So, bag, what contains your weed, has many, many tiny spores.those spores, when weed has been in there for lets say 2 hours, or 3 starts to reek.Smell gets trough the micro spores..
So, what u do is this-You drive to the airport...The go out, in a secluded or wherever where u can do your shit.SO, put on some newly packed rubber cloves, then take newly buyed 2 zip bags...take your stash, put it in with cloves on, to your new zip bag-close it, then put that bag into another zip bag, and VOILA..put it in your trousers, and your ready to go....Just make sure that you got extra zip bags when u go to the plane(cas it will be longer then 2-3 hours) and when the plain starts to reach the destination, then to the same in the bathroom......

Trust me, it will work......

Grow space


i saw a video on this the guy was an ex cop :o kool stuff..
Didn't read all the replies to this post, my appologies if someone covered this allready..

I live in Missouri and regularly fly down to Florida to spend a week or two with my grandpa.. Every time, i've taken MJ and everytime i've made it through just fine.. You've got a lot of different options, depending on which you prefer.. I've tried 3 different options, and it's worked everytime.. Keep in mind, this is only for flights from inside the United States to another location in the United States.. No experience w/ international flights or customs, hear it's risky 'n not worth the risk..

1) If you're a cigarette smoker... Buy a carton of cigarettes for your plane trip.. Roll up some doobies and fill up an empty cigarette pack... Make sure the pack doesn't bulge and it looks just like a regular, sealed pack of cigarettes, other than it not having the actual seal.. Take out one pack of cigs from the carton and replace it with the pack of doobies.. Depending on how much you're taking, you can put the doobs in a baggie, and wrap the baggie in paper towels.. Stuff them in the cigarette pack, but as I said, make sure the pack isn't bulging to avoid them searching.. With this route, you actually have 2 different options.. I've put the carton of cigarettes in the bag i checked in that didn't go inside the plane with me... and i've put the carton of smokes in my carry-on.. Went through X-Ray and I saw the carton of smokes on the machine, but they didn't check it out..

2) This may sound crazy or not, but it actually worked for me.. When I go down to my grandpa's house, i know i'm going to have some moments of complete bordem and want something to entertain myself.. Everytime i've gone down to his house in Florida, i've taken my Nintendo Wii... I still have the box and all the plastic to wrap up the accessories as if it was never opened.. I've stashed a half ounce in the wii box, put all the other accessories in it, and boxed it up... I actually did this twice when traveling and put it in my carry on case to avoid some luggage boy breaking it.. This could be used with other electronics or maybe even something else w/ the same concept.. With the Nintendo Wii box, the last time I traveled, they took it out of the Carry-on bag and sent it through the X-RAY machine in one of the gray tubs by itself... But it passed through just fine.. Somewhat risky, depending on the people working at that airport.. Just make sure yout don't look suspicious and if they decide to inspect, make sure you act cool and as innocent as possible...

3) The last time I flew down to Florida, for some reason, I got a bad feeling about the previous two ways of getting it on the plane.. I don't really know why, but I had a bad feeling, and decided to come up with another way.. I decided I was going to roll up what I was going to smoke (15 doobs or so), roll them up in a baggie as mentioned in the first example... Then put them in another baggie... An another baggie, but with this one put a decent ammount of pepper in it... Make sure the ganja is in one bag and then inside another bag before putting it in the bag w/ pepper to avoid some sort of contamination... Stick it down in your pants.. For guy, wear boxer briefs.. For gals, not sure what to suggest, but i'm sure ya' can come up w/ something...

I've seen police officers walking w/ dogs inside the airport, and they actually walked right by me when I had the my stuff stashed like option #3 and the dog just kept walking by... I know most the dogs inside the airport, if not all of them are there just to stiff for bombs... But you never know...

It's always a risk traveling w/ marijuana... I normally just fly down w/ the stuff, smoke it, and if there is anything left I pitch it so I don't have to carry the stuff back on the plane on the way back home.. Especially considering most of what is left over is probably roaches and their smell is a lot more potent than the doobs wrapped in a couple baggies and in paper towels..

Anyways, I just got some good high end stuff from a buddy of mine.. Sorry for the rambling, but i got a nice body/mind high going on right now...

This may not be worth anything, put i'm still postin'.... :-)
lol goodstuff TheDifferenceX

I know of a somewhat risky and far-fetched way.. wearing a collared dress shirt, a buddy of mine went to Mexico coming from Canada and got away with about a half Quarter in just one ziploc bag IN HIS BREAST SHIRT POCKET! lol he didnt realise 'till a couple hours after he arrived... then Got SuperSuperHigh ..I would assume. Butt I wouldnt recommend this way though. lol for obvious reasons

I like the bathroom products idea's... maybe even hollowing out a little bit of a deoderent stick and put a 1/2 Q in thurrr ..orr somethingggg
I think you are only allowed travel sized items not full sized
I could be wrong though
thank you all for the good posts. Most of the advice i've been getting is for domestic flights. I'll be going international and passing through either Japan, Hong kong, korea, or taiwan to get to Manila - no direct flights from usa to philippines that i could find. that is way too many customs stops to have to worry about. i am going to go with grinding up the weed and putting it in empty gel caps. i can get a huge bottle of excederin PM, swap them all out, leave a layer of real aspirin pills on top, then put it in my checked bag.
No matter how i look at it, it is at least a 26 hour flight from florida, with no way to retoke -- except maybe LA if i fly out of there instead of Atlanta.. so keeping a stock of doobs might be problematical. I do want to score herb in Manila, but the cops use a great buy/ bust scam on tourists, then b4 you go to jail the cop hits you up for a 100 dollar bribe to let you off the hook. it never happened to me, but i have talked to many tourists who got bit by this scam.
They grow some great couchlock indica in the philippines and i'd love to get some seeds back here, i'll just have to see what happens. at least if i use the excederin bottle route, i can get 3-4 good size doobs over there. I have to be kinda cool, as my girlfriend will not look kindly at me wandering around metro manila, trying to score herb. I'll be staying at a good hotel in Makati and will probably ask around the bellboy staff to see if they can score for me. weed is very cheap over there. i can get really great indica , an ounce is way under a hundred bucks.
If anyone has any tips on how to score weed over there, let me know. thanks again for all the great ideas. peace out:eyesmoke:
Hmmm... I've heard rumors of a method a while back from some good vetern friends of mine... that if you take your herb and put it in a baggie and roll it up, then stick the baggie in a condom, and find a place to stash that... I heard that there's something in the Latex that the dogs can't sniff through. *shrugs* bongsmilie

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
vaccum that shit and put it in a shampoo bottle and leave it in ur case with all ur other toiletries, y ANYONE would want to try and get through customs with weed on them when it is as simple and explained above is beyond me!
Hmmm... I've heard rumors of a method a while back from some good vetern friends of mine... that if you take your herb and put it in a baggie and roll it up, then stick the baggie in a condom, and find a place to stash that... I heard that there's something in the Latex that the dogs can't sniff through. *shrugs* bongsmilie

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

There is nothing a dog cannot smell through.... let's be very clear about that. You could put weed in a air tight container in gasoline and that dog would nail you.

If the OP meets a drug dog at any of those connections, the OP is cooked.... period.

The places the OP is flying to are VERY serious about terrorism.... as opposed to the USA, which doesn't seem to learn that lesson.
There is nothing a dog cannot smell through.... let's be very clear about that. You could put weed in a air tight container in gasoline and that dog would nail you.

If the OP meets a drug dog at any of those connections, the OP is cooked.... period.
Agreed. OP... don't take anything with you.. it's not worth it. Just try to find some there

The places the OP is flying to are VERY serious about terrorism.... as opposed to the USA, which doesn't seem to learn that lesson.
disagree :cuss:

RUN and HIDE... AL QAEDA is after YOU :lol:
Yes, but I mean that other nations have even tighter security than we do. Once you book an overseas flight, especially to manila (which is fighting the terrorism with ferocity), you have entered into a high security flight. The inspections become greater and more detailed.